ONE week after Easter 2009, an evening of listening to Short Wave radio broadcasts on Friday, 17 April, 2009.
The previous post featuring Short Wave broadcasts, My Short Wave Archive: February 2009, can be found here.
Housekeeping notes: Times in UTC (GMT), frequencies in kiloHertz (kHz). Transmission power in watts or kiloWatts (kW). Logs transcribed from the original notes.
Receiver used: Roberts R881.
April 2009 : Short Wave
- [Friday] 17 April [2009]: 1925 UTC: 6200 kHz: Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran ID, male voice, music, singing. ID, female voice with frequencies.
English service.
Music, male voice with prayers.
Good-Moderate-Good reception.
English language service, prayers, news headlines: Iranian President speaks of Iranian expatriates, regarding places for them to meet. Iranian armed forces. Iranian links with China and Vietnam.
[Interference from an English language broadcast - Male speaking of health issues]
Iran's foreign minister is at a meeting in Pakistan, regarding terror in Afghanistan. Japanese Prime Minister speaks before a meeting.
English language service to Europe.
Russian President criticizes NATO for holding exercises in Georgia. President Obama updates US citizens. North Korea expels US nuclear inspectors viewing North Korean nuclear programme. Political comment. President Obama speaks out over torture methods. Protests over Palestinian prisoners.
Broadcast closes with details of postal address, email and website.
Logged to 1955 UTC. - 17 April: 2025 UTC: 7205 kHz: Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran Frequencies: 6205 kHz, 7205 kHz and 5945 kHz to Europe; 9800 kHz and 9825 kHz to South Africa. Details of the IRIB website.
Good to fair reception.
English to Europe.
Female with frequencies for the 1930 - 2030 UTC broadcast (listed above), contact details, close at 2028 UTC, followed by VOIRI signature tune, piano music.
Logged to 2030 UTC. - 17 April: 2057 UTC: 9385 kHz: WWRB Manchester TN USA Male with guitar, singing to a congregation: "Glory to God in the highest... Glory, glory, hallelujah".
Male with ID for WWRB Manchester TN USA
Male with Bible reading: "Chapter five... The sacrifice of Jesus Christ".
Good reception.
English to America.
Male Bible readings: "Chapter 12", music with male singers. Brother Stair features on this broadcast. Singing Church congregation.
Logged to 2110 UTC. - 17 April: 2126 UTC: 9445 kHz: All India Radio General Overseas Service
Female tells the story of how an Emperor arrived at a shrine, all the people who have been there, year 1911, shrine in India.
Excellent to good reception.
English to Europe and Australasia.
Female host. Music recital. ID in full.
Logged to 2135 UTC.
Bakhtawar Singhs' Chhatri, Alwar: Rajasthan: India (All India Radio QSL Card) |
- 17 April: 2140 UTC: 9500 kHz: Radio Australia Australian male, speaking on the phone to an American male, regarding the policies of the USA - This is 'Saturday Extra - 100 days of Barack Obama' on Radio Australia. Policies of President Obama.
Good to fair reception.
English to Asia and Australasia.
Female speech. Fading out at 2145 UTC.
Logged to 2150 UTC.
Additional information (Correct in April 2009):
International Radio Station WWRB
Airline Transport Communications Inc
Listeners Services
Box 7
TN 37349
Telephone (00-1-931) 728-6063
(00-1-931) 728-6087
(9385 kHz Global III transmitter: Overcomer Ministry)
All India Radio - Director of External Services
Post Box No 500
New Delhi - 110001
(9445 kHz General Overseas Service - V)
Radio Australia
GPO Box 428G
Australia 3001
Telephone: Business Hours (UTC +11): +61 39626 1500
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