Sunday, February 24, 2008

February 2008: Medium Wave Logs.

THE following broadcasts were heard by me on the Medium Wave band, Saturday 23 February 2008:

0842 - 0928 GMT, 567 kHz, RTE Radio One, Tullamore transmitter, Ireland. 'Farm Week' programme. Website here. (Farm Week webpage)

0950 - 1030 GMT, 585 kHz, BBC Radio Scotland, Dumfries transmitter, Scotland. 'Sports Weekly' programme. Website here. (Sports Weekly webpage)

1151 - 1203 GMT, 603 kHz, BBC Radio Four, Wrekenton (Newcastle-upon-Tyne) transmitter, England. 'From Our Own Correspondent' programme. Website here. (From Our Own Correspondent webpage)

1216 - 1230 GMT, 657 kHz, BBC Radio Wales, Wrexham transmitter, Wales. Rhod Gilbert programme. Website here. (BBC Wales Rhod Gilbert webpage)

1254 - 1320 GMT, 666 kHz, BBC Radio York, Fulford (York) transmitter, England. Richard Allinson albums programme. Website here. (BBC York Richard Allinson webpage)

2045 - 2101 GMT, 675 kHz, Radio Maria Nederland, Lopik transmitter, Holland. Continual music programme. Website here. (Radio Maria Nederland homepage, Dutch language)

2126 - 2136 GMT, 684 kHz, RNE 1, Seville transmitter, Spain. Live La Liga football: Sevilla v Real Zaragoza. Website here. (RNE homepage, Spanish language)

2140 - 2151 GMT, 693 kHz, BBC Radio Five Live. Live Six Nations Commentary with Ian Robertson, France 13 - England 24. Website here. (podcast link: Matt Dawson’s 6 Nations Rugby)

2208 - 2214 GMT, 711 kHz, France Info, Rennes transmitter, France. Report from Stade de France, Paris, of the Six Nations Rugby Union result: France 13 - England 24. Website here. (France Info report of France - England, French language)

2223 - 2235 GMT, 720 kHz, WDR, Langenberg transmitter, Germany. Music and speech. Website here. (WDR Radio homepage, German language)

2241 - 2248 GMT, 720 kHz, BBC Radio Four, Lisnagarvey transmitter, Northern Ireland. Round table discussion programme. Website here. (BBC Radio Four homepage).

Those are the logs for February 2008, I hope you find the weblinks interesting too!

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