Sunday, December 26, 2021

My AM Archive: April 2014

 GOOD Friday 2014 was a very good Friday, for listening to the Medium Wave band of the Roberts R881.
This post details what was heard on that date.

The previous post in this thread, My AM Archive: December 2013, can be found here.

Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.

April 2014 : Medium Wave
  • [Friday] 18 April [2014]: 2028 UTC: 738 kHz: RNE 1 Barcelona  Male speech with brief musical interludes. High speech content in Spanish language.
    Fair to poor reception; Presumed 500 kW transmission?
    Logged to 2042 UTC.
  • 18 April: 2045 UTC: 747 kHz: NOS R5 [Zeewold HOL]  Very strong signal, speech by both a male and female, in the Dutch language. Music at 2047 UTC.
    This is NOS R5, via Zeewold, Holland. The broadcaster is also known as Radio 5 Nostalgia.
    Male speech at 2050 UTC, with male on phone.
    Excellent to good reception; Presumed 400 kW transmission?
    Logged to 2100 UTC.
  • 18 April: 2104 UTC: 756 kHz: BBC Radio Cumbria  Music: The Shadows 'Because They're Young'? ID for Joe Costin, voiced by Richard Nankivell. Music: Engelbert Humperdink 'Please Release Me'. Speech by Joe Costin, ID for The Late Show on BBC Radio Cumbria.
    Good to fair reception; 1 kW via Brisco, Carlisle [See image, below].
    Music: Nilsson 'Without You'.
    Co-channel interference from DLF, Germany.
    Logged to 2116 UTC.
  • 18 April: 2129 UTC: 756 kHz: Tentative reception of BBC Radio 4 which would make the transmission site Redruth, Cornwall!
    Poor - fair - poor reception.
    Female speech regarding shipping.
    Co-channel interference from DLF and BBC Radio Cumbria.
    Logged to 2140 UTC.

  • 18 April: 2150 UTC: 756 kHz: Deutschlandfunk [DLF]  "The 'powerhouse' broadcast on this channel after dark".
    Transmission via Ravensburg / Braunschweig, Germany. 100-200 kW.
    Excellent - good - fair reception.
    German male and female speech, operatic pieces.
    Logged to 2200 UTC.
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