Thursday, December 29, 2005

Visit Cumbria in 2006! (Part One)

The Fox Tower Reporter would like to announce a project taking place within this online journal in 2006: Visit Cumbria!

Now I realise many readers reside in Cumbria, but for those of you outside our beautiful county, this project will furnish you with news, information and internet links of many destinations in Cumbria, confident you will follow up by visiting the featured destinations.

The first destination of the project, taking us into the New Year, is the historic city of CARLISLE, the Great Border City. Carlisle has many appealing features, beginning with the Castle, home of the King's Own Royal Border Regiment. Visitors are very welcome to the Castle, which has its own Museum charting the history of the monument. The Castle can be found to the north west of the city centre.

If you enjoy open spaces, just to the north of the Castle is Bitts Public Park, over the River Eden is the Cricket Ground, The Swifts Pitch & Putt to the east (behind the Sands Leisure Centre), over the Eden again (Memorial Bridge) to visit Rickerby Park. Over Memorial Bridge again then cross the bridge over the River Petteril to visit Stony Holme Golf Course. If you enjoy sport, the short tour just taken ends with a view to the south, taking in Carlisle Rugby Union Football Club on Warwick Road, with the impressive sight of Brunton Park Football Stadium, home of Carlisle United Football Club, only a couple of hundred feet away. To visit these clubs from the Golf Course, take St Aidan's Road, joining Victoria Place, follow the A69 to Warwick Road.

I hope this opening article of my project has been of interest, I hope you follow the link above and visit the city in the New Year (or even before!)

I'll have more ideas for Carlisle and the county very soon I'm sure.

Visit Cumbria - Visit soon!

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