Saturday, October 29, 2005

Would you believe it....!

Wow, bloody hell! Carlisle United STUFFED Stockport County by a massive SIX goals to nil at Brunton Park! And I missed it! Stupid headaches... I was sleepy at home all day, back to my bed, rising to listen to the game at home when I should have been at the game... I was chuffed when Karl Hawley hit the first, even more so when Derek Holmes made it two shortly after, when Paul Arnison sent the ball goalwards only for the Stockport 'keeper to punch the ball into his own net I started to rue my luck... then the fourth went in(Karl Hawley), I was cursing being at home in my dressing gown - damn you headache! 4-0 at half time, I was wondering if there would be any more goals second half from Carlisle, or would The Blues give a couple away? Derek Holmes got his second to make it 5-0 then Karl Hawley got the hat trick to give the final result the 6-0 finish. Not only did Carlisle triumph in style, Darlington LOST to Wrexham (try not to laugh too much!) and the icing really was slabbed on thick when Middlesbrough beat Man U 4-0 (ok it was 4-1 but since that Manc chav team scored so late in stoppage time I reckon they don't deserve the goal on the records). Champagne for Wigan Athletic who are second behind Chelsea tonight... Happy days! Man U and Arsenal... hate 'em, I really do... just goes to show, you really should support your home team!

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