Saturday, April 25, 2020

My DX Archive: November 2005

WELCOME to another post from the 'My DX Archive' series.
I do hope these posts contribute to your knowledge of radio broadcasting; To learn more about 'DX', in relation to Shortwave radio, click here for a post from the HFUnderground website.
These posts draw on my logbooks, hence the 'Archive' in the post title.

Broadcasts heard August 2005, the previous post, can be read here.

Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.

November 2005 : Shortwave
  • 6 November [2005]: 1049 UTC: 5885 kHz: Vatican Radio Fair to poor reception. Prayers, music. French to Europe. Male host.
Vatican Radio QSL verification card, November 2005.
  • 6 November: 1118 UTC: 5955 kHz: Radio Nederland Wereldomroep Excellent to good reception. Dutch language service via Flevo? Music from Jamie Cullom, speech by male and female, telephone ringing, speech, music.
  • 6 November: 1331 UTC: 5955 kHz: Radio Nederland Wereldomroep Excellent reception. Dutch language via Flevoland, Holland? Male host, sports news: Pierre van Hooijdonk (football player) injury. Live reports from football: Feyenoord, music, Julian Tromes 'Me'. Football: Ajax.
  • 6 November: 1400 UTC: 6005 kHz: Deutschland Radio Kulture Good to fair reception. Music, time pips, male voice, "Deutschland Radio", male with news, ID, "Deutschland Radio Kulture" female, music, doorbell (ad?).
  • 6 November: 1435 UTC: 6055 kHz: Radio Slovakia International Excellent to good reception. German to West Europe, via Rimavska Sobota? "Radio Slovakie" Male with ID, music, male and female with programme.
  • 6 November: 1503 UTC: 6075 kHz: Deutsche Welle Excellent to good reception. German language. Female host, news from Paris, Baku, Kabul, 'Weather in Deutschland' male, ID as 'Deutsche Welle'.
  • 6 November: 1515 UTC: 6140 kHz: Deutsche Welle Excellent to good reception. Classical music 'Concert Hour' to Europe via Juilich.
Deutsche Welle promotional booklet, October 2005.
  • 6 November: 1625 UTC: 6155 kHz: Radio Österreich 1 International Excellent to good reception. German via Moosbrunn ? to Europe. Jazz music, interview with a Jazz musician. Formerly Radio Austria International.
  • 6 November: 1658 UTC: 6295 kHz: Reflections Europe .com - Jack Van Impe Ministries (jvimi @ jvim .com), Gospel Crusade Ministries.
  • 6 November: 1738 UTC: 7275 kHz: Radio Exterior de España Excellent reception. Spanish to Europe: North & West Europe. 'Tablero Deportivo' Football from La Liga and scores from the English Premier League: Real Betico, Malaga, Manchester, male commentators.
  • 6 November: 1903 UTC: 7345 kHz: Radio Slovakia International Excellent to good reception. German to West Europe. DX show, male and female hosts.
  • 6 November: 2036 UTC: 11655 kHz: Radio Netherlands Excellent to good reception. English to Africa via Madagascar. 'Amsterdam Forum' Host: Andy Clarke. Group discussion regarding the use of the internet in Europe and the World, with regards to privacy.
I hope you have enjoyed this post.
Thank you for visiting Reporting From The Fox Tower.


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