Sunday, August 12, 2018

My DX Archive: Autumn 1995

ONE of the joys of bringing these memories is the logging of occasional broadcasts, which can be found in this post, covering Autumn 1995.
Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.

September 1995: Short Wave

  • 3 September [1995]: 1400 UTC: 5875 kHz (49m): Irish Overseas Broadcasting Moderate to poor reception. Loss of signal commonplace. Colin Connely from RTE via BBC. PO Box 4950 DUBLIN 1 IRELAND.
Irish Overseas Broadcasting QSL card, September 1995.
  • 4 September: 0740 UTC: c.6100 kHz: HCJB English Service Box 17-17-691 QUITO ECUADOR Good reception. News headlines. 'Studio 9' Ralph Kurtenbach and his family return to Quito. Slight interference from Radio Netherlands, Hilversum, Holland, Dutch language broadcast. HCJB health programme visits Mexico to study people's diets.
  • 21 September: 20 UTC: 15315 kHz: Radio Netherlands To Central & West Africa 'Media Network' Jonathan Marks and Howard Shannon. Mr Sam Younger of BBC World Service talks of Short Wave. Veronica News Radio, PO Box 2240 1202 CH HILVERSUM NETHERLANDS.
  • 25 September: 1812 UTC: 5930 kHz: Radio Prague 49m, 250 kW to Europe via Rimavska Sobota: Visit to a museum.
  • 25 September: 1839 UTC: 6020 kHz: Radio Netherlands News: Dave Durham. Newsline: President of Angola visits Brussels, Belgium. Israel PLO self rule. Former Italian Prime Minister stands trial for mafia work. Mrs Winnie Mandela has divorce papers served.
  • 25 September: 1855 UTC: 6040 kHz: Voice of America Special English features a state fair in Iowa.
  • 25 September: 1905 UTC: 7205 // 7230 // 7350 kHz: The Voice of Russia News: NATO start military exercises in France. Russia decides to co-operate with Asia. Kazakhstan treaty. Yugoslavia sanctions to be lifted? 'Commonwealth Update'.
  • 25 September: 1938 UTC: 9760 kHz: Radio Tirana, Albania News: Albanian troops. Art academy of Albania in Tirana.
  • 25 September: 2047 UTC: c.12 MHz: Forever Health Ministry PO Box 283 OKLAHOMA 73459-0243 USA Caller in Texas, USA.
  • 25 September: 2053 UTC: 13770 kHz: Monitor Radio via WSHB 'Letterbox'. Religious article from the Christian Science Monitor.
  • 25 September: 2110 UTC: 13650 // 13670 kHz: Radio Canada International 'Business Report' Craig Mclean. 'Spectrum' food news.
  • 26 September: 2108 - 2120 UTC: 11705 kHz: Radio Havana Cuba Good to poor reception. News: Cuba, United States of America, Ecuador, British newspaper, murder, trade unions, education in Russia, land arguments in Brazil.
October 1995: Short Wave
  • 17 October: 1753 UTC: 6040 kHz: Voice Of America 'Talk To America' interviews a professor in Saudi Arabia.
  • 17 October: 2137 UTC: 11945 kHz: BBC World Service Princess Anne is to visit the Falkland Islands, the visit to be commemorated by a set of stamps. The bridge between the Scottish mainland and the Isle of Skye opened yesterday, protests took place by people who would not pay the £4.50 toll. Ian MacDonald closes his report with 'Scotland The Brave'.
  • 17 October: 2145 UTC: 11705 kHz: Radio Havana Cuba 'DXers Unlimited' Arnie Coro, model 'KK99' AM radio receiver. A new FM repeater on a mountain top is on air: 145.150 kHz, Callsign: 306REP. Radio hobby worldwide: VHF Low & VHF High bands.
November 1995: Short Wave
  • 22 November: 1935 UTC: 5995 kHz: The Voice of Russia 'Moscow Yesterday And Today': Phillip, an elder Monk, built a Monastery and ran the building. Interference from a German language broadcast. Ivan The Terrible paid to build the Monastery. Phillip joined the Tsar in July 1566.
  • 22 November: 2003 UTC: 6180 // 6195 kHz: BBC World Service Report from Jerusalem: Shimon Peres is new Prime Minister of Israel, following assassination of Yitzhak Rabin. UK News: Rosemarie West jailed for ten murders. Report regarding the Bosnian peace process.
Thank you for joining me for these memories of Autumn 1995!


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