Wednesday, August 17, 2022

My Short Wave Archive: December 2008

 AN extended break has been taken, during which I hope you have enjoyed the Summer of 2022.

Welcome to a post listing Short Wave radio broadcasts, heard December 2008.

The previous post featuring Short Wave broadcasts, My Short Wave Archive: October 2008, can be found here.

Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.

Receiver used: Roberts R881.

December 2008 : Short Wave
  • [Monday] 15 December [2008]: 2108 UTC: 4975 kHz: Vatican Radio  Female host, in conversation with a lady who lost her daughter to cancer. Also conversing with friends and carers.
    Female also speaks with Daniel, representing the Christian Aid charity. Daniel speaks of work undertaken by the charity, including working with the people of Bangladesh, following flooding.
    Good reception.
    Broadcast comes to a close at 2120 UTC.
  • 15 December: 2128 UTC: 5000 kHz: WWV  Boulder  CO  USA  Time signal station.
    Excellent to fair reception.
    One second ticks with rapid-fire ticks, alternating with longer tones and continuous tones.
    Deterioration of signal at 2131 UTC.
Spurious out of band broadcasts: Radio Romania International in English; Mighty KBC in English from Holland; Radio Serbia in English [See QSL from The International Radio Serbia below].

QSL from The International Radio Serbia.

  • 15 December: 2223 UTC: 6055 kHz: The Mighty KBC  Holland, via Sitkunai, Lithuania.
    Wolfman Jack on the air.
    Excellent to fair reception.
    Rock music. Ad for the Isle of Bute, Scotland. Ad for KBC Import.
    ID. Wolfman Jack signing off.
    Close of broadcast at 2230 UTC.
Thank you for visiting Reporting From The Fox Tower!

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