ST EDWARD's Day, Wednesday 13 October, 2010, an evening of listening to Short Wave radio broadcasts, as shared here.
The previous post featuring Short Wave broadcasts, My Short Wave Archive: August 2010, can be found here.
Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.
Receiver used: Roberts R881.
October 2010 : Short Wave
- [Wednesday] 13 October [2010]: 2111 UTC: 3915 kHz: BBC World Service Measured, clear speech, male host with male guest in English.
Fair to poor reception, English to East and South East Asia via Kranji, Singapore.
Logged to 2124 UTC. - 13 October: 2128 UTC: 3955 kHz: KBS World Radio Seafood and natural remedies of medicine from fish. Rice and abalone (mollusc) as an example. 'Happy Cooking'.
Female host announces KBS Radio website, broadcast schedule (2100 UTC: 3955 kHz; 0230 UTC: 9460 kHz DRM; 1430 UTC: 9460 kHz), via World Radio Network website, via KBS website. Announces postal address for Seoul, Korea. 'Goodbye everyone'.
Off air at 2132 UTC.
Strong to good reception, English to Europe via Skelton, Cumbria, UK (VT). - 13 October: 2219 UTC: 3985 kHz: Voice of Croatia News: Government declassified documents regarding gas distribution business in Croatia. Sale of Austrian bank to Bavarian bank, links to the Croatian national bank.
Good reception.
International news: Chilean miners are being released after being trapped in a collapsed mine for 69 days at 700 metres (below ground). Meetings between Israel and Croat dignitaries in Zagreb. ID.
Sport: Tennis: Shanghai Masters. Weather reports. ID.
Genealogy programme: Ethnic roots.
English to Europe and America.
Headlines with Chris Bushell on 'Croatia Today'.
Announcements: Croatian Radio via satellite and broadcast schedule (MW: 1134 kHz; Short Wave: 7375 kHz to Australia? 11675 kHz. Europe: 3985 kHz, 6130 kHz, 7170 kHz), also via the Voice of Croatia website.
English broadcast off air at 2233 UTC. - 13 October: 2247 UTC: 4005 kHz: Vatican Radio Female and male in conversation, English, speech regarding Nigerian Catholic man, interview. Bad audio.
Fair (to poor) reception. English to Europe.
Female host, with passages of speech by male.
ID at 2300 UTC. Announcement of Vatican Radio website, music, interval signal.
Spanish language broadcast.
Logged to 2305 UTC.
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Vatican Radio QSL card, verifying reception on 13 October 2010. |
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