Monday, November 14, 2005

Are You Listening...?

For all you Cumbrian / Lancastrian fans of the radio in Kirkby Lonsdale, some news for you!

LVR FM ( Lune Valley Radio)
Contact: Paul Broadbent
LVR FM, 9 Market Street, Kirkby Lonsdale, Cumbria LA6 2AU
Tel: 015242 71294
LVR will serve the semi-rural community within the Lune Valley area, and centred on the market town of Kirkby Lonsdale.

As far as I am aware, LVR has just been awarded the licence to broadcast, so if you're interested, it may be of use to use the contact details above.

My previous post leaned towards station links for the programmes I heard those days, so here they are:

Hope that little lot isn't too tiring... as for other matters, tea and sympathy please as I have a spot of Gastritis.

Gastritis (inflammation of the stomach) is caused by stress so don't stress me out, cheers.

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