Sunday, October 24, 2021

My AM Archive: April 2013

 ONE week after Easter 2013, I spent an evening listening to the Medium Wave band. This post recounts what was heard on that occasion.

The previous post in this thread, My AM Archive: October 2012, can be found here.

Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.

April 2013 : Medium Wave
  • [Sunday] 7 April [2013]: 1833 UTC: 549 kHz: [Tentative] Spirit Radio  Music, speech, male host, pop music, possibly chart countdown.
    Fair reception.
    Logged to 1845 UTC.
  • 7 April: 1855 UTC: 585 kHz: BBC Scotland  "Enjoy your piping!" [Bagpipe music]
    Excellent to good reception; 2 kW via Dumfries.
    Close of [Bagpipe music] programme. ID.
    1900 UTC news: Grand National 2013 winning jockey injured day after National at Hexham racecourse - In hospital. Bombing in Iraq by Nato. Chancellor defends benefit system after life sentence of Mick Philpott. Dutch tourist dies after accident in Perthshire. Youth crime commissioner resigns. Scotland campaign to remain in UK receives cash boost.
    Sports news: Football, tennis, curling.
    Weather: Cloud, rain, clear, frost, freezing.
    Programme: Profile of Hank Williams. Died on 1 January 1953.
    2013 marked the 60th anniversary of the death; Williams died in his car in Alabama.
    Speech by Bruce Springsteen, music: 'Lost Highway'.
    Music: 'I'll Never Get Out Of This World Alive'.
    Contribution by Neil Young.
    Logged to 1915 UTC.
  • 7 April: 1920 UTC: 603 kHz: BBC Radio Four  Speech programme with the history of 'The Third Programme', which became BBC Radio Three.
    Excellent to good reception; 2 kW via Newcastle-upon-Tyne (Wrekenton) [Pictured below].
    'Feedback' discussing BBC Radio 3 - 'Live in Concert' The interval and what to do.
    Logged to 1930.
  • 7 April: 1957 UTC: 621 kHz: RTBF International  Speech regarding football with break at 20 UTC; Speech continues in new hour, male speech.
    Excellent to good reception; 300 kW Brussels.
    French / Flemish language. Music. 'Viva Sports' Bernard De Wie / Dominique Decourwie on broadcast from Belgium. Music: Bruno Mars 'Locked Out Of Heaven'. 'Viva Musique' on Viva Cité. Male host.
    Transmitter site is Wavre, Belgium.
    ID: 'Viva Cité'. Music: Michael Jackson 'Human Nature'.
    Logged to 2020 UTC.
  • 7 April: 2058 UTC: 639 kHz: Czech Radio 2  Lead-up to the top of the hour; ID for Czech Radio 2.
    Good to fair reception; Czech language; 1500 kW via Prague, TCH (Czech Republic).
    Logged to 2112 UTC.
  • 7 April: 2116 UTC: 639 kHz: RNE 1  Speech by a male and a female in the Spanish language.
    Fair reception; Up to 300 kW.
    Music from The Equals 'Baby Come Back'. Time signal for 2130 UTC, continued speech in Spanish.
    Logged to 2138 UTC.
Sunday 28 April 2013: Information update:
549 kHz: Spirit Radio, Radio Centre, Kilarney Road, Bray, Co Wicklow, Ireland.
                Telephone: +353 (1) 272 4760
                Text: +353 87 888 9292
                Email: info @ spiritradio .ie

That concludes this post.
Thank you for visiting Reporting From The Fox Tower!


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