Sunday, May 21, 2023

My Short Wave Archive: November 2011

XENODOCHY, or Welcome, to another post in the continuing thread of memories of radio broadcasts, heard via Short Wave Radio.

Apologies for my absence!

The previous post featuring Short Wave broadcasts, My Short Wave Archive: September 2011, can be found here.

This post brings memories of Short Wave radio broadcasts heard Monday, November 28, 2011.

Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.

Receiver used: Roberts R881.

November 2011 : Short Wave
  • [Monday] 28 November [2011]: 1951 UTC: 7485 kHz: Voice of America  Special English
    Excellent to good reception.
    'VOA Special English' with a male and female host, with a programme regarding 'rhetoric', with speech regarding the Presidential TV debate between Nixon and Kennedy; Martin Luther King 'I Had A Dream' speech, Ronald Reagan speaking at the Berlin Wall, with words directed to Mr Gorbachev.
    Speech by Eleanor Roosevelt, recorded December 9, 1948.
    Content from the American Rhetoric website.
    President G W Bush speaking in Florida on September 11, 2001.
    Off suddenly at 20:00 UTC.
  • 28 November: 2040 UTC: 7550 kHz: All India Radio  Vocal singing by a female and a male with guests on All India Radio.  Good atmosphere.
    Excellent to good reception.
    Vocal singing; No instruments.
    Announcement of frequencies at 2048 UTC: 7550 kHz; 9445 kHz; 11670 kHz. Broadcasting to Australia on 9910 kHz.
    Review of the Indian Press. Proposal to liberate visa regimes between India and Pakistan.  India - China border talks, with respect of the border between India and China.  India treats the Dalai Llama as a spiritually respected leader.
    This is the English Service of the General Overseas Service of All India Radio. ID. Music.
    2100 UTC: Male host: 'Please stand by for the news': Parliament was adjourned regarding an issue. India and Bulgaria have signed an agreement regarding medical services. Court proceedings in India. Elections taking place for the 'Lower House' of Egyptian Parliament. Resignation over corruption in Kuwait. Nineteen killed by suicide bomb outside prison in Iraq.
    Headlines. ID. Political commentary: Justice has been done over the Mumbai attacks - The men who carried out the attacks are in Pakistan. News read by female; Political commentary by male host.
    ID. Hindustani instrument and music. 'Faithfully Yours' feature; Postal address: P O Box 500, Post Code 110001. All India Radio email address also announced.
    Logged to 2110 UTC.
  • 28 November: 2116 UTC: 7560 kHz: Voice of America  English to Afghanistan.
    Feature at 2140 UTC: Programme regarding the life and music of Johnny Cash!
    Music included 'Jackson', 'Hurt', 'I Walk The Line'.
    Fair reception.
    Logged to 2200 UTC.
  • 28 November: 2212 UTC: 7580 kHz: Radio Farda  Music, female voice with ID, music.
    Excellent to good reception.
    Female speaking over music bed, with a telephone ringer at beginning and end of item. Male speech with ID, speech in Persian language, music.
    Logged to 2220 UTC.
  • 28 November: 2250 UTC: 9420 kHz: The Voice of Greece  Music, female host with fast speech.
    Excellent to good reception.
    Female host, Greek language, continued speech between female and male, news at 2300 UTC, music. Time check, ID.
    Greek language to Europe and America (Atlantic Ocean).
    English language ID!
    Logged to 2310 UTC.
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