Sunday, May 16, 2021

My AM Archive: August 2009

BBC Sport Journalist Ivan Gaskell, 1991.

 THIS is My AM Archive, a continual thread of posts of my Medium Wave logbooks, bringing them online for posterity, and for other like-minded radio listeners to enjoy.
Logs of Short Wave broadcasts are also on this blog, under the My DX Archive thread.

The previous post in this thread, My AM Archive: March 2009, featured a log of BBC Radio Stoke, with a transmission map of their coverage area, dating from around 1991.
Also included in my archive of items collected from broadcasters over the last thirty-plus years, was a publicity photograph of broadcaster Ivan Gaskell during his time at BBC Radio Stoke (pictured left). Attached was a programme schedule for Saturday 11th May, 1991, with Ivan Gaskell's Sportsbeat on air at 1:30pm, covering Port Vale v Swindon Town, Reading v Stoke City and Crewe [Alexandra] v Mansfield Town.

Ivan's current profile can be seen on his IGTV website.

This post brings Medium Wave memories of August 2009.
Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.

August 2009 : Medium Wave
  • [Sunday] 16 August [2009]: 1908 UTC: 585 kHz: BBC Radio Scotland  Music: 'Oh What A Beautiful Morning!' Show tunes. Good reception. Music from 'Oklahoma!'. Music from Flanaghan & Allen. Transmission: 2 kW via Dumfries. Bud Flanaghan sang theme music for 'Dad's Army'. Music: 'I'm Getting Married In The Morning' / 'Get Me To The Church On Time'.
    Female vocalist on 'I Get A Kick Out Of You' - Elaine Page. Cole Porter.
    Guest: Andrew Bounder - 'Jerry Springer The Opera'.  Logged to 1937 UTC.
  • 16 August: 1940 UTC: 594 kHz: HR - Info [Germany]  Live event - German language speech.
    Berlin athletics event - Usain Bolt - 100 metres Champion - Gold medal - New world record - 9.58 seconds.
    Broadcast is Germany: Hessischer RF / HR Skyline Frankfurt, D (Germany). 100 - 400 kW / 250 kW.
    Commentary / speech / reaction to 20 UTC; News. Programme: Debate before live audience (applause). Excellent to good reception.  Logged to 2012 UTC.
    [Contact details: hr - info, Hessischer Rundfunk, Bertramstraße 8, D-60320 Frankfurt. Website:]
  • 16 August: 2023 UTC: 603 kHz: BBC Radio Four  Fair reception; 2 kW via Wrekenton, Newcastle upon Tyne. Male discusses job seekers, close of discussion. Continuity announcer introduces actor John Hurt, with Appeal for the International Rescue Committee. Website:
    Continuity announcer: Laura Kuensberg previews 'Westminster Hour' prior to 'In Business' on air now (2030 UTC).  Logged to 2035 UTC.
Thank you for reading this post on Reporting From The Fox Tower!


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