RFTFT gets you everywhere, you lucky people. Well, not
exactly live from the VS 2013 Catwalk, or anywhere near, for that matter. VS, by the way, stands for
Victoria's Secret, who held their 'Class of 2013' Fashion Show this past week, which did have British involvement lead by
Cara Delevingne, who, as reported
here, was involved in many of the shenanigans before, during and after the show.
The show has also produced brand new BFF [that's
Best Friends Forever, for those that were unaware] in the shape of VS Angel [
Angel is the name given to the ladies who model in the VS Fashion Show]
Lily Aldridge and the Superstar performer of the evening
Miss Taylor Alison Swift - Not only did Taylor perform a couple of tracks at the show, including
I Knew You Were Trouble., but also got involved in the fashions - Wearing a Union flag inspired outfit alongside Cara Delevingne in a football inspired outfit during a British element of the show, changing into a silver dress to perform again and join in the high fives, touches and pats with the Angels as they took to the catwalk, or the
runway, to saunter past Swift as she performed. It was when Aldridge took to the stage that the media bestowed the honour of BFF upon her and Swift, as Swift seemed to be very much taken by Aldridge, as they exchanged smiles and blowing kisses to one another as Swift performed. Following the performance, Aldridge walked hand in hand with Swift on the runway, sealing their new BFF status. And here's the cute picture to prove it!

Now, I may be speaking out of turn here, but I think Miss Swift (on the left, obviously) has the better legs in this photograph, but I won't dismiss your opposing views, if you wish to share them using the Comment feature below.
Well, I think that's a nice way to round off the weekend and bring a smile into the new week. Thank you for visiting RFTFT and do return again soon!