Wednesday, December 14, 2022

My Short Wave Archive: August 2010

 A BANK HOLIDAY Monday, August 2010, is the source of the following logs of international radio broadcasts, heard on a Short Wave radio.

The previous post featuring Short Wave broadcasts, My Short Wave Archive: July 2010, can be found here.

Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.

Receiver used: Roberts R881.

August 2010 : Short Wave
  • [Monday] 30 August [2010]: 0925 UTC: 17490 kHz: China Radio International  English to Europe, Africa, Asia, Australasia via Kashi, China.
    Business news report from New York. Railways upgrade. China insurance. Coming up: Sport.
    'Beijing Hour': 'People making the headlines' Professor who trains guide dogs.
    Excellent to good reception.
    ID followed by female host with world news headlines and the Chinese newspapers including Beijing Times. Fraud investigator attacked. Shanghai Daily reports navy to start ammunition tests.
    China Daily reports driving prices increase; New fast food chain measures carbon footprint. Krakow (Poland) attempts to break world record for world's largest pizza.
    Stories of world sport: China has clean sweep of gold medals at World Badminton Championships. First victory at the World Basketball Championships. USA beats Japan in World Volleyball Championship final. US Open tennis begins today.
    Entertainment: Taiwan fashion. Paris Hilton and boyfriend arrested for cocaine possession. Robbie Williams and Gary Barlow renew their friendship by recording a single, 'Shame', released October 4th, followed by a tour by the reunited Take That. Emmy Awards take place.
    End of programme at 0955 UTC. Website contact details.
    Logged to 0955 UTC.
  • 30 August: 1019 UTC: 17510 kHz: All India Radio  General Overseas Service to Asia and Australasia.
    Poor to fair reception.
    Music of the Subcontinent.
    Logged to 1026 UTC.
World coverage map of Radio Pakistan, Season B-10 (October 2010 - March 2011)
  • 30 August: 1030 UTC: 17540 kHz: China Radio International  Male speech from the Chinese service.
    Good to fair reception.
    Logged to 1034 UTC.
  • 30 August: 1049 UTC: 17720 kHz: Radio Pakistan  Good to fair reception.
    Male speech, discussion programme, Urdu / Tamil language.
    1100 UTC: English news: Female speech, time signal, Islamabad ID, male speech.
    Floodwaters in Pakistan, report from the Hyderabad correspondent. Medical assistance, medical advances. Convoy to Islamabad. Help for six million people, pledged by Indian Ambassador. News from Washington, DC.
    Female speech at 1108 UTC, followed by the National Anthem.
    [English news to Europe]
    Off air at 1109 UTC.
    [See world coverage map, provided by Radio Pakistan, above]
Contact information for broadcasters, as of August 2010:

All India Radio, Director of External Services, Post Box No 500, New Delhi 110001 India

Radio Pakistan, Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation Headquarters G-5, Constitutional Avenue, Islamabad Pakistan

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Thursday, November 24, 2022

My Short Wave Archive: July 2010

 THIS post is unique as part of my radio listening logs; The following broadcasts are from one station, over the course of under one hour.  The reason: A specialist outside broadcast.

The previous post featuring Short Wave broadcasts, My Short Wave Archive: June 2010, can be found here.

Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.

Receiver used: Roberts R881.

July 2010 : Short Wave
  • [Monday] 19 July [2010]: 1420 UTC: 9595 kHz: Radio Tour de France via Radio Nederland Wereldomroep [RNW]  Excellent to good reception.  Dutch language to Great Britain and Ireland.
    Speech from studio-based male, male on telephone.  ID jingle 'Radio Tour de France'.
    Short piece of music, female vocalist.  Male speech from the studio, handing to male reporters on the course.
  • 19 July: 1430 UTC: 13700 kHz: Radio Tour de France via RNW  Excellent to good reception.  Dutch language to France, Spain, Portugal, Balearic Isles, Greek Isles, West Turkey.
    1430 UTC news update, ads, trailers.  ID trailer: 'Sports Radio NOS, Radio Tour de France' jingle.  Male speech, listing places of riders in the lead and the peloton.
  • 19 July: 1440 UTC: 7235 kHz: Radio Tour de France via RNW  ID jingle 'NOS Radio'.
    Excellent to good reception.  Dutch language to Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary.
    Music, male vocalist.  Male reporters with placings of the riders in the lead and the peloton.
    Slight deterioration in signal level to fair.
[Scheduled broadcast on 13825 kHz to Scandinavia not heard]

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Tuesday, November 15, 2022

My Short Wave Archive: June 2010

 THE Midsummer weekend 2010 is from where these logs of international radio broadcasts are drawn.

The previous post featuring Short Wave broadcasts, My Short Wave Archive: April 2010, can be found here.

Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.

Receiver used: Roberts R881.

June 2010 : Short Wave
  • [Saturday] 19 June [2010]: 0805 UTC: 11645 kHz: Radio Filia Greece  Music (pop ballad), vocals, soft instruments.  Male vocalist.  Three tracks from this artist.
    Good reception.
    Logged to 0820 UTC.
  • 19 June: 0832 UTC: 11760 kHz: BBC World Service  Barely audible, male host speaking of President Obama.
    Fair to poor reception.
    English to Middle East via A'Seela, Oman.
    Logged to 0840 UTC.
  • 19 June: 0847 UTC: 11785 kHz: China Radio International  Male speech, Chinese language, regarding the football World Cup. Translated audio reports with the key words 'England', 'Maradona', 'Italians'.  Female and male speech, including contact details.  Off air at 0858 UTC.
    Excellent reception.
  • 19 June: 0922 UTC: 12020 kHz: RDP Internacional  [Rádio Portugal]  Music by male vocalist and guitar, male studio host with male on telephone.  More music by male with guitar, short piece of music.
    Excellent to good reception.
    Host speaks to male on telephone.  Music from male vocalist and big band.  Male on telephone.
    Portuguese language.  Music.
    Logged to 0945 UTC.
Coffee break!

19 June: 1004 UTC: Spurious broadcast on 12810 kHz, Spanish language, regarding World Cup football. Female speech, music.  Broadcast believed to be Radio Exterior de Espana.
  • 19 June: 1024 UTC: 13635 kHz: Voice of Turkey  Male and female participating in a play.  Music.  Female host, pop music.
    Good reception.  Arabic to Asia and Africa, 500 kW.
    Logged to 1040 UTC.
  • 19 June: 1050 UTC: 13665 kHz: Radio Rossii  Male host, speech, music, male vocalist and band.  ID at 1055 UTC.  Music.
    [Also logged from 1207 UTC: 13665 kHz: Good to fair reception.  Russian language, male host.  ID for 'Radio Rossii - Sport'.  Logged to 1212 UTC]
Card from Radio Netherlands verifying reception, 19 June 2010.
This would be my last verification card from Holland  :(
  • 19 June: 1225 UTC: 13700 kHz: Radio Nederland Wereldomroep  Speech in Dutch language.
    Excellent to fair reception.  Dutch to Europe.
    Speech by male on Holland (Netherlands) in the Football World Cup.  Music: 'Big In Japan'.  Live report from Durban, South Africa.  Score: Holland 0 - Japan 0 at half time.  Audio from the stadium includes the Vuvuzelas.
    Logged to 1235 UTC.
  • 19 June: 1247 UTC: 13720 kHz: Radio Exterior de Espana  Speech in Spanish language.
    Excellent reception.  Spanish to Europe.
    Broadcast includes the music 'Ode To Joy' by Beethoven.  Programming: 'Diario de Europa' followed by 'Hispanorama'.  ID for Radio Exterior de Espana in various languages.  Music: 'Lola' (The Kinks) performed in Spanish!
    To 1300 UTC.
  • 19 June: 1307 UTC: 13760 kHz: Voice of Korea  English service from Pyongyang.  Speech regarding Kim Sung-Il.
    Good reception.  English to Europe & America.
    The Respected Leader Kim Jung-Il, The Workers Party of Korea, Sixtieth anniversary.
    Logged to 1325 UTC.
  • 19 June: 1327 UTC: 13790 kHz: China Radio International  Excellent to good reception.  English to Europe, Asia, Australia and America via Urumchi, China.
    'China Drive' with male and female hosts at a Chinese holiday festival.
    'Media Scan' with a report on millionaires and billionaires.
    Logged to 1340 UTC.
Coffee break!
  • 19 June: 1405 UTC: 13800 kHz: Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran  Male host speaking to male on telephone.  Music.  Male speech.
    Excellent to good reception.
    Male speech, music.  Female speech, music.
    Logged to 1420 UTC.
  • 19 June: 1425 UTC: 13845 kHz: WWCR-3  Nashville TN USA  Religious content: Female preacher speaks to an assembled audience.  Music: Gospel Choir!  ID for the University Network with contact details by male on this broadcast.
    English to Europe and America.  Good to fair reception.
    Male speaker refers to verses of the Bible.
    Logged to 1445 UTC.
Card from WWCR verifying reception, 19 June 2010.
  • 19 June: 1536 UTC: 15825 kHz: WWCR-1  Nashville TN USA  Religious content: Male broadcasting a sermon: 'Hope is an anchor'.
    Good reception.  English to Europe, Middle East, America.
    Bible readings from John, Chapter 10, Verse 28-29.  'Showers of Blessings'.
    Next on air is Brother Eugene Brown 'Words of Hope'.
    Logged to 1555 UTC.
Contact information for broadcasts (as at June 2010):

Words of Hope, PO Box 78333, Nashville TN 37207 USA

Radio Filia (Greece): Telephone calls welcome: (+30) 210 606 6310

RDP Internacional, Avenida Marechal Gomes da Costa No 37, 1849-030 Lisboa (Lisbon) Portugal

Voice of Korea, Pyongyang, Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

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Thursday, October 27, 2022

My Short Wave Archive: April 2010

 SPRINGTIME 2010, a Thursday evening, listening to Short Wave radio.
Here is what I heard.

The previous post featuring Short Wave broadcasts, My Short Wave Archive: February 2010, can be found here.

Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.

Receiver used: Roberts R881.

April 2010 : Short Wave
  • [Thursday] 8 April [2010]: 1820 UTC: 7220 kHz: Unidentified broadcast: Music in the Spanish language.
  • 8 April: 1834 UTC: 7290 kHz: Unidentified broadcast: Male speaking of God, who made everything perfect.  Bible chapters.  English language.  Good to fair reception.
  • 8 April: 1849 UTC: 7520 kHz: Radio Tirana  Female announces this is Tirana, Albania.
    Fair to poor reception.  English to Europe and America.  Speech audible, though noise increasing.
    Logged to 1858 UTC.
  • 8 April: 1904 UTC: 7550 kHz: All India Radio General Overseas Service  Female broadcaster with news: India and Australia have signed an agreement.
    Fair to poor reception.  English to Europe and Africa.  Poor with noise.
    Logged to 1910 UTC.
  • 8 April: 1925 UTC: 7570 kHz: Radio Thailand  Male and female news team broadcast report from BBC News which declares flowers in central England have flowered earlier than in the last century or so.  Trailer for eating out in Bangkok, Thailand.  The El Nino phenomenon.  "This is Radio Thailand news".  Fight against global warming.
    Business news: Hutchinson Telecom CDMA network.  Banking in Asia.  Currency exchange.  State bank of Vietnam.  World Bank says China has helped the region recover from economic downturn.
    Excellent to good reception.  English to Europe via Udon Thani, Thailand.
    Logged to 1945 UTC.
  • 8 April: 1958 UTC: 9490 kHz: Family Radio  End of broadcast announcements, including email address.
  • 8 April: 2018 UTC: 9645 kHz: Vatican Radio  English language service, announcing frequencies for next broadcast on air.  Off air at 2020 UTC.
  • 8 April: 2025 UTC: 9915 kHz: Unidentified broadcast: Music: Lionel Richie 'Hello'.  Speech from the Middle East.
  • 8 April: 2033 UTC: 11610 kHz: Radio Netherlands  Female host announced Radio Netherlands website address as the 'EarthBeat' programme closes.
    English to West Africa.
    ID, male host presents 'Reloaded' programme: Website in Holland promotes sexual health awareness for Muslims.
    Good to fair reception.  English to West Africa via Kigali, Rwanda.
    Programming: Anti-Islam politics.  Drugs policy.
    Logged to 2050 UTC.
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Thursday, October 20, 2022

My Short Wave Archive: February 2010

 THIS post takes us back to the first evening spent listening to the Short Wave radio band, in the year 2010.

The previous post featuring Short Wave broadcasts, My Short Wave Archive: December 2009, can be found here.

Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.

Receiver used: Roberts R881.

February 2010 : Short Wave

Notes: Unconfirmed broadcasts heard from WWV (Boulder, CO USA) and Vatican Radio around 5000 kHz; HIMI 5010 Radio Cristal International (Dominican Republic) on 5010 kHz.
    Spurious broadcasts: Radio Prague on 5015 kHz; China Radio International on 5045 kHz.
  • [Tuesday] 2 February [2010]: 2140 UTC: 5830 kHz: Radio Ukraine International  Music followed by female speech, German language.  Female and male speech, music.
    Good to fair reception; German language.
    Logged to 2150 UTC.
  • 2 February: 2204 UTC: 6075 kHz: Deutsche Welle  Male speech, ID for Deutsche Welle.  Male and female speech regarding Stuttgart.
    Excellent to fair reception; German to Europe via Rampisham [UK] 500 kW.
    Logged to 2215 UTC.
  • 2 February: 2218 UTC: 6100 kHz: International Radio Serbia  Excellent to fair reception; English to Europe.
    Pop music programme, female host, ID, speaking of a female musician, popular throughout the last decade.  Music by Alexander. Host: 'She recorded her debut album in 2003, second album in 2006'.
    Co-channel interference from Russia in Russian?  'Pop Flash and Crash' music.
    Announcement of broadcast frequencies: 6100 kHz and 9675 kHz.
    Postal address ( 11000 Belgrade) and web contact details.
    Off air at 2228 UTC.
  • 2 February: 2246 UTC: 6200 kHz: Radio Bulgaria  Good reception; English to Europe.
    Music; Female host with music by female artist. Feature: Traditional folk band formed close to Plovdiv. Music.
    Logged to 2252 UTC.
Verification card from Radio Bulgaria, February 2010.
  • 2 February: 2259 UTC: 6240 kHz: Radio PMR - Pridnestrovye  "This is Tiraspol"  Male with ID and introduction to broadcast.  Male speaks of negotiations between Tiraspol and Moscow.  March 28 is election day in Pridnestrovye.
    Excellent to good reception.
    Other items of speech: Arbitration court of Pridnestrovye.  Pridnestrovyan students in Ukraine college.
    English to Europe and America via Moldova.
    Items of speech: A 'Lyceum' is a classroom.  Languages and translations.  'Goodbye' at 2312 UTC; Followed by German language.
  • 2 February: 2344 UTC: 7220 kHz: Radio Romania International  Good reception; English to Europe, Asia and America.
    Male speech: 'This is Bucharest'  ID, Feature: 'Athlete of the Week':  Female athlete, representing Romania at Winter Olympics 2010.
    Logged to 2352 UTC.
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Wednesday, October 12, 2022

My Short Wave Archive: December 2009

 WELCOME to memories of international radio broadcasts, heard on the Short Wave radio band, on the 4th Sunday in Advent, 2009.

The previous post featuring Short Wave broadcasts, My Short Wave Archive: October 2009, can be found here.

Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.

Receiver used: Roberts R881.

December 2009 : Short Wave
  • [Sunday] 20 December [2009]: 1014 UTC: 15575 kHz: BBC World Service  Good to fair reception. English to Middle East via Cyprus.
    News programme includes dogs stolen to order and pregnant female soldiers in Iraq.
    Logged to 1025 UTC.
  • 20 December: 1033 UTC: 15585 kHz: Radio Exterior de Espana  Excellent to good reception.
    Two or three males speaking of football. Spanish language. Speech by female.
    Spanish to Europe.
    Logged to 1050 UTC.
  • 20 December: 1100 UTC: 15595 kHz: Vatican Radio  ID. Good to fair reception.
    Angelus (Liturgy) with The Pope to 1115 UTC.
    Angelus was broadcast to Asia and Europe 1st Programme. ID, music.
    Logged to 1120 UTC.
  • 20 December: 1126 UTC: 15650 kHz: Voice of Greece  Music from the 'Greek In Style' music programme to Europe, Middle East, Asia,
    Good to fair reception.
    Logged to 1138 UTC.
Verification card from The Voice of Greece.
[Lunch Break at 1200 UTC]
  • 20 December: 1249 UTC: 17760 kHz: Radio Romania International  Music: 'Corinthian Swan'.
    Excellent to fair reception.
    Next piece of music: 'Playing in the Snow'.  'All That Jazz' is the name of the show.  Music: 'Jingle Bell Sleigh'.
    English to Europe and Africa.
    Close of programme, close of transmission at 1255 UTC.
  • 20 December: 1346 UTC: 11675 kHz: Polish Radio External Service  Excellent to good reception, English to Europe via Moosbrunn, Austria.
    Male and female speak of the Christmas traditions in Poland, including visits from Santa Claus with presents for the children and the Christmas meals, including the Carp and the keeping of the Carp until the day of the meal. Soups and preparation of Christmas Eve dishes.  With Best Wishes for 2010.  English Section of the External Service.
    Web contact details. Music.
    Logged to 1400 UTC.
A log for Radio Station WWV Boulder CO USA on 5000 kHz was noted, though also noted as unlistenable due to noise on the band.

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Wednesday, September 21, 2022

My Short Wave Archive: October 2009

 THE previous post featuring Short Wave broadcasts, My Short Wave Archive: June 2009, can be found here.

Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.

Receiver used: Roberts R881.

October 2009 : Short Wave

Friday 9 October 2009
  • [Friday] 9 October [2009]: 1609 UTC: 12040 kHz: Voice of Russia  News headline: President Barack Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize.
    1610 UTC: 'Moscow Mailbag' with Olga and John. First question from Bangladesh: Largest Mosque in Russia. Film footage of Moscow a century ago has been discovered. 'Futurists' in Russia. Paul Neil in Dudley, West Midlands, asks if a Czar was the only one not buried on two sites usually chosen.
    Fair reception, English to Europe via Moscow.
    Logged to 1623 UTC.
  • 9 October: 1646 UTC: 12080 kHz: VOA Special English  'American Mosaic' with Todd Johnson.
    Subject: Dan Brown's new book 'The Lost Symbol'.
    Fair reception, VOA [Voice of America] Special English to Africa via Botswana.
    Question from China regarding General Motors.  Actress Scarlett Johansson has recorded a music CD.
    Logged to 1656 UTC.
  • 9 October: 1715 UTC: 12095 kHz: BBC World Service  News headlines: Kenyan authority says residents of a camp will not be forcibly moved.  President Barack Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize.  Mystery of the burning oil tanker in Cameroon.  This is 'Focus on Africa'.
    Fair to good reception, English to East & South Africa via Cyprus.
    Logged to 1726 UTC.
  • 9 October: 1736 UTC: 12160 kHz: WWCR-3  Nashville TN USA - To Europe and America.
    Fair to good reception.
    Live news broadcast regarding disturbance in the city of Pittsburgh.
    English to Europe and America via Nashville TN USA.
    Reporter: Cindy Sheehan.
    Logged to 1748 UTC.
[CVC Media] 1Africa QSL, 2009
  • 9 October: 1829 UTC: 13590 kHz: CVC Africa - 1Africa  Music, speech from a female in English, regarding the Bible.  Music, male vocalists.  ID for 1Africa.  Promo for receiving messages on your mobile phone from 1Africa.  Music and speech.
    English to Africa via Lusaka, Zambia.
    Music, speech from female, frequency ID for 13590 kHz, 2 females speaking, giving telephone contact numbers.  Females speak of shopping for clothes.  Rumour that the Brits keep a pair of jeans for 40 years?! Cut jeans into shorts. Or into a skirt.
    Excellent to good reception.
    Logged to 1845 UTC.
  • 9 October: 1925 UTC: 13780 kHz: Deutsche Welle  Excellent to good reception, 13780 kHz via Skelton, 300 kW, 125° to East Africa, 1600 UTC onwards.  Deutsche Welle ID at 1930 UTC.  German language, male speech, reporting from a factory.  Female speech.
    Logged to 1955 UTC.
Saturday 10 October 2009
  • [Saturday] 10 October [2009]: 1423 UTC: 13790 kHz: China Radio International  Male host speaks of the Nobel Peace Prize.  News from the internet of parking in China.  Weather: Beijing, Shanghai, world weather reports.  News headline: Three-way summit in China.
    'CRI Round-Up' at 1425 UTC: China enjoyed its longest national holiday.  Interview with a travel agent, people on holiday in areas of China and tourists enjoying a meal.  Interview with a car dealer.
    Excellent to good reception, English to Europe, Africa, Asia, America via Urumchi, China.
    'Listeners Garden' at 1430 UTC, 'Letterbox' letter from the USA.  Letter from Brian Kendall, UK.  Letter from Poland, new listener in South Africa.  Australian listener Daniel Smith, letter from India.
    Logged to 1438 UTC.
  • 10 October: 1518 UTC: 13845 kHz: WWCR  'Phone 338 3030...' Music, choir accompanied by a piano.
    The broadcast is WWCR-2 Nashville TN USA
    'PO Box 1, 90053 USA Los Angeles...' Write to Scott.
    English to Africa.
    Female speaks of God to a congregation.
    Good reception.
    University Network broadcast.
    Logged to 1540 UTC.
  • 10 October: 1604 UTC: 15035 kHz: Trenton Volmet  Muffled speech, slow, articulate speech, speech ends at 1605 UTC.
  • 10 October: 1617 UTC: 15225 kHz: Radio Kuwait  Male speech in the Arabic language - The Main Arabic Programme to Europe and North America.
    Excellent to fair reception.
    Logged to 1627 UTC.
Letter of acknowledgement from Radio Kuwait, January 2010.
  • 10 October: 1636 UTC: 15400 kHz: BBC World Service  Discussion by group of males regarding the football World Cup and the bidding processes to hold the tournament in various cities of the world in the future.  Rio to host 2016 Olympics.  Football in Ukraine: Penalty - Robert Green (England goalkeeper) sent off - No goal - Penalty miss.  Ukraine 0 - England 0.  Latest football scores.
    Russell Fuller presents 'Sportsworld'.
    Excellent to good reception, English to West Africa via Ascension Island.
    Logged to 1650 UTC.
  • 10 October: 1702 UTC: 15580 kHz: Voice of America  News headlines: Terrorist attack in Islamabad, NATO troops killed in Afghanistan.  An agreement has been signed by Armenia and Turkey.  Polish President signs Lisbon Treaty.  Joint summit meeting by China, Japan and South Korea.  More bodies recovered in Philippines, victims of a typhoon.  Investigation to an oil tanker fire in Cameroon.
    1707 UTC: 'VOA Newshour' President Obama has received the Nobel Peace Prize; Reaction to Obama receiving the award.
    Excellent to good reception, English to Africa via Botswana.
    Report from Michael Bowman in Washington, DC.
    Logged to 1712 UTC.
Notes: [CVC Africa] 1Africa November 2009 broadcast schedule (Times in Central Africa):
0600-0900: 9430 kHz.  0900-1600: 13590 kHz.  1600-1900: 13650 kHz.  1900-2200: 13590 kHz.  2200-2359: 9505 kHz.

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Thursday, September 15, 2022

My Short Wave Archive: June 2009

 MIDSUMMER Day 2009 - Father's Day - was a day of listening to broadcasts on my Short Wave radio.

The previous post featuring Short Wave broadcasts, My Short Wave Archive: April 2009, can be found here.

Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.

Receiver used: Roberts R881.

June 2009 : Short Wave
  • [Sunday] 21 June [2009]: 1120 UTC: 9510 kHz: Nexus - International Broadcasting Association  American voices, male and female, speak of Bible verses James, Chapter 5, Verse 1-3 and Revelations, speak of collapse of banks around the world, speak of European leaders, a 'new world order', reading of Psalms - Prayer to Lord Jesus Christ.
    This is IRRS - Shortwave, Milan, Italy.
    Postal address for the broadcast: Box 704, Troy, Michigan.
    The programme was Jack Impe Ministries.  [See sticker, below]
    Good to fair reception; English to Europe and Middle East via Rimavska Sobota, Slovakia.
    ID at 1130 UTC.  Postal address: IRRS, PO 10980-20110 Milan Italy.
    New broadcast: Music.
    Logged to 1140 UTC.
  • 21 June: 1157 UTC: 9895 kHz: Radio Nederland Wereldomroep  Good reception; Dutch language to France, Spain, Portugal and Balearic Isles after 12 UTC.
    Male speech, music, news headlines at 12 UTC: Iranian election results. Pakistan and Middle East.
    Sport: British Grand Prix, Silverstone, Volleyball, Wimbledon, Feyenoord (football).
    Music: 'Can't Take My Eyes Off You' (female vocalist).
    Sport updates from Barcelona and British Grand Prix at Silverstone.
    Logged to 1215 UTC.
[Lunch break]
  • 21 June: 1310 UTC: 9895 kHz: Radio Nederland Wereldomroep  continues.
  • 21 June: 1320 UTC: 9970 kHz: RTBF International  To South Europe.
    French language female, music from Bananarama: 'Venus' [ID] and 'Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye'.  Female speech, music clips, ID.  Female speech, music.
    Excellent to good reception.
    Logged to 1335 UTC.
  • 21 June: 1402 UTC: 11725 kHz: Radio Svobodna [Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty]
    Male speech, referencing BBC, Iran, audio report for Midsummer's Day from Stonehenge, Salisbury.  ID.
    Excellent to good reception.
    Logged to 1412 UTC.
Sticker from Jack Van Impe Ministries - Heard via Nexus - International Broadcasting Association.
  • 21 June: 1425 UTC: 11770 kHz: Deutsche Welle  Country music, ID, rock music.
    Excellent to good reception.  Music with German language vocals.
    Logged to 1440 UTC.
  • 21 June: 1500 UTC: 12040 kHz: Voice of Russia  Excellent to good reception.
    English to Europe, Middle East, Asia via Moscow.  Female with news: Tehran election violence, US soldiers killed in Iraq, Hugo Chavez to visit Belarus. ID. Moscow International Film Festival.
    Russian women are second in World Basketball Championships.
    Anniversary of invasion of Russia by Nazi Germany. News from Russia. Summer Solstice.
    'Moscow Mailbag' Colin and Olga. 'How many rivers are in Russia?' 'How many mobile networks are in Russia?' 'What is the Oblast?' (Government division). Russian weddings.
    Logged to 1515 UTC.
Thank you for visiting Reporting From The Fox Tower!

Thursday, September 8, 2022

My Short Wave Archive: April 2009

 ONE week after Easter 2009, an evening of listening to Short Wave radio broadcasts on Friday, 17 April, 2009.

The previous post featuring Short Wave broadcasts, My Short Wave Archive: February 2009, can be found here.

Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.

Receiver used: Roberts R881.

April 2009 : Short Wave
  • [Friday] 17 April [2009]: 1925 UTC: 6200 kHz: Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran  ID, male voice, music, singing. ID, female voice with frequencies.
    English service.
    Music, male voice with prayers.
    Good-Moderate-Good reception.
    English language service, prayers, news headlines: Iranian President speaks of Iranian expatriates, regarding places for them to meet.  Iranian armed forces.  Iranian links with China and Vietnam.
    [Interference from an English language broadcast - Male speaking of health issues]
    Iran's foreign minister is at a meeting in Pakistan, regarding terror in Afghanistan.  Japanese Prime Minister speaks before a meeting.
    English language service to Europe.
    Russian President criticizes NATO for holding exercises in Georgia.  President Obama updates US citizens.  North Korea expels US nuclear inspectors viewing North Korean nuclear programme.  Political comment.  President Obama speaks out over torture methods.  Protests over Palestinian prisoners.
    Broadcast closes with details of postal address, email and website.
    Logged to 1955 UTC.
  • 17 April: 2025 UTC: 7205 kHz: Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran  Frequencies: 6205 kHz, 7205 kHz and 5945 kHz to Europe; 9800 kHz and 9825 kHz to South Africa.  Details of the IRIB website.
    Good to fair reception.
    English to Europe.
    Female with frequencies for the 1930 - 2030 UTC broadcast (listed above), contact details, close at 2028 UTC, followed by VOIRI signature tune, piano music.
    Logged to 2030 UTC.
  • 17 April: 2057 UTC: 9385 kHz: WWRB  Manchester  TN  USA  Male with guitar, singing to a congregation: "Glory to God in the highest... Glory, glory, hallelujah".
    Male with ID for WWRB Manchester TN USA
    Male with Bible reading: "Chapter five... The sacrifice of Jesus Christ".
    Good reception.
    English to America.
    Male Bible readings: "Chapter 12", music with male singers.  Brother Stair features on this broadcast.  Singing Church congregation.
    Logged to 2110 UTC.
  • 17 April: 2126 UTC: 9445 kHz: All India Radio  General Overseas Service
    Female tells the story of how an Emperor arrived at a shrine, all the people who have been there, year 1911, shrine in India.
    Excellent to good reception.
    English to Europe and Australasia.
    Female host.  Music recital.  ID in full.
    Logged to 2135 UTC.
Bakhtawar Singhs' Chhatri, Alwar: Rajasthan: India
(All India Radio QSL Card)
  • 17 April: 2140 UTC: 9500 kHz: Radio Australia  Australian male, speaking on the phone to an American male, regarding the policies of the USA - This is 'Saturday Extra - 100 days of Barack Obama' on Radio Australia.  Policies of President Obama.
    Good to fair reception.
    English to Asia and Australasia.
    Female speech.  Fading out at 2145 UTC.
    Logged to 2150 UTC.
Additional information (Correct in April 2009):

International Radio Station WWRB
Airline Transport Communications Inc
Listeners Services
Box 7
TN 37349
Telephone (00-1-931) 728-6063
                  (00-1-931) 728-6087
(9385 kHz Global III transmitter: Overcomer Ministry)

All India Radio - Director of External Services
Post Box No 500
New Delhi - 110001
(9445 kHz General Overseas Service - V)

Radio Australia
GPO Box 428G
Australia 3001
Telephone: Business Hours (UTC +11): +61 39626 1500

Thank you for visiting Reporting From The Fox Tower!

Thursday, August 18, 2022

My Short Wave Archive: February 2009

 BROADCASTS heard February 2009, on the Short Wave band, are listed in this post.

The previous post featuring Short Wave broadcasts, My Short Wave Archive: December 2008, can be found here.

Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.

Receiver used: Roberts R881.

February 2009 : Short Wave
  • [Wednesday] 11 February [2009]: 1828 UTC: 6055 kHz: Radio Slovakia International  Closing sequence of the French broadcast to Europe Occidentale (Western Europe).
    Contact details given for website and email address.
    To 1830 UTC.
  • 11 February: 1851 UTC: 6075 kHz: Deutsche Welle  Excellent to good reception.
    German language to Europe via Skelton (UK, 300 kW) or Sines (Portugal, 250 kW).
    To 1900 UTC.
  • 11 February: 2017 UTC: 6075 kHz: Deutsche Welle  Excellent to good reception.
    German to Europe via Rampisham (UK, 500 kW) or Sines.
    Programming: Male host, current world news items: Zimbabwe: President Mugabi swears in Morgan Richard Tsvangirai as Prime Minister; Kabul (Afghanistan); Australia (Melbourne Victoria, New South Wales bush fires); Europe: German politics. France: President Nicolas Sarkozy.
    Contact details: Website and email.
    To 2032 UTC.
  • 11 February: 2100 UTC: 6130 kHz: Deutsche Welle  Excellent to good reception.
    Arabic to North Africa via Nauen (Germany, 500 kW).
    Programming: Male and female with male on telephone, conversation including television, computer, internet. ID. News: South Africa; President Barack Obama, USA; Israeli elections.
    Contacts: Website or email.
    To 2115 UTC.
  • 11 February: 2126 UTC: 6155 kHz: ROI 1  Austria  German language.

Deutsche Welle pendant.
  • 11 February: 2136 UTC: 6175 kHz: Overcomer Ministry  Brother R G Stair.
    Excellent to good reception.
    Brother Stair broadcast to Europe via Wertachtal, Germany.
    Programming: Recording of male speaking of a bill to restrict religion in the USA. Brother Stair speaks of Presidents, past and present: H W Bush, Clinton, G W Bush, Barack H Obama. End-time window has begun. Terror in the USA to launch the end-time. False prophets, revelations.
    Contacts via website, email, telephone.
    To 2155 UTC.
  • 11 February: 2205 UTC: 6200 kHz: Radio Bulgaria  Good reception.
    English to Europe.
    Programming: Male with current news items: Bulgarian links with Macedonia. Weather: Cloud, rain, could turn to snow in Western Bulgaria.  Music.
    Female with 'Events and Developments' programme: Property markets; A & T; Expodition; Bulgarian Architects. NHIF healthcare: Public or private healthcare.
    'Guide BG': Bulgarian tourism.
    Contacts: Website, email addresses [plural].
    To 2225 UTC.
Thank you for visiting Reporting From The Fox Tower!

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

My Short Wave Archive: December 2008

 AN extended break has been taken, during which I hope you have enjoyed the Summer of 2022.

Welcome to a post listing Short Wave radio broadcasts, heard December 2008.

The previous post featuring Short Wave broadcasts, My Short Wave Archive: October 2008, can be found here.

Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.

Receiver used: Roberts R881.

December 2008 : Short Wave
  • [Monday] 15 December [2008]: 2108 UTC: 4975 kHz: Vatican Radio  Female host, in conversation with a lady who lost her daughter to cancer. Also conversing with friends and carers.
    Female also speaks with Daniel, representing the Christian Aid charity. Daniel speaks of work undertaken by the charity, including working with the people of Bangladesh, following flooding.
    Good reception.
    Broadcast comes to a close at 2120 UTC.
  • 15 December: 2128 UTC: 5000 kHz: WWV  Boulder  CO  USA  Time signal station.
    Excellent to fair reception.
    One second ticks with rapid-fire ticks, alternating with longer tones and continuous tones.
    Deterioration of signal at 2131 UTC.
Spurious out of band broadcasts: Radio Romania International in English; Mighty KBC in English from Holland; Radio Serbia in English [See QSL from The International Radio Serbia below].

QSL from The International Radio Serbia.

  • 15 December: 2223 UTC: 6055 kHz: The Mighty KBC  Holland, via Sitkunai, Lithuania.
    Wolfman Jack on the air.
    Excellent to fair reception.
    Rock music. Ad for the Isle of Bute, Scotland. Ad for KBC Import.
    ID. Wolfman Jack signing off.
    Close of broadcast at 2230 UTC.
Thank you for visiting Reporting From The Fox Tower!

Sunday, June 26, 2022

My Short Wave Archive: October 2008

 MEMORIES of international radio broadcasts, heard October 2008, as part of the My Short Wave Archive thread, previously known as the My DX Archive thread.

The previous post featuring Short Wave broadcasts, My Short Wave Archive: Summer 2008, can be found here.

Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.

Receiver used: Roberts R881.

October 2008 : Short Wave
  • [Saturday] 4 October [2008]: 1622 UTC: 4005 kHz: Vatican Radio  Female voice in English, male speech with a report regarding South Africa and Zimbabwe: "No foreign aid going into Zimbabwe".
    Female presents a report regarding Iran.
    Fair to poor reception.
    Europe 1st Programme, English.
    Music, male and female speech, deteriorating reception.
    Male presents a report regarding Church.
    Female closes the broadcast with a direction to the website: vaticanradio . org
    Vatican Radio broadcast in Slovenian language commences.
    Logged to 1635 UTC.
  • 4 October: 1643 UTC: 4025 kHz: Laser Hot Hits  Music: Simply Red 'A New Flame'.
    Male speech, ID and frequency announcement from the presenter, with listener feedback.
    Good reception, English to Europe.
    Music from 1969; "Delving in to the 60s a lot".
    Listener support from Southampton. Interference from other broadcasters.
    Presenter gives contact email and website address: laserhothits . co . uk
    Music from the "Big L Fab 40" - 60s music.
    Reminder of email address and international telephone number.
    Recording of a Big L broadcast, August 14th...
    Music: The Beach Boys.
    Reminder of contact details: Mobile telephone number, email address.
    Logged to 1705 UTC.
  • 4 October: 1746 UTC: 4635 kHz: Radio Tajikistan International  Excellent to good reception, male and female speech.
A Radio Tajikistan International envelope, December 1997.

  • 4 October: 2050 UTC: 4780 kHz: Radio Djibouti  Music.
  • 4 October: 2057 UTC: 4845 kHz: Radio Mauritania  Music.
    Good to fair reception.
    Music: Male vocalist.
    Male speech at 21 UTC, music.
  • 4 October: 2118 UTC: 4975 kHz: Voice of Russia  Speech.
    Good reception.
    Logged to 2133 UTC.
Thank you for visiting Reporting From The Fox Tower!

Friday, June 24, 2022

My Short Wave Archive: Summer 2008

 TRANSCRIBED from my original notes, here are pieces of news, notes and logs of radio broadcasts heard on the Short Wave band during June and August 2008.

The previous post featuring Short Wave broadcasts, My Short Wave Archive: March 2008, can be found here.

Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.

Receiver used: Roberts R881.

[ June 2008: 'News & notes from the internet!' : Postal address for National Radio Company of Ukraine - Radio Ukraine International, 26 Khreschatyk St, KYIV 01001  Ukraine
E-mail: English section: vsru @ nrcu . gov . ua ]

June 2008 : Short Wave
  • [Saturday] 21 June [2008]: 1900 UTC: 5955 kHz: Radio Nederland Wereldomroep  Live commentary from Euro 2008 [football] Quarter Final: Holland v Russia. Dutch language.
    Excellent to good reception.
    Logged to 1925 UTC.
Radio Nederland Wereldomroep postcard.
 August 2008 : Short Wave
  • [Thursday] 21 August [2008]: 2130 UTC: 2805 kHz: A spurious broadcast from Radio Sweden!
    Musical ID interval signal 'To The Wide Wide World', followed by intro by George Wood
  • 21 August: 2205 UTC: 3985 kHz: Voice of Croatia  Female speech, male speech, music.
    Spanish language broadcast.
    Logged to 2220 UTC.
  • 21 August: 2230 UTC: 4005 kHz: Vatican Radio  Interval signal, English Feature programme with Philippa Hitchen. Tenth anniversary of Omagh bombing, 15 August 1998. Lydia O'Kane interview.
    Good reception.
    English Feature programme to Europe, Europe 1st Programme.
    Bishop Seamus Heggarty.
    Logged to 2240 UTC.
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Sunday, May 29, 2022

Season 2021/22: The Trophies, Promotions and Relegations


HERE are the placings that matter throughout the divisions, as well as the teams that lifted the trophies in Season 2021/22:

Premier League:
Champions: Manchester City (Trophy Lift above)
Relegated: Norwich City, Watford, Burnley.

EFL Championship:
Champions: Fulham
Promoted: Bournemouth
Play-Off Winners: Nottingham Forest
Relegated: Peterborough United, Derby County, Barnsley.

EFL League One:
Champions: Wigan Athletic
Promoted: Rotherham United
Play-Off Winners: Sunderland (Trophy presentation above)
Relegated: Gillingham, Doncaster Rovers, AFC Wimbledon, Crewe Alexandra.

EFL League Two:
Champions: Forest Green Rovers
Promoted: Exeter City and Bristol Rovers
Play-Off Winners: Port Vale
(Carlisle United finished 20th; Barrow finished 22nd)
Relegated: Oldham Athletic and Scunthorpe United.

National League:
Champions: Stockport County (Trophy presentation above)
Promoted via Play-Offs: Grimsby Town
Relegated: Dover Athletic, Weymouth and King's Lynn Town.

Trophies (in chronological order, throughout the season):
EFL Cup: Liverpool
EFL Trophy: Rotherham United
UEFA Europa League: Eintracht Frankfurt
FA Cup: Liverpool
UEFA Champions League: Real Madrid (Carlo Ancelotti with the Champions League Trophy, below)

Thank you for visiting Reporting From The Fox Tower!

Friday, May 13, 2022

My Short Wave Archive: March 2008

 PREVIOUSLY known as 'My DX Archive', welcome to the continuing thread of 'My Short Wave Archive', bringing memories of international broadcasts heard on Short Wave radio in days gone by.

The previous post featuring Short Wave broadcasts, My Short Wave Archive: January 2008, can be found here.

Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.

Receiver used: Roberts R881.

March 2008 : Short Wave
Radio Ukraine International QSL card, 2 March 2008.
  • [Sunday] 2 March [2008]: 1005 UTC: 9950 kHz: Radio Ukraine International  English language broadcast, Fair to poor reception.
    English to Europe via Ukraine.
    Male broadcaster, news bulletin. Deterioration of broadcast signal.
    Female host, ID, 'Ukrainian Diary' programme.
    Logged to 1014 UTC.
  • 2 March: 1022 UTC: 10000 kHz: WWV Boulder CO [Colorado] USA - Time signal station.
    Rapid fire ticks.
    Fair to poor reception.
    Logged to 1030 UTC.
  • 2 March: 1107 UTC: 13600 kHz [21 metreband]: Radio Bulgaria  Female speech with ID for Radio Bulgaria.
    Good reception.
    (Summer 2007) Schedule shows Bulgarian to Russia (local time is listed as Moscow), Plovdiv transmitter?
    Logged to 1115 UTC.
  • 2 March: 1122 UTC: 13665 kHz: China Radio International  English speaking male with world weather report and news headlines: Beijing, Middle East, World table tennis championships.
    'Reports From The Developing Countries' programme: Ethnic violence in Kenya has had an impact on the Kenyan people. Latin American agreement to monitor eco-systems. UN says surveillance of 'Bird flu' Avian Influenza should continue in Asia.
    Excellent to good reception.
    English to Europe via Albania.
    Promo for China Radio International website.
    Now on air: 'China Beat': Taiwanese singer Chi Chi, now a Buddhist, still recording music, duet with Chi Wo, his sister. Music: 'See Her Slip Away Again'.
    Logged to 1134 UTC.
  • 2 March: 1254 UTC: 13720 kHz: Radio Exterior de España  Male and female speech in the Spanish language... Excellent to good reception.
    Spanish to West Europe (Iceland, UK, France, Benelux, Scandinavia).
    "Noreste de Europa" Time signal at 1300 UTC, female with ID for Radio Exterior de España.
    Female and male with fast moving speech in the Spanish language.
    News broadcast: Colombia, Condoleezza Rice, Russia, Romania. Police, president, Pakistan, conflict. Explosions in Baghdad, Iraq.
    ID, female speech, music. Birdsong with the sound of rain.
    Logged to 1316 UTC.
  • 2 March: 1344 UTC: 15240 kHz: Radio Sweden  Fair to poor reception.
    English to North America.
    Discussions regarding fashion on 'Network Europe'. Muslim women may not be allowed to show their heads, necks. Istanbul.
    Logged to 1352 UTC.
Radio Sweden QSL card, March 2008.
  • 2 March: 1420 UTC: 15530 kHz: Voice of America  ID for Voice of America, broadcasting in Urdu; 'Radio Aap ki Dunyaa'.
    Excellent reception.
    Urdu to West & South Asia.
    Female and male speech, Mark Anthony & Jennifer Lopez feature, country music.
    Logged to 1434 UTC.
  • 2 March: 1444 UTC: 15580 kHz: Voice of America  English to Africa via Sao Tome.
    Good to fair reception.
    'Our World' with Art Chimes.
    Logged to 1455 UTC.
2 March: 1456 UTC: 15585 kHz: Jaunty music from 
Radio Exterior de España, which I have heard earlier today! ]
  • 2 March: 1510 UTC: 17830 kHz: BBC World Service  Excellent to good reception.
    English to Africa via Ascension Island (BBC transmitters).
    Reports from male on the US Presidential trail, Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama. Report from male in Nepali 'Madeshi' group of people.
    Logged to 1517 UTC.
  • 2 March: 1528 UTC: 21470 kHz: BBC World Service  Good to fair reception.
    English to East & South Africa via Ascension Island (BBC transmitter).
    Female reports from Johannesburg. Female with feature regarding fall of the 'Iron Curtain'.
    Male with trailer, male with 1530 UTC news bulletin: Israel & Palestine refuse to cooperate.
    Logged to 1534 UTC.
Thank you for visiting Reporting From The Fox Tower!

Friday, May 6, 2022

My Short Wave Archive: January 2008

 CONTINUING the memories of Short Wave radio broadcasts heard days gone by, in the thread that is known as 'My Short Wave Archive'.  This thread was previously known as 'My DX Archive'.

The previous posts featuring Short Wave broadcasts, My Short Wave Archive: November 2007, can be found here.

Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.

Receiver used: Roberts R881.

January 2008 : Short Wave
  • [Friday] 4 January [2008]: 2052 UTC: 9445 kHz: All India Radio  Excellent to good reception.
    General Overseas Service to Europe and Australia.
    Light music segment.
  • 4 January: 2242 UTC: 9575 kHz: Radio Medi Un  [Morocco] Male speech, female speech, French language. Music.
  • 4 January: 2254 UTC: 9630 kHz: Radio Exterior de Espana  Spanish speaking male and female, going through schedules, ID, interval signal, off air at 2256 UTC.
Thank you for visiting Reporting From The Fox Tower!

Sunday, May 1, 2022

My Short Wave Archive: November 2007

 PREVIOUSLY known as 'My DX Archive', I am pleased to welcome the return of memories of Short Wave radio broadcasts heard days gone by, in the thread that will now be known as 'My Short Wave Archive'.
I feel the inclusion of 'Short Wave' - The radio band on which the broadcasts are heard - is clearer than the radio term 'DX' - 'Distance Unknown' - The term used to describe broadcasts heard over any distance.

The previous posts featuring Short Wave broadcasts, My DX Archive: Short Wave Radio, September 2007, can be found here.

Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.

Receiver used: Roberts R881.

November 2007 : Short Wave
QSL verification card from WWV, November 2007
  • [Wednesday] 14 November [2007]: 1513 UTC: 5000 kHz: WWV Boulder Colorado USA  Time Signal station.
    Excellent to fair reception.
    One second ticks with long tone at top of minute, double tick at 30 second mark, changing to rapid ticks at 1518 UTC "(although my clock may be incorrect)".
    Logged to 1523 UTC.
  • 14 November: 1551 UTC: 6065 kHz: Radio Sweden  Svenska (Swedish) language broadcast from Radio Sweden, Excellent reception.
    Swedish to Europe / Africa / Middle East via Hörby, 500 kW.
    P1 programme, news includes [UK Prime Minister] reviewing UK security, France's President Sarkosi and the transport strike in France, Police helicopters in Sweden, Public broadcasters in Sweden, news from Stockholm, conversation between male and female on telephone.
    Logged to 1610 UTC.
  • 14 November: 1717 UTC: 7370 kHz: Radio PMR  Pridnestrovye Moldova
    Male speech "What is a sovereign state?" Commentary.
    Excellent to good reception.
    English to Europe.
    Contact details for email and postal address for Tiraspol.
    Also on air on 5960 kHz.
    English broadcast to 1720 UTC, followed by German broadcast.
    Logged to 1730 UTC.
  • 14 November: 1741 UTC: 7420 kHz: Radio Sweden  Excellent to good reception.
    Arabic to Middle East.
    Speech with interjections of children singing, male speech, ID for 'Stockholm'. Speech by female also features children singing.
    Logged to 1745 UTC.
QSL verification from Radio Tirana
  • 14 November: 1948 UTC: 7465 kHz: Radio Tirana  Male broadcaster with soft voice in English language on Radio Tirana: Albania Daily Press Review: Resignation of Director General of Prisons in Albania. Albanian Government is committed to fight against corruption. Development of tourism in Albania. Albanian Prime Minister meets Kosovans. Montenegro President meets Albanian leaders for links between Albania and Montenegro. Dutch shipping.
    Female speech "That's the end..." Music.
    Good to fair reception.
    English to Europe.
    End of English at 1955 UTC, ID interval signal tune at 1957 UTC, French at 20 UTC.
    Logged to 2010 UTC.
  • 14 November: 2033 UTC: 9410 kHz: BBC World Service  Gordon Brown has announced new measures to counter terrorism in the UK. This is being analysed and discussed on BBC World Service.
    Good reception.
    English to Europe & North Africa via Cyprus.
    Logged to 2042 UTC.
  • 14 November: 2048 UTC: 9445 kHz: All India Radio  General Overseas Service  Editorial Comment. Male hosts Light Music.
    Excellent to good reception.
    English to Europe & Africa.
    21 UTC news: Imran Khan arrested in Pakistan. Musharaf expects to stand down as Army Chief end of month. Bhutto under house arrest. Swiss suspend delivery of arms to Pakistan. US fund new missile strike programme. Protesting in Tbilisi Georgia. US forces inflict on Taliban. Russia may deploy troops in Belarus. Tamil Tigers.
    Sport: Cricket: India take on Pakistan in 4th One Day International Test.
    Logged to 2115 UTC.
Thank you for visiting Reporting From The Fox Tower!

Saturday, April 23, 2022

My AM Archive: December 2015

FIRST, may I apologise for not posting  for five weeks.

This post concludes, for the time being, logs of radio broadcasts heard on Medium Wave in the Eden Valley, Cumbria, England.

The previous post in this thread, My AM Archive: October 2015, can be found here.

Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.

Receiver used: Roberts R881.

December 2015 : Medium Wave

[ [Thursday] 3 December [2015]: 1615 UTC: 630 kHz: Music: Anastasia 'I'm Outta Love', I can hear speech, but nothing in the clear. ]
  • 3 December: 1630 UTC: 639 kHz: Czech Radio 2 - CRo2 [Czech Republic]  Speech, accompanied by noise. Two males in conversation.
    This transmission is from Prague - Liblice, Czech Republic, radiating 750 kW.
    Excellent to fair reception.
    Speech continues with telephone interview, slight fade on the signal.
    Logged to 1652 UTC.
[ 3 December: 1659 UTC: 648 kHz: Inaudible broadcasts. ]

[ 3 December: 1703 UTC: 657 kHz: Very faint, but audible, female speech in the Spanish language - Very recognisable. Fades into the noise. Most likely to have been RNE R 5, Madrid (Spain). Logged to 1717 UTC. ]
  • 3 December: 1720 UTC: 666 kHz: BBC Radio York  Male speaking to representatives of a hospital support group - See more on the BBC York Facebook page.
    ID for BBC Radio York. Trailer for 'Northern Powerhouse' programme, Friday 11:30am.
    BBC York traffic and travel ID. Time check.
    Music: Roy Orbison 'Only The Lonely'.
    North Yorkshire Christmas Drink Driving campaign launched today; Interview with Deputy Chief Constable.
    Excellent to fair reception.
    1730 [UTC] News: Military action in Syria. Sport: York City Football Club, non-league football in the FA Vase competition. Gary Neville joins Valencia. FIFA Committee. Snooker in York: Robertson beats Higgins. Hockey.
    Transmission: 500 watts via Fulford, York.
    Weather update with Paul.
    Presenter: Jules Bellerby.
    Logged to 1736 UTC.
    BBC Radio York logo.

    [ 3 December: 1742 UTC: 675 kHz: Inaudible broadcast on this frequency. ]

  • 3 December: 1748 UTC: 684 kHz: RNE 1 [Spain]  Male speech in Spanish, includes sound effects of emails being received, text messages and voicemails - Including speech from female.
    Broadcast: RNE Radio 1, Seville, E (España / Spain); Good to fair reception; 600 kW.
    Music. Time signal for 1800 UTC, IDs by female and male.
    Logged to 1800 UTC.
  • 3 December: 1824 UTC: 693 kHz: BBC Radio Five Live  Male host speaking to correspondent with regards to British Prime Minister David Cameron's plan to hold a referendum on Britain's membership of the EU.
    'Drivetime with Tony Livesey'. Mass shooting in California.
    News headlines at 1830 UTC.
    Sport headlines: Gary Neville is the new Valencia Manager. FIFA vice President David Gill and committee meet in Zurich, Switzerland. Snooker: Robertson beat Maguire.
    GB men lose to India in Hockey.
    Excellent to good reception.
    Weather. Travel.
    Transmission site most likely to be Stagshaw, Northumberland (North East England) 50 kW.
    Football promo.
    UN Climate change conference continues in Paris. How can UK reduce food waste?
    Logged to 1840 UTC.
  • 3 December: 1850 UTC: 711 kHz: France Info  Strong signal, female speaking in French, speech regarding US President Barack Obama. Speech from male, speech from female.
    Promo, IDs, top of the hour: 1900 UTC. IDs for France Info.
    Excellent to good reception via Rennes, France, 300 kW.
    News headlines at 1915 UTC: Californian shootings.
    Logged to 1911 UTC.
    [ "Thank you France Info" - This was the last time France Info would broadcast on this frequency. ]
  • 3 December: 1923 UTC: 720 kHz: BBC Radio Four  The current edition of 'Front Row', an arts programme focussed on theatre, cinema, on BBC Radio Four.
    Male host speaking to actress in 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'. Song from the soundtrack.
    Fair reception.
    Transmission site most likely to be Lisnagarvey, Northern Ireland. 10 kW.
    Male vocalist, inspired by Marvin Gaye, Nat 'King' Cole.
    Logged to 1934 UTC.
  • 3 December: 2058 UTC: 729 kHz: Radio Nacional de España  Music: Fleetwood Mac 'Little Lies'. 2100 UTC: ID, male and female speech, Spanish language.
    Fair reception.
    Logged to 2106 UTC.
  • 3 December: 2110 UTC: 738 kHz: RNE Radio Nacional  Speech in Spanish - Strong signal - Male speech mentions Alexis Tsipras, the Greek Prime Minister. ID. Female speech referencing terrorism.
    This is RNE Radio Nacional via Barcelona, E (Spain) 500 kW.
    Excellent to fair reception.
    Music: Adele.
    Logged to 2121 UTC.
    [ Image below: The impressive Barcelona transmitter! ]
  • 3 December: 2132 UTC: 756 kHz: Deutschlandfunk [Germany]  Classical concert, loud applause. German speech, female, 'Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra' also 'New York Philharmonic Orchestra'. Next piece plays.
    Excellent to good reception via Ravensburg / Braunschweig, 100-200 kW.
    Classical piece from the New York Philharmonic Orchestra continues.
    Logged to 2145 UTC.
  • 3 December: 2152 UTC: 756 kHz: BBC Radio Cumbria  Georgie Spanswick playing 'Best of My Love'.
    ID for BBC Radio Cumbria.
    2200 UTC news: Reaction following the implementation of RAF military action in Syria. Aftermath of the shootings in California. David Cameron seeks reform of the EU. Breastfeeding mum has baby taken off her.
    Ian Timms with news headlines here in Cumbria - Roads and railways affected by rain and flooding.
    BBC Radio Cumbria IDs; "Take care if out and about" - Ian Timms.
    Music: UB40 'Red Red Wine'.
    Fair to poor reception. 1 kW via Carlisle.
    Music: Roy Orbison 'Dreams of You'; 'Lillibullero'; Elton John; Little Mix.
    Logged to 2210 UTC.
[ "When Deutschlandfunk and BBC Cumbria fade, I hear English speech referring to current news stories - This could be BBC Radio 4, 2 kW via Redruth, West Cornwall... ]
  • 3 December: 2231 UTC: 765 kHz: BBC Essex  Music: Paul McCartney and Wings 'Silly Love Songs'. Male speech: "Hello to Bob, he's a truck driver just starting the night shift, so this is Bob's morning show" Music: Little Mix 'Love Me Like You'.
    On Facebook: 'Four Seasons or Three Degrees'. Text message.
    Email "Could you please play my Fab Five?" Music: Frank Sinatra 'You Make Me Feel So Young'.
    BBC Essex via Chelmsford, 500 watts.
    Fair to poor reception.
    Glen Campbell 'Dreams of the Everyday Housewife'; Michael Buble 'Home'.
    Presenter: Nick Risby.
    Logged to 2244 UTC.
  • 3 December: 2250 UTC: 774 kHz: RNE 1 (Spain)  Spanish speech, female and male, multiple transmitter arrangement on full power? Time pips for the top of the hour at 2300 UTC.
    Excellent to fair reception, 20-100 kW.
    Logged to 2303 UTC.
  • [Monday] 14 December [2015]: 1425 UTC: 936 kHz: Dales Radio  Test transmissions! Music: Phyllis Nelson 'Move Closer'; Mark Morrison 'Return of The Mack'; 'Yackety Yack'; Prince 'Kiss'.
    ID for Dales Radio.
    Excellent to fair reception.
    150 watts? via Hawes, North Yorkshire.
    ID: "Test Transmission for Dales Radio in the Yorkshire Dales, coming soon on AM, FM and online".
    Music: ELO 'Mr Blue Sky'.
    ID: "Across the beautiful Yorkshire Dales - Dales Radio".
    Logged to 1455 UTC.
  • [Saturday] 26 December [2015]: 1218 UTC: 936 kHz: Dales Radio  Male ID "This is a test transmission for Dales Radio, coming soon on AM, FM and online. Keep listening".
    Music: Duffy 'Mercy'; Beach Boys 'Surfin' USA'.
    ID: "Great songs - This is Dales Radio". Music: Gloria Estefan '1,2,3'.
    Excellent to good reception, 150 watts? via Hawes, North Yorkshire.
    Logged to 1237 UTC.

Thank you for visiting Reporting From The Fox Tower!


Sunday, March 20, 2022

My AM Archive: October 2015

 AUTUMN 2015 brings these memories of Medium Wave radio broadcasts, heard in the Eden Valley, Cumbria, England.

The previous post in this thread, My AM Archive: August 2015, can be found here.

Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.

Receiver used: Roberts R881.

October 2015 : Medium Wave
  • [Tuesday] 20 October [2015]: 1817 UTC: 531 kHz: Jil FM [Algeria]  Music: Choral singing, speech by female. Music and speech interchanging. French language speech.
    Fair to poor reception.
    Music: The Beatles 'The Long And Winding Road' ['Signal at best level at this point']; Music: Dionne Warwick 'Walk On By'.
    Transmission site: F'Kirina [Algeria] 600 kW.
    Logged to 1840 UTC.
Logo for Kossuth Radio, Budapest, Hungary.
  • 20 October: 1848 UTC: 540 kHz: Kossuth Radio [Hungary]  Speech from male and female, ident, continuation of speech. Strong signal from MR1 Kossuth Radio, broadcasting in the Hungarian language, from Hungary. Reception fading.
    Good to poor reception.
    Top of the hour idents.
    MR1 Kossuth Radio via Solt [Hungary] 2 MW (2 MegaWatts!).
    Logged to 1900 UTC.
  • 20 October: 1914 UTC: 549 kHz: UR1 Pershiy kanal [Ukraine]  Speech, followed by music: Eiffel 65 'Blue (Da Ba Dee)'. Sports programme? Weaker signal. Male speech.
    Fair reception; 550 kW via Mykolaiv/Luch [Ukraine].
    Logged to 1923 UTC.
  • 20 October: 1925 UTC: 549 kHz: Spirit Radio [Ireland]  Pop / rock song, link by female into Spirit Radio ID, segue into next song.
    Good to poor reception; English language via Carrickroe transmission site, Co Donegal. 11 / 25 kW.
    Music at 1934 UTC; Male speech at 1935 UTC. Contact details for Co Wicklow, Republic of Ireland. Programme: Evenings with Olga Kaye.
    Logged to 1945 UTC.
  • 20 October: 1951 UTC: 549 kHz: Deutschlandfunk [Germany]  Long piano piece, applause, male speech in German language.
    Fair to poor reception via Thurnau [Germany] 100 kW.
    Programme: 'Jazz Live' Vijay Iyer.
    Logged to 20:02 UTC.
  • 20 October: 2034 UTC: 576 kHz: RNE Radio 5 [Spain]  Barely audible, but clear, Spanish, male speech.
    Poor reception via Barcelona [Spain] 100 kW.
    Logged to 2041 UTC.
  • 20 October: 2046 UTC: 585 kHz: BBC Radio Scotland  Sport: Interview with Alan Stubbs, speaking about the standard of refereeing in football; Discussion also included fourth officials and linesmen - Sudden interjection by music! Male host then apologises for interruption by music, returning to football discussion, following tonight's match which was Hibernian FC v Falkirk FC. Programme: 'SportSound'.
    Excellent to fair reception; 2 kW via Dumfries, Scotland.
    10pm [UK time] news headlines: Steelworks in Motherwell & Clyde to be mothballed. Sport & weather updates.
    Programme: 'Another Country' with Ricky Ross: Owen Bradley: The Nashville Sound. Country music show, playing Patsy Cline 'Walking After Midnight' followed by 'Night Train To Memphis'.
    Logged to 2100 UTC.
Google Maps image of the Dumfries transmission site.
  • 20 October: 21:11 UTC: 603 kHz: BBC Radio 4  'The World Tonight' Report regarding China's [President] Xi Jinping's state visit to the UK, meeting the Royal Family.
    Excellent to good reception; 2 kW via Wrekenton (Newcastle-Upon-Tyne).
    Logged to 2121 UTC.
  • 20 October: 2127 UTC: 603 kHz: France Info  Strong, clear speech from France Info! Male speech with regards to Bashar Assad, the leader of war-torn Syria. Speech from female, male, idents and 'stabs'.
    Excellent to fair reception; 300 kW via Tramoyes, Lyon, France.
    Preview of the new 'Star Wars' movie to be released! Football: Champions League football update.
    [Broadcast in French language]
    Logged to 2144 UTC.
  • 20 October: 2157 UTC: 621 kHz: RTBF International [Belgium]  Very faint music, very faint speech, female reading frequencies in kiloHertz. Music. Off air at 2200 UTC.
    Fair reception; 300 kW via Wavre, Belgium.
    Logged to 2200 UTC.
  • 20 October: 2207 UTC: 630 kHz: BBC Three Counties Radio  Music: Petula Clark 'Downtown'. Male speech, man on telephone. Female speech. Music: The Corrs 'What Can I Do' (Clear audio).
    Poor reception.
    Male speech, female speech, phone call. Music: 'My Boy Lollipop'. Male speech.
    Transmission site: Lewsey Farm, Luton. 200 kW.
    Logged to 2235 UTC.
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