Sunday, May 1, 2016

Wallpaper Of The Week, 1 May 2016

WALLPAPER Of The Week marks the first anniversary of the release of the unofficial 'Bucks New Uni Short Music Video' project for the band Desire and their song 'Under Your Spell'.

The video features Abbie Steele, pictured, whose career as a model and actress has been championed by this blog. Reporting From The Fox Tower has included many posts covering Abbie over the years, which you can find in the Blog Archive. The most recent post, 'Another first for Abbie', which first featured the 'Under Your Spell' video, can be read here. In that post, you can find links to previous posts involving Abbie and you can trace other posts on the subsequent links.

You can find out more about Abbie by visiting her website; Follow her on Twitter and 'Like' her Facebook page.

I shall close this post, first by wishing you 'May Gosling', second sharing the video of Desire - Under Your Spell.


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