Thursday, June 20, 2013

Happy Olympic Torch Anniversary!

TODAY I have been thinking back one year, to Wednesday 20 June 2012, the date on which the Olympic Torch relay passed through Eden on its way to Carlisle. This posting marks the first anniversary of that day with links to media sites hosting videos, blogs and photographs of the Olympic Flame making its way through Cumbria for the first time. Click on the links below and enjoy a few memories.

  • The Olympic Flame in Brough - Videos from ITV Border - Click here.
  • The Olympic Flame in Appleby - Video from ITV Border - Click here.
  • The Olympic Flame in Penrith - Videos from ITV Border - Click here.

To provide fairness and balance in this post, the next link is to the BBC Torch Relay site. I'm not sure if the videos are still available, but you can read the blog of the day's events on the right hand side of the page - Day 33 of the Olympic Torch relay. To enjoy a few more memories, click here.

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