Sunday, April 2, 2017

Last Chance: The Olympian and 5 Gold Rings

ON Tuesday, March 28, Reporting From The Fox Tower invited you to Meet The Olympian! with nothing more than an Instagram post. The Olympian, featured in the Instagram post, is Katy Sealy, Team Belize Olympic and Commonwealth athlete. Katy is the three time Central American heptathlon Champion and Central American record holder. More about how Katy became an athlete, her achievements and targets, is planned for a future post here on RFTFT.

So where, apart from the obvious Olympic link, does '5 Gold Rings' fit into Katy's story?
On Sunday 5 March, Katy and her mother, Wendy, appeared on the ITV game show '5 Gold Rings'. If you want to see how Katy and Wendy progressed on the show, click HERE. Though please note - This blog post is titled 'Last Chance' for a reason - You only have TWO DAYS left to watch the episode on the 'ITV Hub' (That's two days from Sunday 2 April). This image from the show is the moment the Olympian was doing her hair on television: 😊

If you want to find out more about Katy, visit her website. If you would like to make a donation to assist Katy in reaching her targets, visit her GoFundMe page. Keep up to date with Katy via her social media: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Enjoy the show!

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