Sunday, April 5, 2020

Autumn - Winter 2004: My DX Archive.

13:18 UTC, Sunday 5 April 2020, welcome to some more memories of radio broadcasts heard on Short Wave radio during the months of October and December 2004.
Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.
For continuity, click here for broadcasts heard Spring - Summer 2004 on Short Wave Radio.

October 2004: Short Wave

  • 19 October [2004]: 1920 UTC: 13635 - 13640 kHz: Voice of America Special English - English Teaching Programs - Functioning In Business. Hotel reservations. Support from Strong to fair reception. To Middle East and Europe via Iranawila, Sri Lanka. News headlines.
  • 19 October: 20:00 UTC: 13660 kHz: BBC World Service Arabic service, news and conversation. Fair reception "BBC Arabic .com"
RCI QSL, October 2004.
  • 19 October: 2025 UTC: 13700 kHz: Radio Canada International Strong to good reception. English to Europe, via Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada. Sports news: Olympics. Basketball. Financial news. Weather reports. 'Maple Leaf Mailbag' on location: Letter from England. [See image of QSL card, verifying reception.]
  • 19 October: 2120 UTC: 13770 kHz: World Harvest Radio Strong to good reception "P O Box 12, South Bend 46624 USA -" WHRI via Cypress Creek, South Carolina, USA. "Northern Lights".
December 2004: Short Wave
  • 30 December: 1445 UTC: 13770 kHz: Vatican Radio Asian Tsunami. Good to fair reception to Asia, Australia & New Zealand.
  • 30 December: 1520 UTC: 13810 kHz: The Overcomer Ministry Brother R G Stair. Fair to unusable reception. English to Europe via Germany. Web: Speech and music.
  • 30 December: 1540 UTC: 13845 kHz: WWCR - 2 Nashville TN USA Fair to poor reception. English to Africa. WWCR - 2, University Network, Dr Gene Scott. Speech. Web:
  • 30 December: 1610 UTC: 15105 kHz: World Harvest Radio WHRI - 1 South Bend IN USA Fair to poor reception. English to America via Noblesville IN USA Music: 'O Holy Night' Web:
World Harvest Radio QSL verification card, December 2004.
  • 30 December: 1640 UTC: 15130 kHz: Radio Svoboda - Radio Free Europe - Radio Liberty Strong to good reception. Male & Female speech.
  • 30 December: 1650 UTC: 15160 kHz: Radio France Internationale Strong to good reception. English to Middle East, Africa via Meyerton, South Africa. Music by French language vocalists. Web:
  • 30 December: 1711 UTC: 15240 kHz: Voice of America Strong reception 'Africa World Tonight' to Africa via Briech, Morocco. South Africa's efforts to help victims of the Asian Tsunami, waves reached the East London coast in South Africa. News from Rome and Sudan, Uganda and Nigeria, Senegal. Web:
  • 30 December: 1743 UTC: 15285 kHz: Channel Africa Natal National Park Rangers. English to Africa. Message to the victims of the Asian Tsunami. Diane Bayley of UN Radio visited Ethiopia. Strong to good reception. Reporter from Radio Canada International shares their thoughts following visit to Africa.
Memories of broadcasts heard Autumn - Winter 2004 complete.
Thank you for visiting Reporting From The Fox Tower.


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