Tuesday, May 18, 2010

May 2010 Medium Wave DX and a view of Appleby

I spent the evening of Friday 14 May 2010 listening to the Medium Wave band. The meagre results are as follows:
  • 810 kHz : BBC Radio Scotland via Westerglen, Scotland. Sport: Rugby Union. Ospreys v Glasgow.
  • 837 kHz : France Info via Nancy, France. Discussion between two males and a female.
  • 846 kHz : Radio North / Gospel 846 via either Caradonagh, Co Donegal or Galway, Republic of Ireland. Male host with music: Buddy Holly 'Heartbeat'.
  • 855 kHz : Radio Nacional de Espana [RNE] 1 via Cotillas Tower, Murcia, Spain. Fast moving speech between male and female hosts with news and sport reports.
A nice spread of broadcasts from across Europe. Next, Wallpaper of the Week brings you a popular feature of Appleby in Westmorland railway station:

KEEPING in with the railway theme, may I tip my hat to those working overnight at Crosby Garrett on the Settle - Carlisle line. I believe it is Story Rail who are working there; I can see their lights on the line from my home in Brough!

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