Sunday, April 30, 2017

Facing West: Facebook Live, 29 April 2017

REPORTING From The Fox Tower is pleased to bring you the Facebook Live video broadcast from Facing West, which was carried live on Facebook, Saturday 29 April.

Caitlin and Sidney have featured on this blog previously, when the first post they featured in was 'Now Playing: Facing West', which you can view HERE. Two further posts followed, one of which was New Year's Day 2017, which featured the 'Auld Lang Syne' video. You will find that post by clicking HERE - Scroll down the post (from the Carlisle United Football Club feature) to see the video.
The most recent post was January 8, 2017, titled 'Introducing Facing West', which you can view HERE.

The beauty of Facebook Live is that anything could happen - And usually does!
Enjoy the video.


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