Sunday, December 4, 2016

Wallpaper of the Week, 4 December 2016

This post marks the first anniversary of Storm Desmond, which brought much flooding and damage to Cumbria, which was covered here on Reporting From The Fox Tower in the posts 'Listening to the radio' and 'Carlisle United, December 2015'.

Wallpaper of the Week is a photograph I took in the early afternoon of December 8, 2015. The wood carving is to resemble a frog, which I had seen on site on previous times, so was pleased to see it had survived the flood. The location of the above image is south of Eden Bridge, Great Musgrave, which you can see on Google Maps. The road from where the photograph was taken is the B6259.

Some notes regarding this photograph: The River Eden had risen to a level that the water ran across the road, carrying debris which was caught in the wire fence, which is what you can see in the bottom left of the picture, up to the carving.

Until the next time.

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