Whilst on the bus, I listened to various broadcasters on the FM band on a pocket radio. Here is a list of the stations I heard with links to their websites:
BBC Lancashire Online
97.4 Rock FM (Preston) Online
100.4 Smooth FM Online
Signal One Cheshire & Staffordshire Online
Kerrang 105 FM Online
97.2 Beacon Radio Online
Saga 105.7 FM Online
BBC Hereford & Worcester Online
Vibe FM Online
BBC Radio Cymru (Welsh language site)
BBC Radio Bristol Online
95.6 BBC WM (West Midlands) Online
Century FM Online
BBC Manchester Online
And that is the list of what I heard Sunday 2 April 2006! Hours approximately 7am to 12 noon, 4pm to 10pm, with breaks from listening.
With regards to my radio listening hobby on Medium Wave and Short Wave, I plan to do some listening over Easter, so I will probably post what I heard on this blog so something else to look forward to!

World of Blog : Traveller's Tales 2
Catch up on life with Alice as she travels the world, logged by her page on the Where Are You Now website, which you can visit here.
You may note from Alice's page she's a Cumbrian girl which is always good to see! Quite a few exotic trips too, a few ideas for a summer getaway. Those hoping for a summer getaway with Alice may be disappointed, pictures seem to show she is attached.
Hope you will get over your disappointment - till next time...
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