Monday, October 17, 2005

Me, on 'here'.

I knew it would happen, sooner or later. Self doubt about running a blog crept in big time at the weekend, mainly Saturday night, after I had been messing with the template trying to type in HTML to create my Links Column on the left hand side of the page. Success! I created the Links column, but in doing so, I somehow made the text in the main page go LARGE, which I didn't really like, hence the doubts. I've come round to it now though, I quite like the large text, I will see how this article looks when it has been published.

On to happier things! Yes! Carlisle United won 1-0 against Mansfield Town on Saturday, The Blues are now 9th in the League 2 table. Please reaffirm my geography, and confirm to me that Mansfield is in Nottinghamshire, isn't it? (Or have I made a 'Big Brother' style blooper?)

Finally, Birthday cake all round, Mark is 27 on October 18th (My Brother), my friend Claire also celebrates her Birthday same day! (You never reveal the age of a Lady, first rule a man must learn).

I have also updated my profile, so please take a look, you might find you and I have something in common. At this point, may I also plug the book I am reading at present: 'Heart Of Darkness' by Joseph Conrad. I highly recommend this read!

Take it easy!

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