Sunday, September 13, 2020

My AM Archive: Summer - Autumn 2004

REFLECTIONS of radio broadcasts from the months of July and September 2004, as heard on Medium Wave.
The previous post in this thread, My AM Archive: Spring 2004, can be found here.
Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.

July 2004 : Medium Wave
  • 31 July [2004]: 1807 UTC: 1458 kHz: BBC Newcastle Excellent to fair reception via Wrekenton, 2 kW. Adrian Allen Show. Music: Smokey Robinson 'Tears of a Clown'. Martha Reeves and the Vandellas 'Dancing In The Streets'.
  • 31 July: 1827 UTC: 1458 kHz: BBC Radio Cumbria Fair reception via Whitehaven, 500 watts. Adrian Allen show. Motown and seventies music: Le Chic 'Le Freak'.
BBC Somerset Sound sticker.
  • 31 July: 2030 UTC: 1566 kHz: BBC Radio Bristol - Somerset Sound Good to fair reception via Taunton. Male host, request for Plymouth, old time music, request for Bob's wedding anniversary. Request for John Wilson, Monkton, Taunton, Somerset.
September 2004 : Medium Wave
  • 13 September: 1834 UTC: 1566 kHz: County Sound Radio Fair-poor-fair reception via Peasmarsh, Guildford, 0.8 kW. Music: Bill Withers 'Lovely Day', Queen 'Fat Bottomed Girls'. ID: "The Original County Sound Radio, 15-66" U2 'With Or Without You'.
  • 13 September: 1919 UTC: 1602 kHz: SER Vitoria Spain Fair-poor-fair reception. Music: Louis Armstrong 'What A Wonderful World', Female host, speech, Spanish. Music: 'Free Nelson Mandela'. 10 kW.
Note: The BBC Somerset Sound sticker, above, is affixed to an envelope sent to me by BBC Somerset in 1991. BBC Somerset now broadcasts on 1566 kHz, though prior to October 2002, broadcast on 1323 kHz, which features on the sticker. An article detailing the change of frequency, BBC Somerset Sound moves from 1323 to 1566 kHz, courtesy of Alan Pennington BDXC-UK and, October 25, 2002, can be found on

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