Sunday, May 26, 2019

My DX Archive: Spring 2000

REPORTING From The Fox Tower takes you to the Springtime of the year 2000, for broadcasts heard on the Short Wave radio band. If March-April-May 2000 does bring back memories for you, then you might remember the music of the time - Click here for the Top 100 singles chart at the time these first broadcasts were heard.
For the following broadcast logs, housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.
The previous post, My DX Archive: Winter 1999-2000, can be read here.

March 2000: Short Wave

  • 17 March [2000]: 2350 UTC: 3918 kHz (76m): Radio Borderhunter Good reception. Male operator, Russian song, dance music (Pirate).
  • 18 March: 1851 UTC: 7380 kHz: Voice of Russia Good reception. French to Europe, female broadcaster, Classical music. Letters. Website contact details. ID, frequency announcement, ID, signature tune. Male broadcaster at 1900 UTC, news: Taipei elections.
  • 18 March: 1916 UTC: 7475 kHz: Voice of Greece Strong to good reception. Conclusion of an English broadcast, female broadcaster, music: ABBA 'Money, Money, Money'.
  • 18 March: 1925 UTC: 7535 kHz: Radio Bulgaria Strong to good reception. German to Europe. German geography.
  • 18 March: 1955 UTC: 9022 kHz: Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran Good to fair reception. English to Europe. Female operator gives details of an Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, the Islamic revolution and comments from the Late Ayatollah. 'Press Review' (male and female operators): Taliban may leave two towns in Afghanistan. World headlines: France. 'Afghan Crisis' (female operator).
Example of a QSL verification card received from Tehran, Iran.
  • 18 March: 2032 UTC: 9410 kHz: BBC World Service Strong to fair reception. English via Skelton, Cumbria, England to Europe, Middle East and Eurasia. 'Newshour' President Clinton to visit India, refugees in the UK. Asylum seekers.
  • 18 March: 2045 UTC: 9500 kHz: Radio Australia Strong to fair reception. English to Pacific Asia. News: Taiwan election results, Ugandan Church fire, President Clinton to visit India. Bomb explosion. Commonwealth Special Envoy to Solomon Islands makes statement. Stand-off between USA, EU & developing nations. Paracetamol report. Queen visits Canberra.
  • 18 March: 2122 UTC: 9535 kHz: China Radio International Strong to good reception. 'Report from Developing Countries' male host: Girl trafficking to end in Nepal. Exhibition of art by children in Sofia, Bulgaria (Report from UN Radio). 'Trans Art'. 'China Scrapbook' Yellow River (female operator). Website address. 'Music From China' (female operator) Music for Spring.
  • 18 March: 2208 UTC: 9595 kHz: Voice of America Good to fair reception. 'Communications World' // 9770 kHz via Udorn Thani, Thailand. English to Asia & Australasia 'VOA News Now' Schedule A: News: Taiwan elections, Balkan war crimes.
  • 18 March: 2238 UTC: 9990 kHz: Radio Cairo Good reception. English to Europe. Female presents 'Egyptology' (excavations). Male host previews tomorrow's programmes, sign off 2244 UTC.
  • 18 March: 2320 UTC: 10000 kHz: WWV Boulder Colorado USA Time Signal Station, reception good.
Radio Japan broadcast guide, March-October 2000.
  • 19 March: 0022 UTC: 11705 kHz: Radio Japan Strong to good reception. English to Europe, Africa, America via Sackville, Canada. 'Asia Weekly' featuring Manilla and the Philippines. Music break. Australian theatre play visiting Japan.
  • 19 March: 0057 UTC: 11800 kHz: RAI International Italy. Good reception. Newscast in English to USA. Car taxes, peace keeping, military criminal code. Italian and Portuguese heads of State meet footballers, dancers. World Trade Organisation. Pilgrims. Pope John Paul II visits the Holyland.
  • 19 March: 0118 UTC: 11900 kHz: WWBS Macon Georgia USA. Good to fair reception. English to Europe. Female reads scriptures to audience.
  • 19 March: 0132 UTC: 12095 kHz: BBC World Service Strong to good reception. English to USA via Ascension Island. 'Music Review'.
April 2000: Short Wave
  • 21 April: 2030 UTC: 7325 kHz: Wales Radio International Good to fair reception. 'Celtic Notes' Jenny O'Brien. Fish marketing. 'Bluestone' trip from Wales to Stonehenge, Bluestone website. Wales Tourist Board contest. 'Celtic Notes' is broadcast via Skelton, Cumbria, England. Male Voice Choir interview.
  • 28 April: 2040 UTC: 7325 kHz: Wales Radio International Good reception. 'Celtic Notes' Jenny O'Brien. Wales Tourist Board competition. Llanelli Leisure Park: regeneration of a dock to a water sports / marine lake. Music. American writers visit Wales as part of a heritage visit (Welsh Ancestry in Bala). Music: 'Men of Harlech'.
May 2000: Short Wave

Radio Prague QSL verification card, 1 May 2000.
  • 1 May: 1301 UTC: 13580 kHz: Radio Prague Strong to good reception. Peter Smith 'One On One' interview with a musician (Organist). News: Female host, May Day holiday in Czech Republic. Music. Female with ID. Music.
  • 1 May: 1336 UTC: 13675 kHz: United Arab Emirates Radio Good reception. English: Vatican mass blessing by Pope, London protests, Middle East, Israel, Sri Lanka army land capture. Sport: Golf. Weather. Dubai ID. 'The role of Proverbs in the Arab World' Male and female narrations. English closed at 1343 UTC, handover to the Arabic service.
  • 1 May: 1400 UTC: 13730 kHz: Radio Austria International Strong to good reception. German to Europe. ID signature tune. News: Jorg Haider. Democrat party. Sport: Spanish Open. Golf. Tennis. Station ID. Wildlife (bird) noises. Reports.
  • 1 May: 1430 UTC: 14740 kHz: KOL Israel Radio International English from Jerusalem. Mother and 13 year old daughter talk of David Irving's view of the Holocaust. Male reporter: Trading report. Weather report from Jerusalem.
  • 1 May: 1443 UTC: 15000 kHz: WWV Boulder Colorado USA. Fair reception. Time Signal Station.
  • 1 May: 1447 UTC: 15575 kHz: BBC World Service Good to fair reception. 'Sports Roundup' Football, Cricket.
WWCR QSL verification card, 1 May 2000.
  • 1 May: 1455 UTC: 15685 kHz: WWCR Nashville TN USA. Strong to good reception. 'Grace Hour' 11797 Baltimore 21206 Maryland USA. USA Radio News: Construction rises. Microsoft stock rises. Ads. Weather: Severe weather in Oklahoma. Park View Hospital. Elian Gonzalez. Ad. President of Syria suffers a stroke. Middle East meeting. 'Pro Life Perspective'
  • 1 May: 1539 UTC: 15745 kHz: WEWN Birmingham AL USA. Strong to good reception. Male host interviews writer of a new book. Female students speak of their faith on 'Right Here, Right Now'. The Daily Mass (Live) on air next. Music. Father Stan Fortuna. Music 'As I Kneel Before You'. OM ID. 1600 UTC: The Daily Mass (Live). Male preacher.
  • 1 May: 1654 UTC: 17605 kHz: Radio France International Good to fair reception. English. Music. 1700 UTC: Time Signal, ID, male host, news: Nigeria, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Burundi. May Day Rally in Zimbabwe. Sierra Leone hunger strike. Jacques Chirac on tour. Israeli Jews in court. Philippine hostages. Central Paris May Day celebrations, demonstrations. Sport.
  • 1 May: 1742 UTC: 17735 kHz: Radio Romania International Strong to good reception. 'Pages of Romanian Literature': 'On Biblical Land'. Music. Female host. Literature programme. Books by the author.
  • 1 May: 1810 UTC: 17830 kHz: BBC World Service Strong to good reception. English to West and Central Africa via Ascension Island. 'Focus On Africa' Sierra Leone, May Day celebrations and demonstrations in Germany, Moscow, Cuba.
  • 1 May: 1824 UTC: 17895 kHz: Voice of America Good to fair reception. English to Africa 'Africa World Tonight' Demonstrations in Zimbabwe, trial of the bombers of Pan Am 103. Report on terrorism. Journalist on hunger strike. Trailer: 'Daybreak Africa'. 1830 UTC: Sport: Boxing, Lennox Lewis, on the phone to Angelo Dundee. Olympic Football (Sydney, Australia): USA 1 - Honduras 2.
WYFR Family Radio QSL verification card, 1 May 2000.
  • 1 May: 1902 UTC: 18070 kHz: WYFR Family Radio Strong to fair reception. 'Songs In The Night' Male host, music.
  • 1 May: 1922 UTC: 18910 kHz: Shortwave Broadcasts Strong to good reception. Shortwave Broadcasts, PO Box 1524, BOSTON MA 02117-1524 USA. English Sentinel / Bible Lesson to South Africa via WSHB 'Radio Sentinel' Ladies in conversation, hymn, Ross Gurbur. Margaret Rogers and Bill Moody 'Bible Lesson': 'Adam and Falling Man'. Section one: Genesis, Jehovah.
  • 1 May: 1959 UTC: 18980 kHz: Family Radio Strong to good reception. 'Family Bible Reading Fellowship' Female host, ID, Minister talks of memories of travelling on a lake and jungle rivers. [See the WYFR Family Radio QSL, above, verifying reception of this broadcast.]
  • 5 May: 2043 UTC: 7325 kHz: Wales Radio International Strong to fair reception. 'Celtic Notes' Jenny O'Brien interviews an American couple visiting Wales. Music from a CD on the Sain label. Aberystwyth Library. Music: 'Full Moon'. Websites.
  • 5 May: 2101 UTC: 3955 kHz: Global Sound Kitchen Strong to good reception. Female and male host, music from Fatboy Slim. Report to Lee Roberts, c/o Virgin Radio, 1 Golden Square, LONDON W1R 0DJ. Music: Roland Klinkenberg Trance 'Shhh' Email: Music: B-15 Project, The Essence 'Brad Beat'.
That concludes this look back to the springtime of the year 2000. Thank you for visiting Reporting From The Fox Tower.


Monday, May 13, 2019

My DX Archive: Winter 1999-2000

WELCOME to the New Millennium, welcome to the Twenty-first Century. Reporting From The Fox Tower takes you back to December 1999 through to February 2000 for these broadcasts heard on Short Wave radio.
Housekeeping notes: This post features logs of radio broadcasts heard on the Short Wave radio band. Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.
The previous post, My DX Archive: Autumn 1999, can be read here.

December 1999: Short Wave

  • 1 December [1999]: 2024 UTC: 5845 kHz: Radio Bulgaria Good reception. English to Europe 'Events and Developments': Milk sales. 'Song of The Week'. 'History Club' The Arts. Competition. Music. St Andrew's Day.
  • 1 December: 2055 UTC: 5880 kHz: Vatican Radio Strong to good reception.
  • 1 December: 2120 UTC: 5930 kHz: Radio Prague Good to fair reception. English to Europe 'Ten Years After' (Velvet Revolution anniversary programme). Postal address, website, Catherine Miller closes the broadcast at 2130 UTC.
Radio Prague QSL, verifying 1.12.1999, 2100-2127 UTC, 5930 kHz.
Picture: Radio receivers from the past: Microphona MK
  • 1 December: 2140 UTC: 5995 kHz: Radio Canada International Good reception. English to Europe 'Spectrum' Breast cancer report from Halifax. RCI production, Cuban musicians in Canada, new CD.
  • 1 December: 2158 UTC: 6025 kHz: Radio Budapest Strong to fair reception. English to Europe news: European readiness of Y2K, Hungary to join EU? Heritage site listed. 'DX Blockbuster' Y2K bug (electric), DX Show, DX World MNO (Merlin) schedules Skelton! GADM (Italy). Worldwide DX Club. Kosovo.
  • 1 December: 2233 UTC: 6155 kHz: Radio Austria International Strong to good reception. English to Europe: David Ward & Julie Taylor 'Report From Austria' news: World AIDS Day, World Heritage site. World Trade meeting in Seattle, USA, Joanna King reports. Bethany Bell reports from the EU Helsinki Summit. David Ward, Murray Hall. Postal address, close of broadcast.
  • 1 December: 2313 UTC: 6195 kHz: BBC World Service Good reception. English to Europe, Africa, Middle East. 'Outlook' Children of Kosovo.
  • 1 December: 2320 UTC: 7580 kHz: World Harvest Radio International Good reception. English to Africa via WHRA, Angel 5, Maine.
  • 3 December: 2139 UTC: 6010 kHz: Wales Radio International Fair to poor reception 'Celtic Notes' Jenny O'Brien, music: Squeeze 'Cool For Cats'. Recipe of the month for December is now on the web. New York Welsh parties. Welsh Christmas and New Year celebrations. Norwegian Church by the lake at Cardiff Bay. Homecoming2000 competition. Tiger Bay, Cardiff.
Wales Radio International QSL, verifying Skelton & Rampisham transmissions, December 1999 - January 2000.
  • 10 December: 2146 UTC: 6010 kHz: Wales Radio International Good to fair reception 'Celtic Notes' Jenny O'Brien: Wales Homecoming 2000 competition, report from Porthmadog. Music: Welsh Choir singing folk. Competition re-cap.
  • 17 December: 2132 UTC: 6010 kHz: Wales Radio International Strong to good reception 'Celtic Notes' Jenny O'Brien, interview with and music by Bryn Terfel, interview recorded in Bangor, North Wales. 'David of the White Rock'. 'Taste of Wales' Chef Dai Davies. ID. Cardiff: 'Cinderella', Stereophonics, Manics, SFA, carols, Wales Homecoming 2000.
  • 24 December: 2125 UTC: 6010 kHz: Wales Radio International Fair to poor reception. English to Europe via Skelton. Merlin Network One ID, Wales Radio International ID, 'Celtic Notes' Jenny O'Brien, Christmas music. Wales Homecoming 2000 competition.
  • 25 December: 1130 UTC: 17650 kHz: Wales Radio International Good reception. Merlin Network One ID, Wales Radio International ID 'Celtic Notes' Jenny O'Brien. Music in Wales Christmas week. Choir music from a school in North Wales. Carols. Cardiff Millennium Stadium Manic Street Preachers gig New Year's Eve. Carols recorded at St Agnes Cathedral, North Wales.
  • 25 December: 1205 UTC: 12095 kHz: BBC World Service Strong to good reception 'Wright Round The World' Steve Wright. Letters and phone calls programme for Christmas Day. Christmas cards. Music: 'Could You Be Loved' by Bob Marley. Adam Rickett: 'Everything My Heart Desires'. Wham! 'Last Christmas'. Bryan Adams '18 'Till I Die'. Spice Girls 'Mama'. 'Birthday File'.
  • 25 December: 1609 UTC: 11570 kHz: Radio Pakistan Strong to good reception. English to Africa, Middle East. Female host. World news: Grozny, Christmas, hijacked plane. 'Commentary': history of Pakistan, including the 15th Punjab Machine Gun Regiment, 1948, We remember them. News bulletin to close.
Radio Austria International QSL,
December 1999
  • 25 December: 1621 UTC: 17865 kHz: Radio Austria International Strong to good reception. English to USA via Sackville, Canada. 'Mailbag' Murray Hall, Letter from Canada regarding CBC outlet, music, times. Email from Europe, listening to English and German. 'Report From Austria' Pat Marty.
  • 25 December: 1632 UTC: 13675 kHz: UAE Radio, Dubai Strong reception. English to Europe and Middle East. Relay of weather report from Dubai FM, female host announces return to Arabic Service, Devotional singing at 1636 UTC.
  • 25 December: 1642 UTC: 11715 kHz: Radio Algiers International Good reception. English to Europe, North Africa, Middle East. Music taken from a CD, rock ballad from a band. Music: Michael Jackson. Female host. Strong interference from Vatican Radio.
  • 25 December: 1703 UTC: 17870 kHz: Channel Africa Strong to good reception. English to Africa. Male host studying South Africa's history of apartheid, including former South African governments, sports: boxing, rugby, whites, non-whites, International Olympic Committee. Music.
  • 25 December: 1711 UTC: 11690 kHz: Radio Jordan Strong to good reception. English to Europe, America. Female host with tonight's schedule, music.
  • 30 December: 1209 UTC: 6045 kHz: Radio Netherlands Strong to good reception. English to Europe 'Media Network' Jonathan Marks makes contact with Adrian Sainsbury at Radio New Zealand International for a joint DX contest: 3 loggings on Saturday 1 January 2000. Diana Janssen web growth. Jonathan Marks' review of media in last century.
Radio Netherlands QSL, 1999.
Picture: Christmas lights on the NOZEMA FM & TV mast,
Lopik, near Utrecht, Holland.
  • 31 December: 2130 UTC: 6010 kHz: Wales Radio International Fair reception 'Celtic Notes' Jenny O'Brien. Turn of the Century, the new Millennium. Two pieces of music. Music from Sain CD, Sain web site. Changes in Wales and Cardiff. Wales Homecoming 2000 competition. Jenny O'Brien closes the broadcast at 2158 UTC.
January 2000: Short Wave
  • 1 January [2000]: 1136 UTC: 17650 kHz: Wales Radio International Good to fair reception. New Year's Day edition of 'Celtic Notes', broadcast to Australia. Instrumental music, male solo vocalist, male voice choir. Sain record label. New Year celebrations.
  • 14 January: 2140 UTC: 6010 kHz: Wales Radio International Fair reception. English to Europe 'Celtic Notes' Music from Sain. Wales Tourist Board Competition. Jenny O'Brien. Interview with Colin Priestley regarding food. Swansea Market. Festival 'A Taste of Wales'. Music. 'The First Decade of Sain 1969-1979'. Pembrokeshire waterways.
  • 20 January: 1152 UTC: 6045 kHz: Radio Netherlands Strong to fair reception 'Media Network' Jonathan Marks and Dianna Janssen. Mexican broadcast on 1590 kHz MW heard at 0630 UTC in Hilversum. Report regarding the radio scene in Africa. Letter from Chicago. Baygen is renamed Freeplay (Clockwork radios). Receiver review: ok ✔ .
  • 21 January: 2125 UTC: 6010 kHz: Merlin Network One Fair to poor reception. Wales Radio International. Homecoming 2000 competition. Website and mail. Pembrokeshire Records Office. Interview with a Ms Jones. Music. Close of show.
  • 22 January: 1147 UTC: 17650 kHz: Wales Radio International Good to fair reception 'Celtic Notes' Jenny O'Brien. Family history in Pembrokeshire, the family name Jones. English to Australia via UK transmitter site. 'Second Decade of Sain' CD. Visit to the Preseli Mountains, (recording of birdcall) with rangers.

A sample of 'Wright Around The World', BBC World Service, courtesy of Ilya B.
  • 22 January: 1235 UTC: 12095 kHz: BBC World Service Strong to good reception 'Wright Round The World' with Steve Wright. Penpal feature: 'Pop Pal'? Penpals.
  • 27 January: 1900 UTC: 2345 kHz: Radio Slovakia International Good to poor reception. German language. Political report. [Spurious broadcast?]
  • 27 January: 1903 UTC: 2355 kHz: Deutsche Welle Strong to good reception. German language. News: Kiev, Moscow. Volkswagen. Financial and business news. [Spurious broadcast?]
  • 27 January: 2009 UTC: 2855 kHz: Swiss Radio International Good to fair reception. Holocaust conference in Stockholm. Bruno Kaufmann reports. Peter Haller 'World Radio Switzerland'. Juliet Linley with the news, weather. Corruption in the Kremlin. Peter Capella reports: Sport: Martina Hingis. [Spurious broadcast?]
  • 27 January: 2037 UTC: 3045 kHz: BBC World Service Good to fair reception 'Newshour' Russia: Space Station, life expectancy in Russia. (English broadcast). [Spurious broadcast?]
  • 27 January: 2101 UTC: 3915 kHz: BBC World Service Good reception. World News: Violence in schools, Rwandan genocide prosecution. Senegal, Ecuador.
  • 27 January: 2105 UTC: 3955 kHz: BBC World Service Strong to good reception 'World Business Report': Report on the Euro currency.
  • 27 January: 2122 UTC: 5000 kHz: WWV Boulder, CO USA.
  • 27 January: 2127 UTC: 5020 kHz: Radio Prague Good reception. English: Finance update, close of English broadcast. Station ID, opening of Spanish broadcast. [Spurious broadcast?]
  • 27 January: 2137 UTC: 5085 kHz: Radio Canada International Good to fair reception. Conference taking place in Montreal. Political reform. Programme: 'Spectrum' (RCI production). [Confirmed spurious broadcast]
  • 27 January: 2206 UTC: 5810 kHz: Radio Taipei International English broadcast. Presidential elections in Taiwan. Financial news. Weather for Taipei City, Central and Southern Taiwan.
  • 27 January: 2229 UTC: 6015 kHz: RAI-Italy Strong to good reception. Birdcall. Italian to North America. News: Lazio, Bari.
RAI International (Italy) broadcast schedule B99, October 1999-March 2000
  • 27 January: 2246 UTC: 6155 kHz: Radio Austria International Strong to good reception 'Report From Austria' Joanna King reports of The Freedom Party, following a report by Bethany Bell. David Ward mourns the passing of a rare breed mountain goat. Austrians on vacation. Bethany Bell closes 'Report From Austria'. Music and spoken ID's. 23 UTC: German.
February 2000: Short Wave
  • 4 February: 1827 UTC: 5825 kHz: KOL Israel Radio International Strong to good reception. News: Hezbollah, President Mubarack. Knessit ~ Parliament. Political interviews.
  • 4 February: 1857 UTC: 5910 kHz: Radio Vlaanderen Internationaal Good to fair reception. English. Communion and wedding dresses. Music: 'Timeless Flemish Songs'. Belgium. 'Brussels Calling'.
  • 4 February: 1919 UTC: 5920 / 5940 / 5965 kHz: Voice Of Russia World Service Good to fair reception 'Commonwealth Update' Russian links with Georgia. Ukraine. Japanese & French visitors.
  • 4 February: 1943 UTC: 5970 kHz: Rai International (Italy) Strong to good reception 'Newscast in English' Isolation of Austria in the EU regarding the Freedom Party. Combating racism in soccer: AS Roma spokesman. Visit to Jordan and Syria by Italian Prime Minister. Visit to Africa by Italian governor. Gas pipe to link Russia and Italy. 'Sundays without cars' begins 6 February.
  • 4 February: 1958 UTC: 6155 kHz: Radio Austria International Strong to fair reception. English female host announces frequencies for listeners in Africa and the USA. End of English broadcast. ID @ 1959 UTC, launch of German to Europe @ 20 UTC.
Swiss Radio International QSL,
February 2000
  • 4 February: 2007 UTC: 6165 kHz: Swiss Radio International Strong to good reception 'World Radio Switzerland' English to North-West Europe via Julich, Germany. Isolation of Austria in the EU regarding Freedom Party. Swiss news: economy. Exports. Stop AIDS campaign. University embezzlement. Report by Jonathan Fowler. Weather. Swiss links with Chile.
  • 4 February: 2028 UTC: 6195 kHz: BBC World Service Strong to good reception 'Newshour' Business news with Victoria Dale-Jones. 'Newshour' ID and programme details.
  • 4 February: 2046 UTC: 9725 kHz: Deutsche Welle Good reception. English to Europe 'Spotlight on Sport' USA Super Bowl. ID. Sign off @ 2050 UTC.
  • 4 February: 2052 UTC: 9410 kHz: BBC World Service Good to fair reception 'Newshour' Sport: Africa Nations Cup: Ghana v South Africa. Cricket: South Africa beat England.
  • 4 February: 2100 UTC: 9640 kHz // 9745 kHz: Adventist World Radio The Voice of Hope. 9640 kHz via Juilich, Germany, 9745 kHz via Meyerton, South Africa, to Africa. Music, ID.
  • 4 February: 2111 UTC: 9770 kHz // 9805 kHz: Radio Canada International Good to fair reception. 9770 kHz via Sackville, Canada, 9805 kHz via Skelton, Cumbria, England to Europe, Africa. Weather in Canada. Sport: Davis Cup tennis, NHL hockey. Jim Craig 'Spectrum' Immigration in Canada and the USA. Care Canada and Care Australia working in peace keeping areas worldwide.
Card from Bill Westerhaven, confirming my hearing Radio Canada International,
27 January 2000, as a spurious broadcast.

  • 4 February: 2146 UTC: 9990 kHz: Radio Cairo Fair reception. English to Europe. Music, ID.
  • 4 February: 2154 UTC: 11980 kHz: BBC World Service Fair reception. English to Middle East. 'Music Review'.
  • 4 February: 2206 UTC: 12095 kHz: BBC World Service Good to fair reception. World News: Chechnya, Ethnic Albanians flee Kosovo.
  • 4 February: 2212 UTC: 12080 kHz: Voice Of America Good to fair reception. VOA News Now Schedule A to Africa. News: history of spread of AIDS. Rainforest protection. President Clinton's new plan. HIV infection. Austria. Sport with Dave Bird: Davis Cup tennis. America One sailing, Soccer at Sydney Olympics, Martin Pipe, horse racing.
  • 26 February: 1131 UTC: 17650 kHz: Wales Radio International Good reception 'Celtic Notes' via Merlin Network One. Jenny O'Brien. Wine growing in South Wales. English to Australasia via Rampisham, UK.
  • 26 February: 1205 UTC: 12095 kHz: BBC World Service Strong to good reception. English to Europe, North Africa, Middle East via Skelton or Woofferton. 'Wright Round The World' - Steve Wright is off sick, Kevin Greening is today's host. Music: New Radicals 'Get What You Give'. 'Weird World' story: French pensioner trapped 'in' an ironing board. Letters: Salt Lake City; Kampala. Music: Savage Garden.
Voice of the Mediterranean QSL,
27 February 2000, 2010 UTC, 7440 kHz.
  • 27 February: 2010 UTC: 7440 kHz: Voice of the Mediterranean (Malta) Strong to good reception 'Valletta Calling' Manuel and Margaret (the hosts) meet Father Norbert to talk religion in 'Here and Now: The New Millennium'. Music. Short Stories: Woman in her '90's. Margaret reads 'My Children in the wells'. Music. A cure for the common cold. Close of broadcast at 2100 UTC.


Sunday, May 5, 2019

Season 2018/19: The Season So Far - Part 8: Season's End

AS another football season has come to a close for Carlisle United Football Club, this post also brings the updates for Season 2018/19 to a close. For the previous post, Part 7, click here.

Results: April - May 2019

Saturday 6th [April]: League Two: United 3 - Bury 2
Saturday 13th: League Two: Stevenage 3 - United 0
[Easter] Friday 19th: League Two: United 1 - Lincoln City 0
[Easter] Monday 22nd: League Two: Grimsby Town 1 - United 0
Saturday 27th: League Two: United 4 - Crawley Town 2
Saturday 4th [May]: League Two: Yeovil Town 0 - United 0

Carlisle United finished the season with sixty eight points, eleventh place in League Two.
To view the full League Two table, click here.

Until the next season, enjoy the summer!
