Sunday, March 8, 2020

Spring - Summer 2004 on Short Wave Radio

Radio Bulgaria QSL verification card, April 2004.
April 2004: Short Wave

  • 14 April [2004]: 2042 UTC: 5800 kHz: Radio Bulgaria Strong to good reception. French to Europe, male host, news: Bulgaria links with Paris. Israel & Turkey. Music at 2046 UTC.
  • 14 April: 2128 UTC: 6065 kHz: Radio Sweden English to Europe. Strong to good reception. Bill Schiller, news: Danish troops in Iraq. Swedish Ministry of Defence. Norway's King Harald. '60° North'.

May 2004: Short Wave

  • 30 May: 5815 kHz: 2145 UTC: World Music Radio - Denmark. Strong to good reception, 10 kW via Karup, Denmark. Boston, Boy George, Boy Meets Girl.
June 2004: Short Wave

  • 18 June: 1848 UTC: 5815 kHz: World Music Radio Denmark: Jingle "WMR - World Music Radio" Strong to fair reception via Karup, Denmark. WMR, P O Box 112, DK - 8900 RANDERS  DENMARK  wmr @ wmr . dk  10 kW transmission. Music: The Rolling Stones 'Don't Stop'.
  • 18 June: 1912 UTC: 6065 kHz: Radio Sweden Swedish to Europe, Africa, Middle East via Hörby, 500 kW. Strong to fair reception. Male and female hosts, speech regarding politics.
  • 18 June: 1943 UTC: 6075 kHz: Deutsche Welle German language service. News from Sao Paulo, Brazil, news from South America. Strong to good reception. To 1948 UTC.
World Music Radio QSL verification card, Summer 1994.
  • 18 June: 2004 UTC: 6155 kHz: Radio Österreich 1 International (formerly Radio Austria International) ["German only these days"] News: American hostage beheaded in Saudi Arabia by al-qaeda. 'Nachtjournal' to 2014 UTC, 'Kontext'. Strong to good reception to Europe via Moosbrunn.
  • 18 June: 2030 UTC: 6195 kHz: BBC World Service News: New European Union constitution. Los Angeles pays tribute to the Late Ray Charles, tributes from Stevie Wonder and B B King. Clare Balderstone with 'Newshour': Paul Johnson, American hostage, beheaded by al-queda in Saudi Arabia. Strong to fair reception.
  • 18 June: 2047 UTC: 7150 kHz: Wales Radio International 'Celtic Notes' reports from a slate quarry near Bangor, North Wales. Strong to good reception via Moosbrunn, Austria. Website for Welsh Slate.
August 2004: Short Wave
  • 8 August: 1426 UTC: 7265 kHz: Sudwestrundfunk Germany. Speech from two male hosts. Strong to good reception.
  • 8 August: 1447 UTC: 9400 kHz: Radio Bulgaria Russian language service to Europe. Music, male & female hosts. Fair reception.
  • 8 August: 1504 UTC: 9410 kHz: Radio Sweden Swedish service to Europe. Female host, news. Strong to good reception via Hörby.
Radio Sweden QSL, June 2004.
  • 8 August: 1530 UTC: 9545 kHz: Deutsche Welle German language service, male host, Islam in Germany. Strong to good reception.
  • 8 August: 1549 UTC: 9630 kHz: Radio Finland (Y L E) Female host, Finnish language. Strong to fair reception. To 1557 UTC.
  • 8 August: 1559 UTC: 9645 kHz: Vatican Radio Good to fair reception. 16 UTC: French - English edition. News headlines in French.
  • 8 August: 1750 UTC: 11500 kHz: Radio Bulgaria English to Europe, 'Events and Developments' male host. Good to fair reception.
  • 8 August: 1813 UTC: 11600 kHz: Radio Sweden Swedish service to Europe. Female host, outside broadcast. Strong to good reception.
  • 8 August: 1823 UTC: 11615 kHz: Radio France Internationalé Good to poor reception. French language service, music programme, news headlines.
Radio France Internationalé
  • 8 August: 1840 UTC: 11625 kHz: Vatican Radio Rosary to Africa, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, 1st and 2nd Programme. Strong to good reception. To 1845 UTC.
  • 8 August: 1852 UTC: 11630 kHz: Voice of Russia English to Europe, Middle East, Africa. Religious programming. Strong to good reception.
  • 8 August: 1909 UTC: 12070 kHz: Voice of Russia World Service 'Sunday Panorama' News headlines: Georgia - Russia separation. Strong to good reception. Russia G D P increase. Mayor of Hiroshima, Japan, accuses USA of developing "mini-nukes" on the 59th anniversary of the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. News from Iraq.
  • 8 August: 1928 UTC: 13590 kHz: Deutsche Welle English to Middle East and Africa via Wertachtal, Germany. Fair to poor reception. Rick Faulker with classical music.

Thank you for taking an interest in my radio listening logs from April - August 2004.
The previous post was logs from Autumn 2003, that can be found here.
Finally, if you found some of the terms above needing more clarity, then I hope these housekeeping notes are of use:
Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.

Thank you for visiting Reporting From The Fox Tower!


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