Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Egypt or Egremont, the choice is yours

I'M SURE you have heard the story all over the media of Amy Robson, pictured above, the seventeen year old Cumbrian, who, with her family, went on holiday to Egypt sometime ago. The story goes somewhere along the lines of whilst Miss Robson was in Egypt, she met a twenty-something bar owner, they fell for each other. The Robson family returned to Cumbria, though Amy decided to return to her love in Egypt, though without telling the family, or anyone else.

When the penny dropped, the police were called and Amy was traced to Egypt. Amy's family again flew out to Egypt and the papers say Amy was "lured" to the airport by her family, promising her a day out sightseeing in Egypt... The Robsons returned to England where national newspapers were waiting to capture the moment the runaway returned home. Now that really is a slow news day!

Meanwhile, back in Egypt, Amy's love has said, in an interview with a UK daily newspaper, he will wait for her "for ever". Till the next holidaymaker arrives in his bar.

Finally, I'm sure the school (in Wigton) where Amy has been studying higher education will also have enjoyed the recent publicity whilst one of their pupils was missing . . .

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