Wednesday, July 26, 2006

More showbiz news!

FOLLOWING on from the post celebrating Zac & Kate's marriage, Reporting From The Fox Tower brings news of more recent celebrity nuptuals!
Saturday 15 July 2006 set the date for the marriage of Canadian couple Deryck Whibley and Avril Lavigne, who are both successful musicians on the rock scene, Whibley is a guitarist with the band Sum 41, whilst Lavigne is a successful solo artist (backed by a band) who has had hits in the singles and album charts for over three years now.
The same date saw the celebration of the marriage of, as the tabloid newspapers called them, 'Ash & Chezza' - Ashley Cole and Cheryl Tweedy. Cole plays football for England, and Arsenal / Chelsea / Arsenal / Chelsea, or whoever, until he makes his mind up. Tweedy is a singer (I think) with the reality TV show created 'vocal group' Girls Aloud, who have been successful in the charts for a while now. Tweedy is also famous for being a Geordie and fighting in pubs. Nice.
More recently, one of 'Ant' and 'Dec' got married too, I guess you may have seen the pictures in the good old tabloid news outlets.

Well I guess that is all for now, oh, hang on, almost forgot -

Phew! Nearly missed that one out. That's better, that will do for now.
As Nick Ross says, "Sleep well, don't have nightmares" . . .

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Brough Pram Race, Friday 21 July 2006

SATURDAY'S post of a photograph of a man in a dress is the first of a selection taken at the Brough Pram Race, Main Street, Friday 21 July 2006.
The photograph above is the '118' team, Claire (seated) & Holly (doing the running), who were 'would be' winners, had they not cut short the course to return early, crossing the line first, only to find they had been disqualified.
Saturday's picture features Steve on the right (in the dress), who was half of the 'Sheila's Wheels' team, who were third in the race. So what is the Pram Race? First of all, the 'pram' is a child's pram, wheelbarrow, shopping trolley, wheelchair, cart, etc in which one person sits and the other pushes. A course is set on Brough Main Street which includes drinking stops, where the teams drink half a pint of lager before continuing on the course. May I point out this is an annual event, so you have plenty of time to prepare for the next Pram Race in 2007. More pictures of this year's event soon. Be afraid, be very afraid... ;D

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Hello again

I HAVE been rather lazy regarding this page quite recently, so I'm popping by to say Hello and that I will write an article of interest soon... and that's about it for now! I don't think I need tell you how the football or the tennis went this summer, or how the cricket is going at present.

Until then, I shall leave you with a picture relating to my previous post regarding Wimbledon 2006, showing Miss Sharapova at her best, I think.

Until the next time, take care and be good!