Tuesday, January 24, 2023

My Short Wave Archive: December 31, 2010

 ST SYLVESTER I or New Year's Eve, however you marked December 31, 2010, this is a post recalling that evening.

This post shares an evening listening to Short Wave radio broadcasts, on Friday, December 31, 2010.

The previous post featuring Short Wave broadcasts, My Short Wave Archive: Christmas Eve 2010, can be found here.

Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.

Receiver used: Roberts R881.

December 2010 : Short Wave
  • [Friday] 31 December [2010]: 2050 UTC: 6030 kHz: Radio Ukraine International  Excellent to good reception. English to Europe.
    Female host speaks of a University building which recovered from a fire in 1944 when World War 2 engulfed Ukraine. Recordings of a tour guide, Diana, who speaks of the interiors, including decorative mirrors.  The Church in the University complex has been Orthodox Church since 1991.  Smoking on site is prohibited; Gravel paths are a historic drainage system.
    Logged to close of broadcast at 2058 UTC.
Radio Ukraine International QSL card, December 31, 2010
  • 31 December: 2113 UTC: 6030 kHz: Radio Romania International  Excellent to good reception. French to Europe.
    Female reporter speaking to another female in a pre-recorded item, outside broadcast assignment, background noise on the recording.
    Logged to 2120 UTC.
  • 31 December: 2137 UTC: 6075 kHz: Deutsche Welle  Excellent to good reception. German to Europe via Sines (Portugal), 250 kW.
    Female host, speaking with male guest, with male speaking in the background. Speech includes 'institute' with engine running and 'machine' in speech.
    Speech from females and males in this report from an engineering institute. Interview with the male director of the institute; The director speaks to an assembled audience or class in the background. Female continues the report, which was recorded in Africa for Deutsche Welle.
    Logged to 2145 UTC.
  • 31 December: 2201 UTC: 6085 kHz: Voice of America  Music: Bruno Mars 'Just The Way You Are'.
  • 31 December: 2205 UTC: 6100 kHz: International Radio Serbia  Feature regarding notable people who have visited Serbia: Radovan Popovic met Albert Einstein in Serbia; A Swiss-born architect / artist visited Serbia. John Reed reported from Serbia during World War 2. A Russian writer spent 5 days in Belgrade. Music.
    English to Europe; 250 kW via Bijelina (Jabanuša), Bosnia-Hercegovina.
    Visitors to Serbia after World War 2 included a British writer, who visited 1948-1952. Henry Moore (sculptor), Dizzy Gillespie (musician) and many others.
    Excellent to good reception.
    Other notable names included Elizabeth Taylor and Michael Todd; Alfred Hitchcock and Ray Charles.
    New year wishes from the continuity announcer, as 2011 has arrived in Serbia.
    Logged to 2220 UTC.
  • 31 December: 2231 UTC: 6155 kHz: Female host with ID for Radio Station Belarus
    Jazz music, 'Letterbox' feature. Male with ID, languages broadcast and the website address for the broadcaster. Feature: Visiting a destination 100 km from Minsk, capital of Belarus. History of Monastery built in town. Palace includes collection of jewellery. Corpus Christie Cathedral.
    Excellent to good reception.
    Announcement of website address, 'Music Box' feature.
    English to Europe.
    Logged to 2240 UTC.
  • 31 December: 2304 UTC: 6175 kHz: China Radio International  Excellent to good reception.
    Spanish language host with news from China, including economic news and updates from Pacific areas.
    Logged to 2310 UTC.
China Radio International QSL card
December 31, 2010
  • 31 December: 2327 UTC: 7220 kHz: ID "This is Bucharest, Radio Romania International"  Excellent to good reception. English to Europe and Asia.
    Female host with 'The Cookery Show' Cottage Cheese Pie.
    'Through The Looking Glass' Concert for 'Help A Child Go To School' charity.
    Logged to 2335 UTC.
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Thursday, January 19, 2023

My Short Wave Archive: Christmas Eve 2010

 A FESTIVE Friday night, listening to Short Wave radio broadcasts, as shared here.

The broadcasts shared in this post date from Christmas Eve 2010: Friday, 24 December, 2010.

The previous post featuring Short Wave broadcasts, My Short Wave Archive: October 2010, can be found here.

Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.

Receiver used: Roberts R881.

December 2010 : Short Wave

Benedict XVI, interviewed by Vatican Radio on a flight to Cyprus,
4 June 2010.  Image: Vatican Radio QSL card.

  • [Friday] 24 December [2010]: 1920 UTC: 4005 kHz: Vatican Radio  Speech, introducing the signature music of Vatican Radio.  Male and female speech, music.
    Poor-Fair-Poor reception.
    German language to Europe and the Mediterranean.
    Logged to 1936 UTC.
  • 24 December: 1948 UTC: 4780 kHz: Radio Djibouti  Male and female speech, Arabic language, music with vocals.
    Fair reception.
    Logged to 1955 UTC.
    [See video: 'Radio Djibouti 4780 kHz received in Germany' heard by senderjaeger 25 November 2009, on YouTube]
  • 24 December: 2022 UTC: 5960 kHz: China Radio International  Good reception.
    English to Europe, Middle East, Africa via Albania.
    Report regarding Christmas in Chinese schools.  Music: Saxophone with backing instruments: 'Rock With You' (Michael Jackson song).
    'China Drive'  Christian Bale to star in a movie being made in China.  Male and female hosts.
    Microsoft announce new bug or problem.  Traffic engineering in Canada, regarding blind people.
    Logged to 2036.
  • 24 December: 2057 UTC: 6030 kHz: Radio Ukraine International  Female speaking of a centre of learning.  English to Europe.  Male with broadcast frequency details.
    Good to fair reception.
    Logged to 2100 UTC.
  • 24 December: 2107 UTC: 6030 kHz: Radio Romania International  Excellent to good reception.
    French language, female and male speech.
    Logged to 2120 UTC.
Thank you for visiting Reporting From The Fox Tower!

Thursday, January 12, 2023

My Short Wave Archive: October 2010

 ST EDWARD's Day, Wednesday 13 October, 2010, an evening of listening to Short Wave radio broadcasts, as shared here.

The previous post featuring Short Wave broadcasts, My Short Wave Archive: August 2010, can be found here.

Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.

Receiver used: Roberts R881.

October 2010 : Short Wave
  • [Wednesday] 13 October [2010]: 2111 UTC: 3915 kHz: BBC World Service  Measured, clear speech, male host with male guest in English.
    Fair to poor reception, English to East and South East Asia via Kranji, Singapore.
    Logged to 2124 UTC.
  • 13 October: 2128 UTC: 3955 kHz: KBS World Radio  Seafood and natural remedies of medicine from fish. Rice and abalone (mollusc) as an example. 'Happy Cooking'.
    Female host announces KBS Radio website, broadcast schedule (2100 UTC: 3955 kHz; 0230 UTC: 9460 kHz DRM; 1430 UTC: 9460 kHz), via World Radio Network website, via KBS website. Announces postal address for Seoul, Korea.  'Goodbye everyone'.
    Off air at 2132 UTC.
    Strong to good reception, English to Europe via Skelton, Cumbria, UK (VT).
  • 13 October: 2219 UTC: 3985 kHz: Voice of Croatia  News: Government declassified documents regarding gas distribution business in Croatia. Sale of Austrian bank to Bavarian bank, links to the Croatian national bank.
    Good reception.
    International news: Chilean miners are being released after being trapped in a collapsed mine for 69 days at 700 metres (below ground). Meetings between Israel and Croat dignitaries in Zagreb. ID.
    Sport: Tennis: Shanghai Masters. Weather reports. ID.
    Genealogy programme: Ethnic roots.
    English to Europe and America.
    Headlines with Chris Bushell on 'Croatia Today'.
    Announcements: Croatian Radio via satellite and broadcast schedule (MW: 1134 kHz; Short Wave: 7375 kHz to Australia? 11675 kHz. Europe: 3985 kHz, 6130 kHz, 7170 kHz), also via the Voice of Croatia website.
    English broadcast off air at 2233 UTC.
  • 13 October: 2247 UTC: 4005 kHz: Vatican Radio  Female and male in conversation, English, speech regarding Nigerian Catholic man, interview. Bad audio.
    Fair (to poor) reception. English to Europe.
    Female host, with passages of speech by male.
    ID at 2300 UTC. Announcement of Vatican Radio website, music, interval signal.
    Spanish language broadcast.
    Logged to 2305 UTC.
Vatican Radio QSL card, verifying reception on 13 October 2010.

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