Saturday, February 10, 2007

RBS Six Nations 2007

THE ANNUAL European Rugby Union tournament, the Six Nations, is currently taking place and Reporting From The Fox Tower is pleased to bring you the latest results and forthcoming fixtures for 2007 :

Results up to 2200 GMT 10 February 2007:

Saturday 3 February:
Italy 3 - France 39 (in Rome)
England 42 - Scotland 20 (Twickenham, England regain the Calcutta Cup).

Sunday 4 February:
Wales 9 - Ireland 19 (Millennium Stadium, Cardiff).

Saturday 10 February:
England 20 - Italy 7 (Twickenham)
Scotland 21 - Wales 9 (Murrayfield).

Fixtures :

Sunday 11 February:
Ireland v France (Croke Park, Dublin, 1500 GMT).

Saturday 24 February:
Scotland v Italy (Murrayfield, 1500 GMT)
Ireland v England (Croke Park, 1730 GMT)
France v Wales (Stade de France, 20:00 GMT).

Saturday 10 March:
Scotland v Ireland (Murrayfield, 1330 GMT)
Italy v Wales (Rome, 1530 GMT).

Sunday 11 March:
England v France (Twickenham, 1500 GMT).

Saturday 17 March:
Italy v Ireland (Rome, 1330 GMT)
France v Scotland (Stade de France, 1530 GMT)
Wales v England (Millennium Stadium, 1730 GMT).

Enjoy some top class Rugby!

The Birthday Book, February 2007 : Part 2 !

Reporting From The Fox Tower is pleased to bring you two more Birthday celebrations for February 2007, beginning with Miss Lesley Davidson.

Apologies as this is very slightly late, but as this is a special Birthday, I hope the lateness will be excused.

Raise your glasses and toast Lesley on her 21st Birthday, Friday 9 February!

Those who enjoy reading the Cumberland & Westmorland Herald may have seen the Birthday wishes for Lesley in the current issue and I would also like to add a "Happy Birthday"!

Top up your glasses for the second Birthday being celebrated here, the Birthday of a good friend of Reporting From The Fox Tower, Miss Stine Slettemark!

Stine celebrates her 22nd Birthday next weekend, Sunday 18th February.

Stine will be celebrating her Birthday in Australia, as she is in Sydney, engaging in Further Education.

Previous posts in Reporting From The Fox Tower have included links to Stine's MSN Space / Windows Live Space, though for this post, I am pleased to include a link to "Stine's Super Space!" - Stine's MySpace page, which you may visit here.

Stine's MySpace page is a nice page of background information on herself, which I hope you will find of interest of a resident of Oslo, Norway, who has extensively travelled the world in recent years and currently finds herself in school in Sydney, Australia!

The Birthday Book has, to date, brought you four Birthdays this month and, if you are celebrating your Birthday soon, go easy on the champagne and why not be part of a future Birthday Book here on Reporting From The Fox Tower?

If you would like to contact me, please feel free to leave a message below by clicking on Comments or take the opportunity to email me.

Have a good weekend, take it easy!

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