Sunday, April 6, 2014

Abbie J Steele - Then and Now

HERE ON RFTFT, we do like to follow up previous posting threads. Today, we look back to the summer of 2010, when the amazing Miss Abbie J Steele, pictured above, competed in the Miss Cumbria contest of that year. This blog was a keen supporter of Abbie's campaign to muster votes to take her through to the final. More of Abbie's 2010 campaign in a moment.

With the co-operation of Abbie herself, RFTFT will bring you all the latest details of her current work, as an actress and model, in a future post. That posting will include links to Abbie's social media sites and her new look website, which is being created at the moment. Hence the name of this posting as Then and Now - This is the 'then' post, the future post will be the 'now' post.

So, let's return to the 2010 Miss Cumbria campaign, which RFTFT supported. The above image was from 2010 and I shall now include links to the posts in support of Abbie, for your ease of access. The title of each post will include the appropriate link.

Here are the links:

(second part of post)

That concludes this post. Thank you for visiting RFTFT and we will be back with Abbie again soon!

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