Monday, December 2, 2013

A Couple More Winter Birthdays!

FIRST is a belated Happy Birthday to Miss Karen Gillan, Who celebrated her Birthday on Friday 29th November. Miss Gillan, professional actress, is most popular for this role:

The role of Amelia Jessica 'Amy' Pond, in the BBC Television series Doctor Who, which recently celebrated its fiftieth anniversary.

Celebrating their Birthday today [Monday 2 December 2013] is:

Miss Britney Jean Spears, who has a new album, tour and perfume for your delectation this coming Christmas. That's enough said about that for the time being.

I do hope Miss Gillan and Miss Spears enjoy their Birthdays. RFTFT will be back again soon with what you might call a 'Rear end special' - As it is the rear end of 2013, I'll publish some nice pictures from throughout the year, hopefully reminding us of the sunny days in the middle of the year. That's all coming up soon here on RFTFT. Until then, enjoy your Monday evening.

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