Thursday, November 24, 2022

My Short Wave Archive: July 2010

 THIS post is unique as part of my radio listening logs; The following broadcasts are from one station, over the course of under one hour.  The reason: A specialist outside broadcast.

The previous post featuring Short Wave broadcasts, My Short Wave Archive: June 2010, can be found here.

Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.

Receiver used: Roberts R881.

July 2010 : Short Wave
  • [Monday] 19 July [2010]: 1420 UTC: 9595 kHz: Radio Tour de France via Radio Nederland Wereldomroep [RNW]  Excellent to good reception.  Dutch language to Great Britain and Ireland.
    Speech from studio-based male, male on telephone.  ID jingle 'Radio Tour de France'.
    Short piece of music, female vocalist.  Male speech from the studio, handing to male reporters on the course.
  • 19 July: 1430 UTC: 13700 kHz: Radio Tour de France via RNW  Excellent to good reception.  Dutch language to France, Spain, Portugal, Balearic Isles, Greek Isles, West Turkey.
    1430 UTC news update, ads, trailers.  ID trailer: 'Sports Radio NOS, Radio Tour de France' jingle.  Male speech, listing places of riders in the lead and the peloton.
  • 19 July: 1440 UTC: 7235 kHz: Radio Tour de France via RNW  ID jingle 'NOS Radio'.
    Excellent to good reception.  Dutch language to Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary.
    Music, male vocalist.  Male reporters with placings of the riders in the lead and the peloton.
    Slight deterioration in signal level to fair.
[Scheduled broadcast on 13825 kHz to Scandinavia not heard]

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Tuesday, November 15, 2022

My Short Wave Archive: June 2010

 THE Midsummer weekend 2010 is from where these logs of international radio broadcasts are drawn.

The previous post featuring Short Wave broadcasts, My Short Wave Archive: April 2010, can be found here.

Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.

Receiver used: Roberts R881.

June 2010 : Short Wave
  • [Saturday] 19 June [2010]: 0805 UTC: 11645 kHz: Radio Filia Greece  Music (pop ballad), vocals, soft instruments.  Male vocalist.  Three tracks from this artist.
    Good reception.
    Logged to 0820 UTC.
  • 19 June: 0832 UTC: 11760 kHz: BBC World Service  Barely audible, male host speaking of President Obama.
    Fair to poor reception.
    English to Middle East via A'Seela, Oman.
    Logged to 0840 UTC.
  • 19 June: 0847 UTC: 11785 kHz: China Radio International  Male speech, Chinese language, regarding the football World Cup. Translated audio reports with the key words 'England', 'Maradona', 'Italians'.  Female and male speech, including contact details.  Off air at 0858 UTC.
    Excellent reception.
  • 19 June: 0922 UTC: 12020 kHz: RDP Internacional  [Rádio Portugal]  Music by male vocalist and guitar, male studio host with male on telephone.  More music by male with guitar, short piece of music.
    Excellent to good reception.
    Host speaks to male on telephone.  Music from male vocalist and big band.  Male on telephone.
    Portuguese language.  Music.
    Logged to 0945 UTC.
Coffee break!

19 June: 1004 UTC: Spurious broadcast on 12810 kHz, Spanish language, regarding World Cup football. Female speech, music.  Broadcast believed to be Radio Exterior de Espana.
  • 19 June: 1024 UTC: 13635 kHz: Voice of Turkey  Male and female participating in a play.  Music.  Female host, pop music.
    Good reception.  Arabic to Asia and Africa, 500 kW.
    Logged to 1040 UTC.
  • 19 June: 1050 UTC: 13665 kHz: Radio Rossii  Male host, speech, music, male vocalist and band.  ID at 1055 UTC.  Music.
    [Also logged from 1207 UTC: 13665 kHz: Good to fair reception.  Russian language, male host.  ID for 'Radio Rossii - Sport'.  Logged to 1212 UTC]
Card from Radio Netherlands verifying reception, 19 June 2010.
This would be my last verification card from Holland  :(
  • 19 June: 1225 UTC: 13700 kHz: Radio Nederland Wereldomroep  Speech in Dutch language.
    Excellent to fair reception.  Dutch to Europe.
    Speech by male on Holland (Netherlands) in the Football World Cup.  Music: 'Big In Japan'.  Live report from Durban, South Africa.  Score: Holland 0 - Japan 0 at half time.  Audio from the stadium includes the Vuvuzelas.
    Logged to 1235 UTC.
  • 19 June: 1247 UTC: 13720 kHz: Radio Exterior de Espana  Speech in Spanish language.
    Excellent reception.  Spanish to Europe.
    Broadcast includes the music 'Ode To Joy' by Beethoven.  Programming: 'Diario de Europa' followed by 'Hispanorama'.  ID for Radio Exterior de Espana in various languages.  Music: 'Lola' (The Kinks) performed in Spanish!
    To 1300 UTC.
  • 19 June: 1307 UTC: 13760 kHz: Voice of Korea  English service from Pyongyang.  Speech regarding Kim Sung-Il.
    Good reception.  English to Europe & America.
    The Respected Leader Kim Jung-Il, The Workers Party of Korea, Sixtieth anniversary.
    Logged to 1325 UTC.
  • 19 June: 1327 UTC: 13790 kHz: China Radio International  Excellent to good reception.  English to Europe, Asia, Australia and America via Urumchi, China.
    'China Drive' with male and female hosts at a Chinese holiday festival.
    'Media Scan' with a report on millionaires and billionaires.
    Logged to 1340 UTC.
Coffee break!
  • 19 June: 1405 UTC: 13800 kHz: Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran  Male host speaking to male on telephone.  Music.  Male speech.
    Excellent to good reception.
    Male speech, music.  Female speech, music.
    Logged to 1420 UTC.
  • 19 June: 1425 UTC: 13845 kHz: WWCR-3  Nashville TN USA  Religious content: Female preacher speaks to an assembled audience.  Music: Gospel Choir!  ID for the University Network with contact details by male on this broadcast.
    English to Europe and America.  Good to fair reception.
    Male speaker refers to verses of the Bible.
    Logged to 1445 UTC.
Card from WWCR verifying reception, 19 June 2010.
  • 19 June: 1536 UTC: 15825 kHz: WWCR-1  Nashville TN USA  Religious content: Male broadcasting a sermon: 'Hope is an anchor'.
    Good reception.  English to Europe, Middle East, America.
    Bible readings from John, Chapter 10, Verse 28-29.  'Showers of Blessings'.
    Next on air is Brother Eugene Brown 'Words of Hope'.
    Logged to 1555 UTC.
Contact information for broadcasts (as at June 2010):

Words of Hope, PO Box 78333, Nashville TN 37207 USA

Radio Filia (Greece): Telephone calls welcome: (+30) 210 606 6310

RDP Internacional, Avenida Marechal Gomes da Costa No 37, 1849-030 Lisboa (Lisbon) Portugal

Voice of Korea, Pyongyang, Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

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