Sunday, May 31, 2020

Season 2019/20 : Season's End ... ?

AS we have reached the final day of May in the year of uncertainty, I shall make this the final post for what was Carlisle United Football Club's season for 2019-2020.
The previous post, dated March 30, 2020, can be read here.

This narrative is brought to you by posts from United's news archive.
This timeline of posts follows from the post The Season So Far - Part Eight which, as stated above, was dated March 30.

First: EFL Coronavirus update, 3 April 2020.

EFL: Latest Coronavirus update: As a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic the EFL, Premier League, FA and Barclays FA Women’s Super League and FA Women’s Championship has today collectively agreed to postpone its football competitions until it is safe to resume.

With a particular focus on Clubs in League One and League Two, a joint statement was issued by the EFL and the PFA, dated 14 April 2020:

EFL: Joint statement from EFL and PFA: The EFL has continued to hold constructive discussions over the Easter weekend with representatives of the PFA in respect of the issues created by the COVID-19 crisis, with a particular focus on Clubs in League One and League Two.

Rick Parry, EFL Chairman, published an open letter to supporters, dated 17 April 2020:

EFL: Open letter to supporters: Dear supporter, the COVID-19 pandemic has, quite clearly, brought about challenges which extend beyond the game we all love, and led to an unprecedented and testing situation for everyone.

further statement was issued by the EFL, dated 25 April 2020:

EFL: Coronavirus update 25 April 2020: The EFL notes this morning’s newspaper reports in respect of the potential resumption of professional football matches in England and Wales and welcomes the current steps being taken by the UK Government to establish a group of governing bodies to look at the complex set of challenges ahead.

The above update was issued on the day United's regular season would have come to a close.
The fixtures United would have played in April, to complete the season, can be found in my blog here.

With a further update to state Academy seasons would be terminated (1 May 2020), it was beginning to come clearer for the world of football in the UK. The EFL Board convened for a meeting (13 May 2020) for the framework of ending the season for the clubs in the EFL, for those who preferred the season to close.

Representatives of League One and League Two met Friday 15 May 2020 to discuss the conclusion of Season 2019/20.
A statement was released by the EFL following the meeting:

EFL: Update on today's League Two meeting: Representatives of League One and League Two clubs have met today by division where they have shared a wide range of comprehensive views in respect of how the 2019/20 season is concluded.

The above meeting brought United's season to a close and reaction from United's chief executive Nigel Clibbens can be found in the above statement.

As Carlisle United's season had ended, the in-house business of which players to retain and which to release could take place.
United released a statement on this business dated 15 May 2020:

CLUB: End-of-season retained and released list confirmed: First team head coach Chris Beech has started the process of reshaping the squad for 20/21 season this afternoon.

At this point, I shall bring this post to a close.
Football will go on; Premier League football is to resume in June; Championship football could possibly resume; League One's season could depend on an EFL Board meeting scheduled for early June. The fate of Barrow AFC, currently top of the Non-League pyramid and looking to be promoted to the EFL, is yet to be decided.

Thank you to the NHS at this time, as always.

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