Sunday, June 2, 2019

My DX Archive: Summer 2000

JUNE-July-August of the Year 2000 is our destination for this selection of broadcasts heard on the Short Wave radio band.
The previous post, My DX Archive: Spring 2000, can be read here.
For the following broadcast logs, housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.

June 2000: Short Wave

  • 4 June [2000]: 1820 UTC: 5805 kHz: Radio Free London Good to poor[-ish] reception. Male operator, music: Monkees 'Last Train To Clarkesville', Beatles 'Paperback Writer', Tremeloes 'Here Comes My Baby' operator unable to answer phone. 1973 Mungo Jerry, Swinging Blue Jeans 'Hippy Hippy Shake'/'Good Golly Miss Molly'. Telephone: 07930 11 34 30 Email: RFL @ England .com 101b Kings Cross Rd, London WC1X 9LP
A4 sized Global Sound Kitchen QSL verification card, May 2000.
Notes: Global Sound Kitchen [Website no longer active] Space D and Lady Sophia Telephone 0207 453 1610 Email: studio @ Post: Claire Marshall, G-One Ltd, 50 Lisson Street LONDON NW1 5DF (Weekends on Shortwave).

July 2000: Short Wave
  • 19 July: 1939 UTC: 2350 kHz: Radio Sweden Fair reception. Interview regarding medical negligence, weather. 'Money Matters' share issues in Sweden. 'Sixty Degrees North' Interview with a web developer. Chris Boswell closes the show. [Spurious broadcast?]
  • 19 July: 20:04 UTC: 2395 kHz: Voice of America Good to fair reception. VOA-Africa report from Monrovia, Liberia. Nelson Mandela hosts meeting. United Nations report lack of food in Angola. Report from Geneva. Financial help for Zambia. White farmers quit Zimbabwe. Money to fight AIDS. [Spurious broadcast?]
  • 19 July: 2025 UTC: 2530 kHz: BBC World Service Good to fair reception 'Newshour' Male speaks of Queen Mother's Birthday. Business news: oil. Headlines at 2030 UTC: Middle East meeting at Camp David, Korean summit regarding missiles. Nelson Mandela speaks of Burundi. Madrid protests against ETA. [Spurious broadcast?]
  • 19 July: 2132 UTC: 3915 kHz: BBC World Service Fair to poor reception. English to East and South East Asia and Australia via Kranji, Singapore. BBC Sport: Tour de France, Open Golf.
  • 19 July: 2140 UTC: 3975 kHz: Radio Budapest Strong to good reception 'Hungary Today' Abortion laws in Hungary. Currency exchange rates. Michael Flatley performs 'Feet of Flames' in Budapest. Music: 'Riverdance'.
Radio Budapest sticker.
August 2000: Short Wave
  • 17 August: 1923 UTC: 4950 kHz: Voice of America Good to fair reception. English to Africa via Sao Tome, 'African Perspectives' Sport: Football World Cup 2002 Qualifier: USA 7 [Seven] - Barbados 0. ID, 'Ocean Report'. 1930 UTC: 'World Of Music'.
  • 17 August: 1954 UTC: 5000 kHz: WWV Boulder, Colorado USA. Strong to good reception. Time Signal station, co-channel interference from Radio Vlaanderen Internationaal, ID signal and music.
  • 17 August: 2026 UTC: 5995 kHz: Radio Canada International Good to fair reception. English to Europe and North Africa via Skelton, 'Spectrum' Medical charges. News headlines. Rabbi in North America. E-Coli scare, closure of Scotia Bank. Lobster dispute.
  • 17 August: 2100 UTC: 6195 kHz: BBC World Service English to Europe and North Africa via Rampisham, Dorset, UK. News: Sunken Russian Submarine. Echo from 6195 BBC Cyprus!
  • 18 August: 2045 UTC: 7325 kHz: Wales Radio International Good reception 'Celtic Notes' Jenny O'Brien, Wales Tourist Board competition, Philip Evans interview, Tourism in Wales. Interview regarding the Welsh language. Mr Thomas. Music: 'The Incredibles' / SA41 3QD
  • 18 August: 2059 UTC: 7325 kHz // 3955 kHz, 6140 kHz and 1215 kHz (Medium Wave) Virgin Radio relay on Shortwave! To Europe via Skelton, Cumbria, England. Virgin in place of Global Sound Kitchen? Change at 2125 kHz [sic - UTC]: Global Sound Kitchen.
  • 18 August: 2130 UTC: 11680 kHz: BBC World Service Strong to good reception. English to South Atlantic via Rampisham, Dorset, UK. 'Calling the Falklands' Repair of a submarine in Gibraltar, interview with a representative of Greenpeace. Interview with Professor Martin Palmer regarding global warming. Letter for auction from Scott and Evans, Himalayan Expedition.
  • 18 August: 2148 UTC: 7325 kHz: Global Sound Kitchen Strong to good reception. English to Europe via Skelton, Cumbria, England. Also broadcast on 3955 kHz and 6140 kHz from Skelton.
  • 27 August: 1725 UTC: 5805 kHz: Radio Free London Music. Signal: fair, English to Europe, music. Also 1801 UTC, fair to poor reception. Address, phone, email. Music: Beatles 'All You Need Is Love'. Aztec Camera 'Somewhere In My Heart'.
I hope you have enjoyed this look back to the Summer of the year 2000.

It is with great sadness that the Border Television and BBC Radio Cumbria broadcaster, John Myers, has died at the age of sixty. For a tribute from BBC Cumbria, click here.


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