Saturday, November 15, 2014

Wallpaper of the Beach, 15 November 2014

FOLLOWING LAST week's post, Taylor by the Sea, this post follows up the comparison to the previous Wallpaper of the Beach, which featured Miss Maria Sharapova. The above image was originally posted by Miss Taylor Swift on social media over the course of Easter 2014, the image she described as 'Looking for Easter eggs'. Miss Swift would go on to feature in a photoshoot for Rolling Stone magazine, at the beach, which may lead to a future Wallpaper of the Beach.

Moving away from beaches and the sea for now, I would also like to share an image of Taylor taken earlier in 2014, when she was pictured looking very stylish - Does the colour of her bag match her trousers? - when she was pictured out and about with her first cat, Meredith, in a bag that the press named her 'pussy purse'. I shall leave you with that image to enjoy, until next time.

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