Monday, December 5, 2005

Bonsai Kittens

If you do follow the link to the Bonsai Kitten website, then do prepare yourself.

'Bonsai Kitten' is, I hope, a passing 'fad' enjoyed by Chinese-Americans and the Far East, in which ten day old kittens are injected with a muscle relaxing drug then pressed into a bottle or jar, so as the kitten grows, its skeleton takes on the shape of the container, unable to move.

Personally, I think this treatment of animals is an absolute disgrace, and as soon as it is stopped the better. Please voice your comments here or on the site, which has a guestbook in which - the cheek! - they say what they do is right! I don't think so some how!

I hope the RSPCA take a look... Must be stopped!

Take care...

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