Sunday, March 17, 2019

Lionesses and Eagles.

England Women celebrate winning the SheBelieves Cup.
CONGRATULATIONS, albeit slightly belatedly, to the England Women Football team, the Lionesses, who competed in the SheBelieves Cup in the United States recently and have come home as Champions!

The SheBelieves Cup is contested by the USA, England, Brazil and Japan.

England's results in the tournament were as follows:
Wednesday 27 February: England 2 - Brazil 1
Saturday 2 March: USA 2 - England 2
Tuesday 5 March: Japan 0 - England 3

The next tournament for the Lionesses is the forthcoming Women's World Cup.
Learn more about the SheBelieves Cup by clicking here.


The Upper Eden Eagles
CLOSER to home, meet the Eagles!

The Upper Eden Eagles are the Senior Ladies Rugby team of Upper Eden Rugby Club, based in Kirkby Stephen. Upper Eden Rugby Club had a ladies team some years ago, some of which went on to play at a higher level. The ladies team took a break for some years, until autumn 2018, when the Eagles were formed.
Early fixtures were with the team joining other Cumbrian based teams, to sharpen their skills on the field, a tactic which has paid dividends, as the Eagles have recorded victories in virtually every fixture, including their recent home debut at Pennine Park, Kirkby Stephen, where the Eagles recorded a 66-0 victory over Lancaster University.

Learn more and keep up to date with the Eagles by following the team on social media. Click here.

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