Sunday, September 19, 2021

My AM Archive: March 2012

 WEDNESDAY, March 21, 2012 was a day listening to Medium Wave, the following logs are what was heard that day.

The previous post in this thread, My AM Archive: January 2012, can be found here.

Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.

March 2012 : Medium Wave
  • [Wednesday] 21 March [2012]: 1130 UTC: 1440 kHz: Tentative reception of Marnach, Luxembourg  Speech by a female, speech by a male, brief piece of music which may have been an ident, speech by male.
    Poor - fair - poor reception.
    Speech by female.
    600 kW.
    Logged to 1150 UTC.
  • 21 March: 1157 UTC: 1458 kHz: BBC Newcastle  North East Weather, male host with male and female guest previewing the 2012 budget. Weather report from Paul Mooney.
    1200 UTC news: British woman has been released by hostage takers in Africa. Budget 2012 preview. Report from Whitley Bay. Sport update. Weather report. Male speech, telephone number for the 'jambuster' traffic telephone line. Male speech, 'guess the year' competition. Music: Jacksons 'Can You Feel It'.
    Good to fair reception.
    Male host with details of the year featured in the competition.
    2 kW via Wrekenton, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
    The year is 1981.
    Logged to 1215 UTC.
  • 21 March: 1231 UTC: 1485 kHz: BBC Radio 4  Live coverage of the 2012 Budget.
    Fair reception.
    1 kW via Carlisle.
    2012 Budget speech by Chancellor George Osbourne, live from the Houses of Parliament, Westminster, London.
    Logged to 1245 UTC.
  • 21 March: 1258 UTC: 1521 kHz: "Music, followed by slow speech by male. Unidentified broadcast  Music.
    Fair to poor reception.
    Male speech. Broadcast I cannot identify
    Logged to 1308 UTC.
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