Monday, June 26, 2017

Wallpaper of the Week, 26 June 2017

TAKING you down memory lane to a recent stop - August 2016 - for Wallpaper of the Week.
The image is of Christ The Redeemer in the foreground, with the Rio 2016 Olympic Stadium in the distance, with colours of the nightlights peppered throughout. Enjoy the image.

Best of Luck, Katy!

ONE of the athletes who competed at #Rio2016 was Katy Sealy, (pictured above, at the 2014 Glasgow Commonwealth Games) representing Belize. Reporting From The Fox Tower first introduced Katy on March 28 with the 'Meet The Olympian!' post, followed by the '...5 Gold Rings' post on April 2.

Katy is currently in Tegucigalpa, Honduras for the Central American Senior Championships, taking place this coming weekend. Here is a Tweet from Katy, in Honduras!
The picture was Tweeted June 26. For more of Katy on social media, here she is in training for the hurdles, shared on Vimeo:

katysealyvideo1 from D Sealy on Vimeo.

Finally, I hope you have learned a little bit more about Katy and join me in wishing her well for the Championships.
If you want to find out more about Katy, visit her website. If you would like to make a donation to assist Katy in reaching her targets, visit her GoFundMe page. Keep up to date with Katy via her social media: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Good Luck, Katy!

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