Wednesday, October 12, 2022

My Short Wave Archive: December 2009

 WELCOME to memories of international radio broadcasts, heard on the Short Wave radio band, on the 4th Sunday in Advent, 2009.

The previous post featuring Short Wave broadcasts, My Short Wave Archive: October 2009, can be found here.

Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.

Receiver used: Roberts R881.

December 2009 : Short Wave
  • [Sunday] 20 December [2009]: 1014 UTC: 15575 kHz: BBC World Service  Good to fair reception. English to Middle East via Cyprus.
    News programme includes dogs stolen to order and pregnant female soldiers in Iraq.
    Logged to 1025 UTC.
  • 20 December: 1033 UTC: 15585 kHz: Radio Exterior de Espana  Excellent to good reception.
    Two or three males speaking of football. Spanish language. Speech by female.
    Spanish to Europe.
    Logged to 1050 UTC.
  • 20 December: 1100 UTC: 15595 kHz: Vatican Radio  ID. Good to fair reception.
    Angelus (Liturgy) with The Pope to 1115 UTC.
    Angelus was broadcast to Asia and Europe 1st Programme. ID, music.
    Logged to 1120 UTC.
  • 20 December: 1126 UTC: 15650 kHz: Voice of Greece  Music from the 'Greek In Style' music programme to Europe, Middle East, Asia,
    Good to fair reception.
    Logged to 1138 UTC.
Verification card from The Voice of Greece.
[Lunch Break at 1200 UTC]
  • 20 December: 1249 UTC: 17760 kHz: Radio Romania International  Music: 'Corinthian Swan'.
    Excellent to fair reception.
    Next piece of music: 'Playing in the Snow'.  'All That Jazz' is the name of the show.  Music: 'Jingle Bell Sleigh'.
    English to Europe and Africa.
    Close of programme, close of transmission at 1255 UTC.
  • 20 December: 1346 UTC: 11675 kHz: Polish Radio External Service  Excellent to good reception, English to Europe via Moosbrunn, Austria.
    Male and female speak of the Christmas traditions in Poland, including visits from Santa Claus with presents for the children and the Christmas meals, including the Carp and the keeping of the Carp until the day of the meal. Soups and preparation of Christmas Eve dishes.  With Best Wishes for 2010.  English Section of the External Service.
    Web contact details. Music.
    Logged to 1400 UTC.
A log for Radio Station WWV Boulder CO USA on 5000 kHz was noted, though also noted as unlistenable due to noise on the band.

Thank you for visiting Reporting From The Fox Tower!

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