Sunday, December 10, 2017

My DX Archive: June 1993.

JOIN me on another journey down memory lane, to my notes of radio broadcasts received June 1993. Click here for an extensive post of logs from Spring (March - April - May) 1993.
The broadcasts included here were received on a Hitachi TRK-5854 E, tuning the Short Wave bands.
[Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz), MegaHertz (MHz) and/or metrebands (m). Logs transcribed from the original notes.]

June 1993

  • 5 June [1993]: 2148 UTC: 17790 kHz: HCJB Quito, Ecuador. Good reception. 'Musical Mailbag' Letter and reception report from England. Laurie from Canada writes.
  • 14 June: 1730 UTC: 6065 + 9645 kHz: Radio Sweden Interference. News: Mogadishu, Olaf Palmer killed 1986, Swedish unemployment. '60° Degrees North': UN conference. Sport: Interview with football managers.
  • 15 June: 1754 UTC: 6040 kHz: Voice of America 'Request Line' Music, Eddie Murphy fan club address. News: President Clinton talks about Somalia. Italy talks about Mogadishu. Azerbaijan. Bosnian ceasefire.
  • 15 June: 1843 UTC: 9730 kHz: Radio Finland 'Compass North', 'Faith in Finland', summer religious festivals, Catholics pilgrim in Finland.
  • 15 June: 1903 UTC: 9760 kHz: Voice of America News headlines: Dalai Llama, Azerbaijan, ballots in Malawi, India launches offensive against Kashmir. 'Newsline' on VOA.
  • 15 June: 1917 UTC: 11630 / 11760 kHz: Radio Moscow 'Commonwealth Update', Estonia. CIS economies and currencies. News in Brief, followed by details of music by Mario Lanza.
  • 15 June: 1958 UTC: 12095 kHz: BBC World Service 'Development 93', news: United Nations conference to press for action in Bosnia, conference takes place in Vienna, Austria.
  • 15 June: 2024 UTC: 13635 kHz: Swiss Radio International 'Dateline' Address: Swiss Radio International, English, 3000 BERNE 15, Switzerland. Racism in Germany and Switzerland. Via Gabon transmitter relay site.
  • 15 June: 2054 UTC: 15665 kHz: Monitor Radio via WCSN. Book review: 'Mad Monks on the Road'. World news with an American angle: President Clinton reviews the situation in Somalia. Wall Street. Heavy shelling in Sarajevo. NASA.
  • 15 June: 2118 UTC: 15590 kHz: BBC World Service MP interviewed regarding Azerbaijan.
  • 15 June: 2131 UTC: 17790 kHz: HCJB 'Mountain Meditation' Quotes from Corinthians, New Testament. 'Glorious Intentions'.
  • 23 June: 1179 kHz Medium Wave: Radio Sweden 'Sixty Degrees North': 'Money Matters': Euro - US Free Trade talks. Station announcement: Radio Sweden regrets their French and Spanish services are to end soon.

Until the next time, Happy Listening!


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