Sunday, May 3, 2020

My DX Archive: Winter 2005-06

DECEMBER 2005 and January 2006 was when the following logs of radio broadcasts originated.
For the previous post, My DX Archive: November 2005, click here.
Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.

December 2005 : Shortwave

  • 10 December [2005]: 2011 UTC: 9655 kHz: Adventist World Radio Excellent to good reception. English to Africa via Meyerton, South Africa. Safety of children around swimming pools. Hymn: 'Silent Night'. Greetings for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Male host asks listeners to trust the Lord. Female host with South Africa address.
AWR QSL, December 2005.
January 2006 : Shortwave

  • 10 January [2006]: 1930 UTC: 11680 kHz: BBC World Service Excellent to good reception. Arabic service, music, ID, male host with news, music, male host "London, BBC", music. To 1938 UTC.
  • 10 January: 1957 UTC: 12160 kHz: WWCR - 3 Nashville TN USA. Fair to poor reception. English to Europe and America. Healthy eating broadcast, male host with postal address. Male host with details of an exercise plan. News ? Christian Science Monitor, Dow Jones, Microsoft, buying gold or minerals. "", "Work from home training package".
  • 10 January: 2039 UTC: 13615 kHz: WEWN Birmingham AL USA. Poor-fair-poor reception. English to Europe and America. 'A Question of Power'. Female host taking phone calls, male caller, relationship difficulties.
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