Saturday, May 9, 2020

My DX Archive: Spring 2006

CONTINUING to bring you memories of radio broadcasts from years gone by, this post goes back to March and May 2006.
For the previous post, My DX Archive: Winter 2005-06, click here.
Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.

March 2006 : Shortwave

  • 9 March [2006]: 2003 UTC: 15115 kHz: WYFR Family Radio Poor-moderate-unusable reception. English to Europe, Africa, Asia and America via Okeechobee, Florida, USA. Male voice with religious programming. Website: www. familyradio . com
  • 9 March: 2023 UTC: 15120 kHz: Voice of Nigeria Excellent to good reception. English to Africa. Male host with Bird Flu news story. Female host with news story of trade links between Nigeria and Niger. Music. News headlines: Khartoum, Congo, Condoleeza Rice, Danish cartoons of Prophet Mohammad. Education.
  • 9 March: 2052 UTC: 15195 kHz: WYFR Family Radio Good to fair reception. English to Europe, Africa, Asia and America via Ascension Island. Jesus on the Cross. Email: international @ familyradio . com  Zip code: 94621. Male host with ID and contact details, Hymns.
Letter from Radio Havana Cuba, following reception 9 March 2006.
  • 9 March: 2113 UTC: 15230 kHz: Radio Havana Cuba Good-poor-good reception. Spanish. Female and male hosts. DX Programme.
  • 9 March: 2142 UTC: 15315 kHz: Radio Netherlands Excellent to good reception. Dutch. Male host with speech, music and reports.
  • 9 March: 2155 UTC: 15345 kHz: RAE Argentina Good to fair reception. Spanish to Europe and North Africa. Interval signal, male and female voices announcing "R-A-E Argentina" Time signal: 22 UTC "Hello Friends, this is RAE Argentina".
[Broadcasts from January - March 2006 can be seen in their original post here!]

May 2006 : Shortwave
  • 27 May: 0800 UTC: 15400 kHz: BBC World Service Excellent to good reception. English to West Africa, via Ascension Island. News: Java earthquake, East Timor unrest. Burmese government extends house arrest of Aung San Suu Kyi. Iranian nuclear programme. US troops, taliban in Afghanistan.
  • 27 May: 0847 UTC: 15485 kHz: BBC World Service Good to fair reception. English to Europe and North Africa via Skelton, Cumbria, UK (VT Communications). 250-300 kW transmission. 'World Business Review' Rodney Smith. bbcnews . com / bbc . com  Text: +44 7786 202006. 0900 UTC news with Fiona Macdonald.
  • 27 May: 1008 UTC: 17490 kHz: China Radio International Excellent to good reception. David Joseph closes news broadcast. Paul Kendall hosts 'China Roots': Mongolian culture. Music.
BBC World Service English to Europe and North Africa.
  • 27 May: 1243 UTC: 17640 kHz: BBC World Service Good-fair-poor reception. English to Europe and North Africa via Skelton, Cumbria, UK (VT Communications). 250-300 kW transmission. Football friendly: Ukraine 5 - Germany 1. 'Newshour'.
  • 27 May: 1307 UTC: 17830 kHz: BBC World Service Fair to poor reception. English to West Africa via Ascension Island. News stories from the United States of America.
Thank you for visiting Reporting From The Fox Tower.

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