Sunday, November 19, 2017

My DX Archive: Spring 1993

INTRODUCING memories of March 1993 onwards in this post, following on from the memories of Winter 1992-93 in the previous 'DX Archive' post. These memories were created by listening to Short Wave and Medium Wave radio broadcasts, mostly using a Hitachi TRK-5854 E receiver. Learn more about the broadcast bands by visiting the British DX Club.
The logs which follow are notes of what I heard on air in the Spring of 1993.
[Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz), MegaHertz (MHz) and/or metrebands (m). Logs transcribed from the original notes.]
If you are interested in the picture postcard from Radio Netherlands above, the other side of the card is below.

March 1993

  • 20 March [1993]: 1302 UTC: 5955 kHz: Radio Netherlands "Airtime Africa" Music from The Wailers Band, African writers, John Fashanu teaching African boys to play football in England. To 1320 UTC.
  • 20 March: 1344 UTC: 9750 kHz: BBC World Service "Newshour" John Major meets the Asian community. Latvian elections: Protests in Riga. British retail price index. Breaking news: Bomb in Warrington: 2 dead. News at 14 UTC. Music programme with John Peel.
  • 20 March: 1433 UTC: 12095 kHz: BBC World Service Sport: 5 Nations Rugby: France 10 - Wales 0.
  • 20 March: 1448 UTC: 15590 kHz: BBC World Service Sport: Five Nations Rugby: Ireland - England, France 16 - Wales 3.
  • 20 March: 1452 UTC: 15665 kHz: Christian Science Monitor 'Christian Science Sentinel' To Europe via WCSN, Scotts Corner, ME (Maine) USA. 'Herald of Christian Science', News update from APR. German broadcast.
  • 25 March: 2205 UTC: 9620 / 9720 kHz: Radio Yugoslavia SINPO: 44434, Interference, News programme: Latest events in the former Yugoslavia, Russia & it's President, Economies of the Balkan nations (esp Bosnia) following sanctions by the United Nations. [QSL for this broadcast below]

April 1993
  • 11 April: 1311 UTC: 5955 kHz: Radio Netherlands 'East of Edam' on 50.38 metres: 'Search for the Easter Egg' (Easter Sunday broadcast).
  • 11 April: 1346 UTC: 9410 / 9750 kHz: BBC World Service 'Newshour' IRA. Sport: Golf, Cricket (Pakistan), Motor racing. Football (Manchester United) & Tennis (Pete Sampras). Headline: Anglo-French relations.
  • 11 April: 21 UTC: 1179 kHz Medium Wave: Radio Sweden SINPO: 43343 'Sounds Nordic' with intro by Roxette and ABBA. Music from lady who sang song written by ex-ABBA member. Information of the 'Au-Pair Bear'.
  • 12 April: 2103 UTC: 1179 kHz: Radio Sweden SINPO: 32233
  • 19 April: 21 UTC: 1179 kHz: Radio Sweden SINPO: 54454
  • 26 April: 2030 UTC: 17880 kHz: Voice Of America SIO: 544 'Africa World Tonight'.
  • 26 April: 2052 UTC: 15010 kHz: Voice of Vietnam SINPO: 43443 News of a Bridge pathway being rebuilt in connection with America. Music.
May 1993
  • 10 May: 1844 UTC: 5800 kHz: Radio Australia 'World of Country Music' The Late Hank Williams. Rex Lindsay.
  • 10 May: 1907 UTC: 6040 kHz: Voice of America 'Newsline' Beijing hopes to win the Olympics, Businessman Azil Nadir, in Cyprus. The Former Yugoslavia. Robert Burns is the host. Bosnian UN ceasefire. Lord Owen in Geneva & Brussels. Paraguay's first free & fair elections.Israeli President's reshuffle & vote of no confidence.
  • 10 May: 2040 UTC: 11720 kHz: Radio Bulgaria 'Business & Finance'. 'Sports Roundup': Football, gymnastics, motor rally, wrestling, boxing.
  • 10 May: 21 UTC: 11745 / 11770 / 11950 kHz: Radio Moscow News: Moscow Summit, Russian-Turk meeting in Ankara. Bosnian ceasefire. Nelson Mandela meets Chancellor Kohl. 'Great Women of Russia'. Catherine 2nd.
  • 16 May: 1127 UTC: 5955 kHz: Radio Netherlands Intro & news with Jackie Spears: Bosnia. 'Happy Station' with Pete Myers: 'Off The Shelf' programme. Meeting Ertha Kitt. 'Brief Encounters' show. Glenda Jackson.
The Happy Station / Estación de la Alegría Team, from left to right: Pete Myers, Jaime Báguena, Lupita Kingma-Velázquez, Rosemarie Ninaber.
  • 20 May: 1219 UTC: 5955 kHz: Radio Netherlands 'Media Network' : Launch of a commercial radio station in Scarborough, UK, Radio Brussels BRT  'Open Day'. Competition details, propagation report. SINPO: 54444.
  • 24 May: 21 UTC: 1179 kHz: Radio Sweden '60° Degrees North' News with Alan Pryke: Swedish Medical Company launches HIV product, Chile President visits Sweden. EC meeting in Copenhagen. Danes protest against police shootings. Swedish politics: Sweden recognises Eritrea. Weather. KGB involvement in Swedish institute? Green Party talk Economy. Ad for 'In Touch With Stockholm'. Theatre conference. Sport: Table tennis, lawn tennis, Women's bike race. Football: Sweden - Austria. Boxing.
I do hope you have found the above of interest. 73's, Good DX! Martin.


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