Sunday, March 11, 2018

My DX Archive: Autumn 1994

Radio France Internationale QSL, September 1994
SPRINGTIME has finally arrived in the parishes surrounding the Fox Tower, the snowdrops are in bloom and here on Reporting From The Fox Tower, I am taking this opportunity to celebrate the season of autumn, with memories of radio broadcasts from September, October and November 1994.
Catch up with memories of Summer 1994 here.

Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz), MegaHertz (MHz) and/or metrebands (m). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.

September 1994: Short Wave
  • [Sunday] 11 September [1994]: 1625-1645 UTC: 6175 kHz: Radio France Internationale. Strong to moderate reception. 'Focus on Asia': France, China, USA, Korea. 'Club 9516': 'Woodstock' competition. Record request: Yossou N'Dour & Neneh Cherry '7 Seconds'. Penpals: Todoca Gabriel of Romania, Bill Kazoupi of Chicago IL USA. News Quiz: 'Who Am I?' Spanish winner of the 1994 Tour De France. (Miguel Indurain). Radio France Internationale postal address. Record request, 'Radio Recipe'.
  • 14 September: 1905-1920 UTC: c.6000 kHz: Radio Budapest, Hungary. 'Comment': Chinese-Hungarian relations. Hungarian buildings renovated with help from Japan. Hungarian television. Football.
  • 14 September: 1923 UTC: 6165 kHz: Swiss Radio International. Discussion regarding CO2 emissions. James Mason interviews Sir Michael. 'NewsNet' programme, news headlines: Bosnian conflict. Crimea. Algerian president to release prisoners.
  • 14 September: 1941 UTC: 6180-6195 kHz: BBC World Service. 'Europe Today' featuring news of Prime Minister John Major.
  • 14 September: 1951 UTC: 7285 kHz: Polish Radio Warsaw. NATO & Warsaw Pact soldiers meet, lady dumps her baby. 16 & 17 year old boys face courts. Memories of Poland under Nazi occupation.
  • 14 September: 2003 UTC: 7345 kHz: Radio Prague. English to Europe. British guest visits Czech Republic. Czech National Bank funds IMF. 'Calling All Listeners' feature Messrs Casper, Bartle, Port, Wells.
Radio Prague QSL, September 1994
  • 14 September: 2026 UTC: 9615 kHz: Deutsche Welle. Jewish High School opens in Central Berlin. DW postal address. 'Headcrash' feature: James Mason of Swiss Radio International and a professor elaborate on the 'Worldwideweb' and 'Internet'. Deutsche Welle will soon be on the 'world wide web'.
  • 14 September: 2105 UTC: 9640 kHz: Radio Moscow. Georgian refugees return to Aphazia. United Nations Security Council maintains sanctions against Iraq. Cuban minister reforms financial planning. Cuban-US dialogue. US-led forces control Haiti. 'Focus on Asia & The Pacific': Korean peninsula mourns Kim Il Sung. India rejects Kashmiri help. UN view of Yugoslavia.
  • 14 September: 2142 UTC: 12095 kHz: BBC World Service. English to France: 'Newshour': Korean (nuclear) reactors.
  • 14 September: 2211 UTC: 15070 kHz: BBC World Service. English to Turkey: 'World Business Report'.
Letter from Paris, winning a T-shirt!

October 1994: Short Wave
  • 16 October: 1150 UTC: 6045 kHz: Radio Netherlands. 'Happy Station' Strong to good reception. Rosemarie Ninaber leaving 'Happy Station' and Radio Netherlands. Classical music. Tribute to Rosemarie, followed by interview. Phone call from Pete Myers, recorded tribute by Tom Meyer. Jonathan Groubert & Rosemarie close the show.
October 1994: Medium Wave
  • 16 October: 2130 UTC: 1386 kHz: Radio Netherlands. *New on this frequency* New publications from Radio Netherlands announced. News headlines: Chancellor Kohl wins German elections. Trouble in Israel. [Satellite link to transmitter fails. Following a period of silence, broadcast is back on air; telephone connection] Jacki Spears read news. 'Happy Station' with Jonathan Groubert: Dance music. Classical music, Rosemarie Ninaber.
October 1994: Short Wave
  • 20 October: 1852 UTC: 6045 kHz: Radio Netherlands 'Newsline' Palestine Liberation Organisation and Israel, elections take place in West Bank and Gaza Strip. 'Research File' World Health Conference, Paris, France. Results of a smoking survey in the British Medical Journal, interview.
  • 20 October: c.19 UTC: 6055 kHz: Voice of America 'VOA News' Correspondent visits bomb site in Israel: Tel Aviv. News from Egypt. Worldwide weather report. United Nations envoy to Yugoslavia talks of plans for Croatia.
  • 20 October: 1934 UTC: 6155 kHz: Radio Austria Market links between Austria and South America. Religious difficulties block Euro unity. Austrian girls lose self-esteem after adolescence, due to treatment in schools.
  • 20 October: 1946 UTC: 6195 kHz: BBC World Service 'The Farming World' covers Albania, Slovakia.
KOL Israel QSL, October 1994
  • 20 October: 2015 UTC: 9435 kHz: KOL Israel 'Studio 3' Books and music, 'Art Focus' Israeli artists.
October 1994: Medium Wave
  • 25 October: 1715 UTC: 1197 kHz: Voice of America Interference from UK broadcaster Virgin 1215, which also operates on 1197 kHz. VOA to Europe on Medium Wave. 'VOA News' Economic institute report from Bonn, Germany. Wednesday's weather in selected cities. 'Newsline' Unrest after suicide bombing in Sri Lanka, report from South Asia Correspondent.
  • 25 October: 1722 UTC: 1179 kHz: Radio Sweden Strong to good reception. 'Sixty Degrees North' Swedish development corporation brings Danida and other international organisations together under one umbrella. Interview with a Social Democrat charged with heading the new organisation.
November 1994: Short Wave
  • 16 November: 1440 UTC: 11950 kHz: Radio Canada International Strong to good reception. Canadian weather report. 'Spectrum' Jim Craig. North America National Hockey League strike, Canadian teams including Winnipeg join the strike. NHL team goes to Moscow to play the Spartak Moscow team.
November 1994: Medium Wave
  • 17 November: 2135 UTC: 1386 kHz: Radio Netherlands (216 metres) Strong to good reception. News read by Carol van den Ring: Albert Reynolds (Irish President) resignation. Explosions in Israel. Weather. 'Newsline' with Robert Green: Mr Reynolds' resignation. European Union delegates visit Japan regarding trade. Protests in East Timor, Indonesia. Fifth anniversary of the 'Velvet Revolution' (Czechoslovakia becomes Czech Republic and Slovakia).
    NHK Radio Japan QSL, 1994
    'Media Network': Radio Free Kenya. VOA Bethany relay station closes. Focus on broadcasts to and from Indonesia. News from New Zealand. Mike Bird's solar report. Jonathan Marks closes the broadcast.
November 1994: Short Wave
  • 25 November: 2152 UTC: 11925 kHz: Radio Japan (also 6055 kHz via Skelton) Japanese company imports American books including 'Debt Of Honour' by Tom Clancy. 'Book Beat' followed by 'Tokyo Pop-In' to 22 UTC.

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