YOU are warmly welcomed, on a wet July day, to another post in the continuing thread of memories of radio broadcasts, heard via Short Wave Radio.
The previous post featuring Short Wave broadcasts, My Short Wave Archive: November 2011, can be found
This post brings memories of Short Wave radio broadcasts heard [Valentine's Day] Tuesday, February 14, 2012.
Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.
Receiver used: Roberts R881.
February 2012 : Short Wave
ERT The Voice of Greece QSL Verification Card. |
- [Tuesday] 14 February [2012]: 1830 UTC: 9420 kHz: The Voice of Greece Music from a female vocalist with piano accompaniment, male speech (host), music from female vocalist with varied instrumentation. New track.
This is The Voice of Greece. Excellent to good reception. Greek to Europe, America, Atlantic Ocean.
Speech from male host, music from female vocalist with instrumentation. Another female vocalist with instrumentation, 1845 UTC.
Male vocalist, guitar. Speech from male host. More music from male vocalist.
Logged to 1850 UTC. - 14 February: 1855 UTC: 9430 kHz: BBC World Service Speech from female host, bringing in a caller from Africa to talk about their standard of living in Nigeria, talking about Valentine's Day on BBC World Service, male studio guest with female host.
Fair reception. ID for BBC. ID for 'You & Yours' every weekend with Bridget Kendall.
Time Signal for 1900 UTC. Male speech. News from Nigeria. World News: Security operations in Bahrain.
This hour: English to West & Central Africa via Woofferton, Shropshire, UK (Babcock transmitter site).
News from the USA, The White House regarding the forthcoming presidential elections, austerity measures. News from Pakistan. Speech from female on a declining signal. Eurozone countries. Bailout plan. 400 million Euro shortfall. News from Iraq. UN.
ID for BBC World Service.
Logged to 1910 UTC. - 14 February: 1910 UTC: 9445 kHz: All India Radio Male interviewing male, on location, "What do you think of the financial problems between the East and the West?", "What are your plans for the future?", "I have worked in institutions and foundations since the 1960s - 1970s".
Professor from Boston was the guest.
"You are tuned to the General Overseas Service of All India Radio".
All India Radio, Good reception, English to Europe and Africa.
Music: Male vocals, with instrumentation.
Logged to 1925 UTC. - 14 February: 1930 UTC: 9500 kHz: Radio Australia News from the Japan power stations; Power station in Gaza Strip has shut down as it ran out of fuel.
Cricket: Sri Lanka v India, interview with Sri Lanka captain. Adelaide Oval.
Cycling: Andre Greipel wins latest stage of the Tour of Oman. Update on Australian cyclists.
Weather reports from Melbourne, Canberra, all over Australia.
ABC News. Breakfast! 15th February 2012, 0636 in Australia.
Female host interviews representative from Abacus organisation, regarding credit unions and Building Societies not following banks to alter interest rates. Guest is calling from Melbourne.
Radio Australia. Excellent to good reception. English to Asia and Australasia via Shepparton, Victoria, Australia.
Louise Peschler was the guest from Abacus. Mutuals were not following the big banks.
Quarter to seven on breakfast. Natasha Mitchell on air later today. Mr Oakshott on air for interview soon. Interview with Shane, regarding dental care. "Ten minutes to Seven".
Rob Oakshott joins us from Parliament House. Business news.
Radio National, Fran Kelly.
Logged to 20:00 UTC. - 14 February: 2015 UTC: 9515 kHz: Family Radio Speech by male, I believe in prayer to Allah, Arabic language.
British DX Club suggests Family Radio via Nauen [Germany] at this time? - 14 February: 2025 UTC: 9600 kHz: China Radio International Male host with report regarding Valentine's Day on China Radio International. Music.
Excellent to good reception. English to Europe, Middle East, Africa via Kashi, China.
'China Drive' : 'Media Scan' ? Investigations into the use of the Apple iPad in China, over concerns of approved usage of the name 'iPad' in Hong Kong and other areas of the Chinese mainland.
Adventist World Radio verification letter, 2012 |
- 14 February: 2045 UTC: 9655 kHz: Deutsche Welle Female host with news headlines and focus on a film festival and Angelina Jolie, spot with a website address for Glee?
Report regarding a newly elected leader with focus on the need of clean water within a community; Hip-hop festival to draw attention to these requirements.
British DX Club shows Deutsche Welle.
People knocking on doors, asking for food. Shanty town.
Fair to poor reception. English to Africa via Kigali, Rwanda (Deutsche Welle transmitter).
Deutsche Welle confirmed.
Website; "Thank you to our studio team, Nigel... Goodbye" Music.
Logged to 2100 UTC. - 14 February: 2120 UTC: 9830 kHz: Adventist World Radio Male speaker proclaiming that God is up on high and the Spirit and the Lord are all of heaven. This is Adventist World Radio.
Fair reception. English to Africa via Moosbrunn, Austria.
"I give my Spirit to him, Hallelujah"
Music. Contact address: 96300 Adventist World Radio Ghana. Male speech with contact details, brief speech by female, speech by male. Trumpets.
Off air at 2130 UTC. - 14 February: 2145 UTC: 9915 kHz: BBC World Service Discussion regarding radio and audio - Will radio still be the same in ten years time?
This has been the BBC World Service programme 'Click' - Science and technology.
Feature regarding London: Part 1 'Home'.
Excellent to fair reception. English to West & Central Africa via Ascension Island.
Overspill from All India Radio on 9910 kHz.
Logged to 2200 UTC.
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