Monday, December 19, 2005

From the Radio to the Web

At the beginning of the month, I spent an evening or two beside my wireless, and here are the results.
On Monday 5 December, I listened to the Medium Wave band and on Saturday 10 December I listened to a programme on the Short Waves. Almost all have a link to their page in their station name, so please have a look at their sites.

Monday 5 December:

  • 1161 kHz: Tentative reception of a broadcast from Ain - Salah, Algeria (No link here, sorry).
  • 1170 kHz: Magic 1170, Stockton, Teeside.
  • 1179 kHz: Radio Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden (English).
  • 1197 kHz: Virgin Radio, broadcasts from London, various low power transmitters on this frequency.
  • 1206 kHz: France Info, Bordeaux, France.

Saturday 10 December:

  • 9655 kHz: Adventist World Radio, English language service to Africa via Meyerton transmitter site, South Africa.

And there you have my logs for Monday 5 December (Medium Wave) and Saturday 10 December (Short Wave).

I hope you enjoy the links, learning about radio broadcasts from the UK and Europe, indeed, the World.

Whilst I was browsing Google for the Radio Sweden site, I found "Thank You For The Music". Follow the link, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

That's all, take care, good listening!

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